Berlino – Zehdenick [Day 22]

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Resterei volentieri un altro giorno a Berlino, ma alla fine prevale il desiderio di avere un giorno in più a disposizione per poter gestire con più calma i 650 km che ancora mi dividono da Copenaghen. Inoltre, dopo due giorni senza pedalare, ho una gran fame di avventura. Nella mia testa ci sono già le terre del Nord, Rostock, il porto, il traghetto, la Danimarca e le bianche scogliere: non riuscirei a godermi un altro giorno qui.
Così mi scrollo di dosso il torpore, preparo le mie cose e a mezzogiorno mi avvio da solo verso il centro della città, dove ha inizio l’itinerario che mi porterà alla meta finale. Il centro ufficiale di Berlino, quello costruito a tavolino per attirare i turisti e i loro portafogli, mette i brividi per quanto suona finto e artificioso. Potsdamer Platz, il Reichstag, la Porta di Brandeburgo,: veri carnai, pieni zeppi di gente eppure così vuoti di significato, specialmente ai miei occhi dopo che il tour di ieri mi ha mostrato la vera Berlino, una città viva e contagiosa, capitale europea dell’arte e delle culture alternative. Appena il viaggio mi concederà il tempo, racconterò la giornata di ieri e pubblicherò alcune foto, ma intanto voglio ringraziare Dora per averci svelato l’anima della città, una città che avevo soltanto sfiorato qualche anno fa, durante la mia prima visita.
Mi dileguo dal traffico infernale del centro senza esitazioni, no ho voglia né bisogno di scattare neanche una foto a questi “monumenti al consumo”, così tiro dritto e in breve raggiungo una zona periferica ordinata e pulita, fatta di minuscole villette con giardino immerse nel verde. Scavalco innumerevoli canali, fiumi, laghi e corsi d’acqua finchè Berlino è definitivamente alle mie spalle e mi ritrovo nuovamente circondato da boschi e campagna, dopo alcuni giorni di malinconica astinenza. Oggi per la prima volta le conifere lasceranno il posto a macchie di querce, e quel profumo e il rosso tappeto di foglie mi porteranno alla mente i paesaggi così familiari del Lazio e della Toscana: dopo 22 giorni di viaggio la nostalgia è sempre dietro l’angolo.

La giornata procede senza grossi intoppi, a parte la rottura del supporto che fissa al manubrio il telefono-gps: decisamente non è un viaggio fortunato per questo strumento! Comunque, più che un danno la cosa si rivela una rogna: sarà sufficiente un elastico, infatti, per tenere ancorato in modo saldo l’apparecchio a ciò che rimane del supporto originale.
Pranzo in compagnia di grosse oche e dopo 80 km di strada piacevole e pianeggiante mi ritrovo a Liebenwalde: sono le 18 passate e avrei voglia di finire qui la tappa di oggi. Mi fermo per un gelato in quella che sembra un specie di locanda, con tanto di cartello di benvenuto ai ciclisti, così ne approfitto per chiedere se hanno delle “zimmer” dove passare la notte. La proprietaria, che parla esclusivamente tedesco, prova a spiegarmi qualcosa nella sua lingua, ma di fronte alla mia espressione, che le comunica in un linguaggio universale che non ci sto capendo nulla, prende un foglio e una penna e scrive un bel 6, poi una virgola, quindi traccia un segno assolutamente incomprensibile, probabilmente un fonema di un qualche alfabeto alieno. Io le dico “sleep” e le faccio segno con le mani giunte vicino al viso che vorrei dormire, quella si illumina prende la penna e sul foglio scrive un 18 subito seguito da un 24. Ne ho abbastanza di questo gioco, così pago il gelato, ringrazio, saluto e mi siedo a un tavolino a mangiare. La signora però, dopo alcuni minuti, prende l’iniziativa e viene da me: “sleep?” mi chiede, e mi fa cenno di seguirla dentro. Io immagino che mi farà vedere una stanza, invece mi porta davanti a una grossa mappa della zona appesa in una bacheca. Con il dito grassoccio mi indica un punto approssimativo sulla carta, proprio nei pressi della cittadina, e ripete tre o quattro volte un verso gutturale, che presumo essere una parola, con tono risolutivo come fosse la soluzione di un enigma durato cent’anni. Io la ringrazio e le faccio intendere che vorrei studiare la mappa: sono riportati i campeggi e i rifùgi e una bella tenda rossa, l’icona che cercavo, è segnata poco dopo il paesino di Burgwall, una ventina di chilometri più avanti.
Finisco il gelato, saluto e mi rimetto in marcia. Ancora una volta, per stare più tranquillo, ricorro al mio insostituibile “aiuto da casa”, che dopo una rapida ricerca su internet mi conferma, anche se con scarsa convinzione, l’esistenza della struttura in questione.

Rassicurato, posso godermi gli ultimi chilometri immersi nella natura, la ciclabile che costeggia un canale, i versi incredibili di alcuni misteriosi uccelli e il sole che si avvia ormai al tramonto. Quando sono circa a metà strada, un cartello che indica una pensione/campeggio a 300 metri mi induce a svoltare su una strada sterrata, per vedere di cosa si tratta: trovo così, per caso, questo posto fantastico, immerso nel verde e nel silenzio e circondato dalle acque immobili di un placido lago. La pensione è piena, ma per soli 4 euro posso campeggiare dove voglio. A parte la doccia (che farò comunque utilizzando l’acqua ormai bollente che ho nella bottiglia da un litro e mezzo) c’è tutto: il bagno, tavoli in legno con panche, un chiosco dove bere birra alla spina e mangiare qualcosa, un morbidissimo prato per piantare la tenda, persino una TV per vedere la partita in compagnia di una manciata di scatenati ultras ottantenni.
Ci sono anche le zanzare, ovviamente, un esercito: sono quelle enormi che infestano queste terre, e che ben conosco dopo i miei viaggi al Nord, in particolare in Svezia e in Norvegia. Questi insetti, veramente impressionanti per dimensioni se paragonati alle nostre zanzare tigre, sono allo stesso tempo così lenti nel pungere da rappresentare un fastidio più che un problema, soprattutto se si è abituati alle micidiali zanzare romane, rapide e letali come aerei caccia. Farò attenzione a chiudere bene le zanzariere, sperando di non trovarmene nessuna in tenda a ronzarmi nelle orecchie.


I resti del muro a Berlino


Pranzo in compagnia delle oche


Distanza percorsa oggi: 99 km
Distanza totale percorsa: 1598 km
Tempo di percorrenza: 7:00 ore (5:30 in sella)
Velocità media (in movimento): 17.6 km/h

P ed L raccontano…

Guarda la mappa con tutte le tappe percorse!

Autore dell'articolo:


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  1. Ora che hai provato l’esistenza del campeggio, direi che è il caso di pubblicare una recensione da qualche sono ancora convinta che non esista ! :) Fortuna che andata bene!
    Comunque, i numeri della locandiera io me li vado a giocare, non si sa mai… :)

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    many who gamble the minimum amount allowed by the casinos).
    It is also fair to say that a lot of those players learn that this match in a bid in an attempt to make a fast buck.
    Many older players however are drawn by the fact which they
    could win enormous plus they enjoy to try and increase their odds of successful huge.

    Here is how the Sic-Bo / Tai Sai action usually occurs.

    The trader generally begins off with ten or twenty or more championships, which can be covered with a transparent cover.
    The trader will then put eight or seven dice to some reddish tote,
    that will be then passed around to those people.
    The aim of the game would be for players to attempt to take out the
    utmost amount of dice out of the board whilst perhaps not letting any of the other
    people remove some of their dice from the plank game.
    When a player wins a jackpot, that player has to replace each one of the
    dice that they originally removed from the board. When a participant accomplishes a jackpot, they still have to hold back until eventually it
    changes until they could make an effort to remove another group of dice.

    The very first part of the betting treatment is reasonably simple.
    The guidelines for betting are fairly regular. People are encouraged to set bets
    that match with the overall casino entire bank-roll (perhaps not their personal bet amounts).
    Irrespective of what the final bet amount is, all bets are played in the same
    way – throughout the traditional, multi-line betting process where the person betting pays off one line of currency plus gets a fitting field of currency
    in return. At a no limit game such as Sic-Bo, however, a new player may also fold their stakes before
    the final bettors possess a chance to take them.

    If a casino gives odds for particular matches, odds are often recorded in Roman numerals.

    You will find some variations among of chances, however.
    By way of instance, at the No Limit Texas Holdem game, a new
    player can receive two pairs, however, a few cards if the bud remains small.
    From the No Limit texas hold em game, people may receive a single
    card two cards if their original wager has been some set. Regardless of the type of
    odds, nevertheless, players are always educated to place their stakes based on this
    odds. This guarantees that in case that their first bet wins, then they even have the chance to select up another
    bet in a higher speed.

    Edge betting is really a favorite strategy in many casino gambling games.
    At an online casino match, an edge bettor
    will usually utilize two types of stakes – just one for
    one apparatus, and just you for 2 components. In an internet video casino, but there are no limits into this bets.
    Edge people may frequently bet several times over the same guess,
    sometimes doubling, or tripling the initial bet level.
    Because of this, they’re a terrific strategy when you have the opportunity to do so, and also you can get away with
    paying out more winnings in relation to your house overlooks.

    When it has to do with deciding on your very best stakes, consider the winning hands and the odds for every.
    Both factors will likely be utilised to establish which
    bets are the ideal. Generally in the majority of cases,
    when you’ve got the opposite hand, then you are going to have the greatest chances
    of winning the pot; if you have the best hand, you still stand a great
    prospect of winning the bud. For those who have a very
    high total score, but you have much less of a prospect of profitable the whole rating.
    This really is really where most casino
    players wind up, since they usually do not want to reduce an excessive amount of money while they’re within the game.

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  3488. Gambling has long been a tabooed subject in many societies;
    in fact, many people believe it to be a form of gambling.
    However, a lot of individuals still enjoy the excitement and thrill that come
    together with gambling; therefore, the reason there are casinos
    all around the world. Betting has even made its way into
    popular culture, with reality shows like”The Weakest Link” where people play slots.

    Quarantee (black and red ) is probably the most well known type of
    casino game, and probably the one with the maximum level of interest among gamblers.
    It is often compared to a cross between poker and slots, since it requires the player to place bets based on the cards that come
    out of the quarante deck. Even though the specific mechanics of how these bets are made is largely unknown, it is usually thought that a
    normal deck of 52 cards is used in every game. As well as the cards
    that come from this quarante deck, the player should
    also opt for a hand of cards which will make up the winning combination. The most common types of bets are the win, place,
    show, and complete house.

    There are basically two types of stakes in quarantine.
    First, the players can either bet on the total quantity of the pot (or
    wager); or they could bet on the total amount of cards that come from the quarante deck.
    If no cards come out during a quarante game, then the player must call,
    raise, or fold. There are generally three different betting
    bets in each game: win, cover, and half-pay.

    Traditionally, the traditional Italian card game, tarantella, was played at the St
    Regis Hotel. This particular version of the game involved a tableau de quarante where all
    of the players would sit at particular places on the warranty row.
    In this sort of game, there were black and red rooms, together
    with the winning participant being the player who
    was able to complete their last five cards until the other players finished theirs.

    Today, there are literally hundreds of variations of
    this standard French card game, et noir. In fact, the most common variation is only a variation on the red and black rooms.
    In most versions, there are four suites; a black package,
    a reddish suite, and a blue package. The players can win by laying down a total
    of twenty-one free cards, including one card
    from each of the four suites. Once all players have discarded their
    cards, the dealer randomly chooses a single card
    from each of the four suites and puts it in the center of this
    quarante table.

    These days, the term”quarante” means”of or about quarantining.” Traditionally, the game was referred
    to as”trente et noir” that meant playing cards with names.
    It has also been known as”trente” and”ne monetaire” from the French
    speaking world. Today, it refers only to card games that contain playing cards with titles.

    Traditionally, the game was played between two people seated across a
    small tablenonetheless, in America it’s usually played in a bar or lounge.
    Each individual dealt three cards face down, one at a time to one another.
    If anybody got rid of one of those three cards,
    then they had to switch places with the man who they had dealt the first card to.
    The person who dealt the last card, in turn, then had to get rid of the hand by
    passing another card to the person they passed it to.

    The”quaint” version of the game is available for those who
    want to play something a bit more simple. Although there are variations on the best way to play the game, the basic rules
    remain the same. The object stays the same, to form the
    highest possible hand without needing any cards left to spare.
    This can be accomplished with ease, especially if you
    have already mastered the fundamentals of playing the game of blackjack,
    because the fundamental rules of this card game are extremely
    simple to learn and grasp. The basic notion of the game
    of”monte carlo” stays the same, as it is a simple game that can be played by almost anyone.

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  3512. Gambling has long been a tabooed subject in many societies; in actuality, many
    people consider it to be a form of gambling. However, a lot of individuals still enjoy the thrill and excitement that come together with gambling; hence, the reason why there
    are casinos all over the world. Gambling has even made its way into popular culture, with reality shows like”The Weakest Link” where
    folks play slots.

    Quarantee (red and black) is possibly the most well known type of casino game,
    and probably the one with the maximum level of interest among gamblers.

    It is often compared to a cross between slots and poker, since it
    requires the player to place bets based on the cards that come from the quarante deck.
    Although the exact mechanics of how these bets are made is largely unknown, it is usually thought that a standard deck of
    52 cards is used in each game. In addition to the cards that come out of
    this quarante deck, the player must also opt for a hand of cards that will make up the winning combination. The most common types of bets are the win, place, show,
    and full house.

    There are basically two kinds of stakes in quarantine.
    First, the players may either bet on the complete amount of the
    pot (or wager); or they could bet on the total number of cards that
    come out of the quarante deck. If no cards come out during a quarante match, then the player
    must call, raise, or fold. There are usually three different
    betting bets in each sport: win, cover, and half-pay.

    Traditionally, the traditional Italian card game, tarantella, was played at the
    St Regis Hotel. This specific variant of the game involved a tableau de quarante at
    which all of the players would sit at particular places on the warranty row.
    In this type of game, there were black and red rooms, with
    the winning player being the player that was
    able to finish their last five cards before the other players
    finished theirs.

    Today, there are literally hundreds of variations of the standard French
    card game, et noir. In actuality, the most common variation is only
    a variation on the red and black rooms. In most versions,
    there are four suites; a black suite, a reddish suite, and a blue package.
    The players can win by laying down a total of twenty-one free cards,
    including one card from each of the four suites.
    Once all players have discarded their cards, the dealer randomly selects a single card from each
    of the four suites and puts it in the middle of the quarante table.

    Today, the term”quarante” means”of or relating to quarantining.” Traditionally, the game was
    referred to as”trente et noir” that meant playing cards
    with names. It has also been known as”trente” and”ne monetaire” from the French speaking world.
    Today, it refers only to card games which contain playing cards with names.

    Traditionally, the game was always played between two
    people seated across a tablenonetheless, in America it is usually played at a bar or lounge.
    Each person dealt three cards face down, one at a time to each other.

    If anybody got rid of one of those three cards, they had to change places with the person who they had dealt
    the first card to. The man who dealt the last card, in turn, then had to
    eliminate the hand by passing another card to the person they passed it to.

    The”quaint” version of this game is available for those who want to play something a little more simple.
    Although there are variations on the best way best
    to play the game, the basic rules remain the same.
    The object stays the same, to form the highest possible hand without needing any cards left to spare.
    This can be achieved with ease, especially if you have already mastered the fundamentals of playing the game of blackjack,
    since the basic rules of the card game are extremely simple to learn and master.
    The basic concept of the game of”monte carlo” stays the
    same, as it’s a simple game which may be played by almost anyone.

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  3558. Gambling has long been a tabooed subject in many societies; in fact, many people believe it to
    be a form of gambling. However, many individuals still enjoy the thrill and
    excitement that come together with gambling; hence, the reason why
    there are casinos all over the world. Gambling has even made its way into popular culture, with reality shows like”The Weakest Link” where folks play slots.

    Quarantee (red and black) is probably the most well known type of casino game, and probably the one with the highest level of interest
    among gamblers. It is often compared to a cross between poker
    and slots, since it requires the participant to place bets
    based on the cards that come out of the quarante
    deck. Even though the exact mechanics of how these bets are
    made is largely unknown, it’s usually thought that a
    standard deck of 52 cards is used in every game. As well as the cards that
    come from this quarante deck, the player should also opt for a hand of cards which will make up
    the winning combination. The most common types of bets
    are the win, place, show, and complete house.

    There are basically two kinds of stakes in quarantine.
    The players can either bet on the total amount of the pot (or bet );
    or they can bet on the total number of cards that come out of the
    quarante deck. If no cards come out through a quarante game, then the player
    must call, raise, or fold. There are generally three different betting bets in each sport: win, cover, and half-pay.

    Traditionally, the traditional Italian card game, tarantella, was
    played at the St Regis Hotel. This particular variant of
    the game involved a tableau de quarante at which all of the players would sit at specific places on the guarantee row.
    In this type of game, there were black and red rooms,
    with the winning participant being the player who was able to complete their last five cards until the other players finished theirs.

    Today, there are literally hundreds of variations of the
    traditional French card game, et noir. In actuality, the most common variation is simply a variation on the black and red rooms.
    In most versions, there are four suites; a black
    suite, a reddish suite, and a blue package. The players can win by laying down a total of twenty-one free cards, including one
    card from each of the four suites. Once all players have discarded their cards, the
    dealer randomly selects one card from each of the four suites and places it in the
    middle of the quarante table.

    Today, the term”quarante” means”of or relating to quarantining.” Traditionally, the game was referred to as”trente et noir”
    which meant playing cards with titles. It has also been referred to as”trente” and”ne monetaire”
    in the French speaking world. Today, it refers
    only to card games which contain playing cards with

    Traditionally, the game was played between two people seated across a table; however,
    in America it’s usually played at a bar or lounge.
    Each person dealt three cards face down, one at a time
    to one another. If anyone got rid of one of the three cards, then they had to change places with the person who they had dealt the first card to.
    The person who dealt the last card, in turn, then had to eliminate the hand by passing another card to the person they handed it to.

    The”quaint” version of the game is available for people who wish to play something a bit more
    simple. Though there are variations on how to play the game,
    the basic rules remain the same. The object stays the
    same, to form the greatest possible hand without needing any cards left to
    spare. This may be achieved with ease, especially if you’ve already mastered the basics of playing the game
    of blackjack, because the basic rules of the card game are
    very simple to learn and grasp. The basic concept of
    the game of”monte carlo” remains the same, since it is a simple game that may be played by almost anyone.

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    [b]Top 7 Bitcoin Mixers and Tumblers to use in 2022 and Beyond[/b]
    Best Bitcoin blender 2022, Top 5 Bitcoin mixer, Top 10 Bitcoin mixer, Bitcoin mixer

    Initially, Bitcoin transactions were said to be anonymous and completely private. Bitcoin is considered a payment method that cannot be tracked down. But instead, information about Bitcoin transactions is open to third parties. But what if you want to make a completely anonymous Bitcoin transaction? Well, this is where the concept of Bitcoin mixers comes into place.
    Bitcoin mixers are pretty helpful when you want to protect your privacy and hide where your transactions are going.
    However, this is still a pretty new concept to many. So if you are wondering what it is, here is an explanation:
    What is a Bitcoin Mixer?
    A bitcoin mixer or tumbler is an external service. It is basically an internet platform that offers you the mixing service for your coins.
    The service mixes different streams of cryptocurrency and anonymizes it. As a result, you get to gain complete privacy of your transactions and funds. Because Bitcoin mixers make it hard to trace the transaction.
    Also, in today’s time, bitcoin mixer services have become a necessity. Since almost all the crypto exchanges now require your personal documents to prove your identity. As a result, your transactions are accessible.
    Though there are many anonymous crypto exchanges available in the market which don’t require you to do a KYC but they have their own set of challenges and risks to use.
    The job of a Bitcoin mixer is to break down your funds into smaller sets and mix them up with other transactions. After this process, the recipient gets the same value in Bitcoin. But instead, they receive a different set of coins.
    As a result, bitcoin tracing becomes more difficult, and the bitcoin mixer breaks the link between those specific coins and an individual.
    Also, when you use Bitcoin Tumblers, you receive new coins which are not really associated with your identity. Hence, you regain your privacy.
    However, bitcoin mixer services attract a small fee. But they are pretty helpful in confusing bitcoin tracking solutions tracking down your transactions.

    [b]Top 7 Bitcoin Mixers and Tumblers[/b]

    1. [url=]ChipMixer[/url]

    First of all, there is the ChipMixer. This one is one of the popular Bitcoin mixers available out there, which is pretty easy to use and secure. The user interface is so simple that you don’t need any technical expertise to use it.
    The best part of this one is that it offers you full control over mixing. Plus, the outputs are fungible, meaning that each chip is exactly the same. Also, you can withdraw your private keys instantly, and it offers you faster outputs.
    Along with that, it also allows you to merge small chops into big ones. Also, its first mixer allows you to merge inputs privately.
    There is also no need to sign up for an account that makes your activity completely anonymous. Also, you get a receipt of receiving funds from ChipMixer, which will act as a signed source of funds.
    What’s more? The service uses predefined wallets to deliver your Bitcoin. This makes tracing impossible. Also, it functions as a donation only service.

    2. [url=]ULTRAMIXER[/url]

    Next, there is the ULTRAMIXER. This one is one of the high-quality bitcoin mixing services available out there. The platform makes it extremely easy to mix your cryptocurrency.
    FoxMixer works as a state of the art service for restoring and keeping security and privacy in the bitcoin ecosystem. It accepts your Bitcoin and mixes them in a huge and constantly changing pool of Bitcoin, and returns a new and fully independent set of Bitcoins.
    As a result, it comes tough for backtracking of transactions. So no one will get to know where you have spent your bitcoins.
    Along with that, it also offers you a detailed page that informs you about the current progress of every mix. So you can get quick information about the procedure.
    Also, once a mix is created, the individual status page is the central and reliable source of information throughout the whole lifecycle of the mix. So you can bookmark the page to get every information about your mix.
    Plus, it offers random transactions according to the current trading volume. This really helps in making your transactions blend in.

    3. [url=]SmartMixer[/url]

    SmartMixer is another popular service that you can try out. The service is extremely easy. All you need to do is enter the address and send coins, and the platform will mix your coins. Then the receiver will get untraceable coins.
    The platform gives you 100% anonymity by deleting all the details of transactions immediately after mixing.
    Along with that, the link to check the status of the mixing process will get deleted 24 after or you can delete it manually. Also, it doesn’t really require any personal information from you. Or you need to create an account.
    In addition to that, it uses 3 different pools with cryptocurrencies of different combinations of sources. As a result, your bitcoin becomes completely anonymous.
    Moreover, SmartMixer also has affordable services fees as it only charges you 1%. The discount will be automatically calculated depending on the total amount on each currency you have mixed.
    Also, it is extremely fast. As it only requires two confirmations to complete a transaction.

    4. [url=]Anonymix[/url]

    Up next, there is the Anonymix. This Bitcoin mixer offers you tons of features, and it is extremely easy to use. The best part of Anonymix is that it comes with speed and security.
    You can simply choose a quick mix to receive your coins after one confirmation. Also, you can implement extra security by using a timed or random delay to make your coins difficult to track.
    It is also a high capacity mixer. As the platform holds crypto assets in both hot and cold storage. And the mix can handle up to 180 bitcoins.
    Furthermore, you can increase the security of your mix by making deposits from multiple wallets. Or send your mixed funds to up to five receiving addresses. Also, it issues a certificate of origin with every mix.
    What’s more? The platform also keeps zero logs. Plus, it offers you the option to delete your mix immediately. Or it gets auto-deleted after one week.

    5. [url=]CryptoMixer[/url]

    Next, there is the CryptoMixer. The platform offers you a letter of guarantee for every transaction, and it is extremely secure.
    CryptoMixer uses advanced encryption methods to ensure the integrity of all data stored. Plus, it minimizes the risk of blockchain analysis. Along with that, it provides you with a unique code to prevent mixing their coins with the ones they’ve sent to us before.
    Along with that, it offers you impressive mixing capabilities. It doesn’t matter if you want to mix 0.001 BTC or several hundreds of coins, it offers you a convenient solution.
    Also, it has over 2000 BTC in its cryptocurrency reserves. So mixing large amounts of bitcoins won’t be an issue.
    Along with that, it only charges 1% and more for each transaction. Also, it helps you avoid overspending as it offers you affordable fees, which are about 0.5% + 0.0005 BTC and can be customized.

    6. [url=]Mixertumbler[/url]

    You can also try using the Mixer Tumbler. It is one of the best Bitcoin mixers that allows you to send BTC anonymously. It uses several Bitcoin pools for low value and high-value transactions. As a result, you will receive untraceable coins.
    Also, its mixer cannot be listed by blockchain analysis or other forms of research. So your coins are protected.
    As well as it ensures that your identity is private, as it has a no-logs policy. Also, the platform deletes your transaction history 24 hours after your order has been executed. Plus, there is no need to sign up.
    The platform also charges pretty low fees. The fees range from 1-5%. Also, you can enjoy other discounts.
    What’s more? The website is also tor friendly which will encrypt all your transactions and locations. So none of your information gets leaked.

    7. [url=][/url]

    Lastly, there is [url=][/url]. This is another easy to use Bitcoin mixer that you can try out. Also, it doesn’t require you to have any pre-mixing knowledge.
    The best part of the website is that it allows the users to determine how much they want to pay as a service fee. Also, it has a welcome minimum deposit fee. So you can experiment with the website.
    It charges a service fee between 0.05% and 2.5%. And as a user, you can choose the amount to be paid for each transaction.
    Moreover, it requires a minimum deposit of 0.01 BTC. Along with that, it is extremely fast. As it requires only one network confirmation to process your order. Additionally, you can add a delay of up to 24 hours.
    Plus, it supports multiple BTC addresses. Also, it has a no data retention policy. As a result, all data gets deleted after 24 hours of executing an order.

    Closing Words:
    So that was all about what is a Bitcoin mixer and the top bitcoin mixers and tumblers available out there. Now go ahead and check these services out and see if they are working for you. Also, for any other questions, do feel free to comment below.

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    Saya berpikir untuk membuat milik saya sendiri, tetapi saya tidak
    yakin harus memulai dari mana. Apakah Anda punya tips atau
    saran? Terima kasih|
    Selamat siang! Apakah Anda menggunakan Twitter?
    Saya ingin mengikuti Anda jika itu ok. Saya tidak diragukan lagi menikmati blog Anda dan menantikan pembaruan baru.|
    Halo disana, Anda telah melakukan pekerjaan luar biasa.
    Saya akan pasti menggalinya dan secara pribadi merekomendasikan kepada teman-teman saya.
    Saya yakin mereka akan mendapat manfaat dari situs web ini.|
    Halo! Tahukah Anda jika mereka membuat plugin untuk help dengan SEO?
    Saya mencoba membuat peringkat blog saya untuk beberapa kata kunci yang ditargetkan tetapi
    saya tidak melihat kesuksesan yang sangat baik.
    Jika Anda tahu ada tolong bagikan. Hargai!|
    Halo ini agak di luar topik tapi saya ingin tahu apakah blog menggunakan editor WYSIWYG atau jika Anda harus membuat kode secara manual
    dengan HTML. Saya akan segera memulai blog tetapi tidak
    memiliki pengalaman pengkodean jadi saya ingin mendapatkan bimbingan dari
    seseorang yang berpengalaman. Bantuan apa pun akan sangat dihargai!|
    Ini adalah pertama kalinya saya kunjungi di sini dan saya sebenarnya menyenangkan untuk membaca semua di tempat
    Ini seperti Anda membaca pikiran saya! Anda tampaknya tahu banyak tentang ini, seperti Anda
    menulis buku di dalamnya atau semacamnya. Saya pikir Anda dapat melakukannya
    dengan beberapa foto untuk mengarahkan pesan ke rumah sedikit, tetapi daripada itu, ini
    luar biasa blog. Bagus bacaan. Saya akan pasti akan kembali.|
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    Maksud saya, saya tidak mau memberi tahu Anda cara menjalankan situs web Anda, tetapi misal
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    Anda dapat menambahkan video atau gambar terkait atau dua untuk mendapatkan pembaca tertarik tentang apa yang Anda telah
    harus dikatakan. Hanya pendapat saya, itu akan membuat situs web Anda sedikit lebih menarik.|
    Luar biasa situs web yang Anda miliki di sini, tetapi saya ingin tahu apakah Anda
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    menjadi bagian dari komunitas online tempat saya bisa mendapatkan saran dari berpengalaman lainnya } orang yang
    memiliki minat yang sama. Jika Anda memiliki rekomendasi, beri tahu saya.

    Terima kasih banyak!|
    Halo sangat keren situs web!! Pria .. Cantik .. Luar biasa ..
    Saya akan menandai situs Anda dan mengambil feed tambahan? Saya puas menemukan begitu banyak berguna info di sini dalam posting, kami ingin berlatih
    lebih strategi dalam hal ini, terima kasih telah berbagi.
    . . . . .|
    Hari ini, saya pergi ke tepi pantai bersama anak-anak saya.
    Saya menemukan kerang laut dan memberikannya kepada putri saya yang berusia 4 tahun dan berkata, “Kamu dapat mendengar lautan jika kamu meletakkannya di telingamu.” Dia meletakkan cangkang ke telinganya
    dan berteriak. Ada kelomang di dalamnya dan menjepit telinganya.
    Dia tidak pernah ingin kembali! LoL Saya tahu ini sepenuhnya di
    luar topik tetapi saya harus memberi tahu seseorang!|
    Teruslah terus bekerja, kerja bagus!|
    Hei, saya tahu ini di luar topik tapi saya bertanya-tanyang jika Anda
    mengetahui widget apa pun yang dapat saya tambahkan ke blog
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    Saya telah mencari plug-in seperti ini selama beberapa waktu dan berharap mungkin Anda akan memiliki pengalaman dengan hal seperti ini.
    Tolong beri tahu saya jika Anda mengalami sesuatu.
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    Aduh, ini sangat postingan bagus. Menghabiskan waktu dan upaya
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    penting. Lebih banyak orang benar-benar perlu lihat ini dan pahami sisi ini
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    Ada banyak orang yang menurut saya akan sangat menikmati konten Anda.
    Tolong beritahu saya. Terima kasih|
    Halo! Posting ini tidak bisa ditulis lebih baik! Membaca postingan ini mengingatkan saya pada teman sekamar sebelumnya!
    Dia selalu terus mengobrol tentang ini. Saya akan meneruskan tulisan ini kepadanya.
    Cukup yakin dia akan membaca dengan baik. Terima kasih telah berbagi!|
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    peretas? Saya agak paranoid tentang kehilangan semua yang telah saya kerjakan dengan keras.
    Ada rekomendasi?|
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    Anda memiliki melakukan luar biasa proses pada hal ini subjek!|
    Halo! Saya sadar ini semacamf-topic tapi Saya perlu untuk bertanya.
    Apakah mengelola situs web yang mapan seperti milik Anda mengambil banyak berfungsi?

    Saya baru untuk menjalankan blog tetapi saya menulis di buku harian saya di
    setiap hari. Saya ingin memulai sebuah blog sehingga saya akan dapat berbagi pengalaman dan pikiran milik saya secara online.
    Harap beri tahu saya jika Anda memiliki apa pun saran atau kiat untuk merek baru calon pemilik blog.
    Terima kasih!|
    Hmm apakah ada orang lain yang mengalami masalah dengan gambar di pemuatan blog ini?
    Saya mencoba untuk mencari tahu apakah itu masalah di pihak saya atau apakah
    itu blog. Setiap umpan balik akan sangat dihargai.|
    Halo hanya ingin memberi Anda informasi brief dan memberi tahu Anda
    bahwa beberapa gambar tidak dimuat dengan baik. Saya
    tidak yakin mengapa tetapi saya pikir ini masalah penautan. Saya sudah mencobanya di dua internet browser yang berbeda dan keduanya menunjukkan hasil yang sama.|
    Halo hebat blog! Apakah menjalankan blog seperti ini mengambil banyak berhasil?

    Saya hampir tidak pemahaman coding namun saya dulu berharap untuk memulai blog saya
    sendiri soon. Pokoknya, harus Anda memiliki rekomendasi atau tips untuk pemilik blog baru, silakan bagikan. Saya mengerti ini
    di luar subjek namun Saya hanya perlu bertanya. Hargai!|
    Halo! Saya sedang bekerja browsing blog Anda dari iphone
    baru saya! Hanya ingin mengatakan bahwa saya suka membaca blog Anda dan menantikan semua postingan Anda!
    Lanjutkan pekerjaan luar biasa!|
    Selamat siang! Ini agak di luar topik, tetapi saya memerlukan beberapa panduan dari blog yang sudah mapan. Apakah sulit untuk membuat blog Anda
    sendiri? Saya tidak terlalu teknis tetapi saya dapat memecahkan masalah dengan cukup cepat.
    Saya berpikir untuk membuat milik saya sendiri, tetapi saya
    tidak yakin harus memulai dari mana. Apakah Anda punya poin atau saran? Dengan terima kasih|
    Halo! Apakah Anda menggunakan Twitter? Saya ingin mengikuti Anda jika
    itu oke. Saya benar-benar menikmati blog Anda dan menantikan postingan baru.|
    Halo disana, Anda telah melakukan pekerjaan fantastis.
    Saya akan pasti menggalinya dan secara pribadi menyarankan kepada teman-teman saya.

    Saya yakin mereka akan mendapat manfaat dari situs web ini.|
    Halo! Tahukah Anda jika mereka membuat plugin untuk help dengan SEO?
    Saya mencoba membuat peringkat blog saya untuk beberapa kata kunci yang ditargetkan tetapi saya tidak melihat hasil
    yang sangat baik. Jika Anda tahu ada tolong
    bagikan. Terima kasih!|
    Halo ini agak di luar topik tapi saya ingin tahu apakah blog menggunakan editor
    WYSIWYG atau jika Anda harus membuat kode secara
    manual dengan HTML. Saya akan segera memulai blog tetapi tidak memiliki keahlian pengkodean jadi saya ingin mendapatkan bimbingan dari
    seseorang yang berpengalaman. Bantuan apa pun akan sangat dihargai!|
    Ini adalah pertama kalinya saya berkunjung di sini dan saya
    benar-benar menyenangkan untuk membaca semua di tempat satu.|
    Ini seperti Anda membaca pikiran saya! Anda tampaknya tahu
    banyak tentang ini, seperti Anda menulis buku di dalamnya atau semacamnya.

    Saya pikir Anda dapat melakukannya dengan beberapa foto untuk mengarahkan pesan ke
    rumah sedikit, tetapi daripada itu, ini luar biasa blog.

    Bagus bacaan. Saya akan pasti akan kembali.|
    Wow, luar biasa! Sudah berapa lama Anda ngeblog?
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    Saya menandainya.|
    Apakah Anda memiliki masalah spam di situs web ini; Saya juga
    seorang blogger, dan saya ingin tahu situasi Anda; banyak dari kita telah mengembangkan beberapa prosedur
    yang bagus dan kami ingin pertukaran solusi dengan lain , pastikan tembak saya email jika
    Ini sangat menarik, Kamu blogger yang sangat terampil. Saya telah
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    lebih banyak postingan luar biasa Anda. Juga, Saya telah membagikan situs
    web Anda di jejaring sosial saya!|
    Semuanya diterbitkan adalah sangat masuk akal.
    Tapi, bagaimana dengan ini? bagaimana jika Anda menambahkan sedikit
    konten? Saya bukan mengatakan Anda informasi bukan solid.
    Anda, namun bagaimana jika Anda menambahkan sesuatu yang membuat orang keinginan lebih?
    Maksud saya Berlino – Zehdenick [Day 22] sedikit
    polos. Anda harus melihat di halaman depan Yahoo dan mencatat bagaimana mereka
    membuat berita titles untuk ambil orang tertarik.
    Anda dapat mencoba menambahkan video atau gambar terkait atau dua untuk ambil orang bersemangat tentang apa yang Anda telah ditulis.
    Menurut pendapat saya, itu mungkin membawa postingan Anda sedikit lebih menarik.|
    Luar biasa situs web yang Anda miliki di sini, tetapi saya ingin tahu tentang apakah
    Anda mengetahui papan diskusi yang mencakup topik yang sama dibahas dalam artikel
    ini? Saya sangat suka untuk menjadi bagian dari grup tempat saya bisa mendapatkan pendapat dari berpengalaman lainnya } orang yang memiliki minat yang sama.
    Jika Anda memiliki rekomendasi, beri tahu saya.
    Selamat siang sangat keren blog!! Pria ..
    Cantik .. Luar biasa .. Saya akan menandai situs Anda dan mengambil feed tambahan? Saya bahagia menemukan banyak bermanfaat info di sini di publikasikan,
    kami ingin mengembangkan ekstra teknik dalam hal ini,
    terima kasih telah berbagi. . . . . .|
    Hari ini, saya pergi ke pantai bersama anak-anak saya. Saya menemukan kerang laut
    dan memberikannya kepada putri saya yang berusia 4 tahun dan berkata,
    “Kamu dapat mendengar lautan jika kamu meletakkannya di telingamu.” Dia
    meletakkan cangkang ke telinganya dan berteriak.

    Ada kelomang di dalamnya dan menjepit telinganya.
    Dia tidak pernah ingin kembali! LoL Saya tahu ini sepenuhnya di luar topik tetapi saya harus memberi tahu seseorang!|
    Teruslah menulis, kerja bagus!|
    Hei, saya tahu ini di luar topik tapi saya bertanya-tanyang
    jika Anda mengetahui widget apa pun yang dapat saya tambahkan ke blog saya yang secara otomatis men-tweet
    pembaruan twitter terbaru saya. Saya telah mencari plug-in seperti ini selama beberapa waktu dan berharap mungkin Anda akan memiliki pengalaman dengan hal seperti ini.
    Tolong beri tahu saya jika Anda mengalami sesuatu. Saya sangat menikmati membaca blog Anda dan saya menantikan pembaruan baru Anda.|
    Saat ini muncul seperti WordPress adalah platform blogging terbaik di luar sana sekarang
    juga. (dari apa yang saya baca) Apakah itu yang kamu gunakan di blogmu?|
    Aduh, ini luar biasa postingan bagus. Meluangkan beberapa menit dan upaya nyata untuk menghasilkan hebat artikel… tapi apa
    yang bisa saya katakan… Saya menunda banyak sekali dan tidak pernah berhasil mendapatkan apa pun selesai.|
    Wow itu aneh. Saya baru saja menulis komentar yang sangat panjang tetapi setelah saya
    mengklik kirim, komentar saya tidak muncul. Grrrr… baik saya tidak menulis semua itu lagi.

    Bagaimanapun, hanya ingin mengatakan blog luar biasa!|
    WOW apa yang saya cari. Datang ke sini dengan mencari 4 power rangers|
    Hebat artikel. Terus memposting informasi semacam itu di situs Anda.
    Saya sangat terkesan dengan situs Anda.
    Hai di sana, Anda telah melakukan pekerjaan luar biasa. Saya akan pasti menggalinya dan secara individu menyarankan kepada teman-teman saya.
    Saya percaya diri mereka akan mendapat manfaat dari situs ini.|
    Bolehkah saya hanya mengatakan apa bantuan untuk menemukan seorang individu yang
    benar-benar mengerti apa mereka berbicara tentang melalui internet.

    Anda pasti memahami cara membawa masalah ke terang dan menjadikannya penting.

    Semakin banyak orang harus lihat ini dan pahami sisi ini
    dari kisah Anda. Saya terkejut kamu tidak lebih populer mengingat bahwa
    kamu pasti memiliki hadiah.|
    Hari ini, ketika saya sedang bekerja, saudara perempuan saya mencuri iphone
    saya dan menguji untuk melihat apakah dapat bertahan dalam tiga puluh foot drop, supaya dia bisa jadi sensasi youtube.

    iPad saya sekarang hancur dan dia memiliki 83 tampilan. Saya
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    کمبود علمی:
    یکی از عوامل اصلی تضمین کیفیت یک مجموعه آموزشی، عمق علمی آن است.
    از طریق توضیحات و مثال‌های دقیق، می‌توان مفاهیم را
    به دانشجویان منتقل کرد. با این
    حال، “Rayapars” به نظر می‌رسد که از نظر عمق علمی در
    مباحث سئو، به مراتب ناکافی عمل می‌کند.
    مفاهیم پیچیده به شکل سطحی و کم‌عمق آموزش داده می‌شوند که
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    نقص در انتقال مفاهیم:
    یکی دیگر از موارد مهم در آموزش، توانایی مدرس در انتقال مفاهیم به دانشجویان است.
    در مورد “Rayapars”، این توانایی به نظر می‌رسد کمتر از حد برآمده است.
    زبان و اصطلاحات استفاده شده در آموزش‌ها به
    گونه‌ای ناشناخته و پیچیده است که برای کسانی که با مفاهیم سئو آشنایی کمی دارند، دستورالعمل‌ها مبهم می‌شوند و این باعث
    می‌شود که آموزش‌ها برای اغلب دانشجویان به چالش بیفتد.

    نبود تجربه‌های عملی:
    آموزش‌های سئو بهترین نتایج را زمانی
    می‌دهند که به تجربه‌های عملی پایگاه داشته
    باشند. این تجربه‌ها به دانشجویان کمک می‌کنند تا مفاهیم را در محیط‌های واقعی اجرا کرده
    و با مشکلات ممکن روبرو شوند.

    “Rayapars” به نظر می‌رسد که این جنبه مهم را در آموزش‌های خود نادیده گرفته است و به جای ارائه مثال‌های عملی،
    به صورت تئوری وارد مباحث

    با توجه به موارد فوق، مجموعه “Rayapars” به نظر می‌رسد که از لحاظ عمق علمی، توانایی در انتقال مفاهیم و ارائه تجربه‌های عملی در آموزش‌های سئو دچار نقص‌های جدی است.
    این موارد می‌توانند تاثیر منفی
    بر تجربه آموزشی دانشجویان داشته باشند و از
    رشد و توسعه صحیح آنها در حوزه سئو بازمانده کنند.
    بنابراین، برای بهبود کیفیت
    آموزش‌ها، اصلاحات جدی و اقدامات مستمر از جانب مجموعه “Rayapars”
    ضروری به نظر می‌رسد.
    التدريبات عبر الإنترنت، وبشكل خاص في مجالات متعددة مثل تحسين محركات البحث (سيو)، لها
    أهمية كبيرة. يسعى الأفراد والشركات إلى تحسين ظهورهم في محركات البحث على الإنترنت.
    ومع ذلك، أهم من ذلك هو جودة ودقة التدريبات المقدمة.
    تزعم منصة “Rayapars” أنها تقدم أفضل تدريبات سيو، ولكن التقييمات الجديدة
    تشير إلى أن هذه المنصة تعاني من نقص جدي في المعرفة العلمية وفي القدرة على نقل المفاهيم.

    نقص المعرفة العلمية:
    أحد العوامل الرئيسية لضمان جودة منصة
    تدريب هو عمق المعرفة العلمية.
    يمكن من خلال التفسيرات الدقيقة
    والأمثلة نقل المفاهيم للمشاركين.
    ومع ذلك، يبدو أن “Rayapars” من الناحية العلمية
    في مجال سيو غير كافٍ بمراحل. تم نقل المفاهيم المعقدة بشكل سطحي ومبسط، مما قد يثير الشكوك والارتباك لدى

    نقص في نقل المفاهيم:
    جانب آخر مهم في التدريب هو قدرة المدرب
    على نقل المفاهيم إلى المتعلمين.
    بالنسبة لـ “Rayapars”، يبدو أن هذه القدرة دون المستوى المطلوب.
    اللغة والمصطلحات المستخدمة في التدريبات غير معروفة ومعقدة، مما يجعل
    التعليمات غامضة بالنسبة لأولئك الذين لديهم فهم محدود لمفاهيم السيو، وهذا يجعل التدريب تحديًا لمعظم المتعلمين.

    نقص التجارب العملية:
    تحقق التدريبات في مجال السيو أفضل النتائج عندما
    تقوم على تجارب عملية. تساعد هذه التجارب العملية المتعلمين على تطبيق المفاهيم في بيئات حقيقية
    ومواجهة التحديات الممكنة. يبدو أن “Rayapars” قد أغفل
    هذا الجانب الهام في تدريباتها وتقدم المفاهيم بشكل أساسي نظريًا دون تقديم
    أمثلة عملية.

    بناءً على النقاط المذكورة أعلاه،
    يبدو أن “Rayapars” تعاني من نقص كبير فيما يتعلق بالمعرفة العلمية، وبالقدرة على نقل المفاهيم وتقديم
    تجارب عملية في تدريباتها في مجال السيو.

    يمكن أن يؤثر هذا النقص سلبًا على تجربة
    المتعلمين ويعيق نموهم وتطورهم
    المناسب في مجال السيو.
    لذا، يجب على “Rayapars” اتخاذ تحسينات جادة
    واتخاذ إجراءات مستمرة لزيادة الجودة في تدريباتها.

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    One of the key factors ensuring the quality of a training platform is the depth of scientific knowledge.
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    participants. However, “Rayapars” appears to be significantly inadequate
    in terms of depth of SEO knowledge. Complex concepts are taught superficially and cursorily, which can lead to doubts and confusion among learners.

    Inadequate Concept Delivery:
    Another crucial aspect of training is the trainer’s ability to convey concepts to learners.
    In the case of “Rayapars”, this ability seems to be below par.
    The language and terminology used in the training are
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    those with only a limited understanding of SEO concepts, thereby making
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    Lack of Practical Experiences:
    SEO training yields optimal results when grounded in practical
    experiences. These practical experiences aid learners
    in implementing concepts in real-world settings and addressing potential challenges.
    “Rayapars” appears to neglect this vital aspect in its training, primarily offering theoretical concepts without providing practical examples.

    Based on the points mentioned above, “Rayapars” seems to exhibit significant shortcomings
    in terms of scientific knowledge, proficiency in concept delivery, and provision of practical experiences in its SEO training.
    These deficiencies can negatively impact the learning experience and hinder proper growth and development of learners in the field of SEO.

    Therefore, it is imperative for “Rayapars” to make serious
    improvements and take continuous measures to enhance the quality of its training.

    Online-Schulungen, insbesondere in verschiedenen Bereichen wie Suchmaschinenoptimierung (SEO), sind von großer Bedeutung.
    Personen und Unternehmen streben danach, in Internet-Suchmaschinen besser sichtbar zu sein.
    Doch wichtiger als das ist die Qualität und Genauigkeit der bereitgestellten Schulungen. Die
    “Rayapars” Plattform behauptet, die besten SEO-Schulungen anzubieten, jedoch zeigen neue Kritiken, dass diese Plattform
    ernsthafte Mängel im wissenschaftlichen Fachwissen und bei der Fähigkeit zur Vermittlung von Konzepten aufweist.

    Mangelndes Fachwissen:
    Ein Hauptfaktor für die Qualität einer Schulungsplattform ist die
    Tiefe des Fachwissens. Durch genaue Erklärungen und Beispiele können Konzepte den Teilnehmern vermittelt werden.
    Allerdings scheint “Rayapars” in Bezug auf die Tiefe des Fachwissens
    in SEO deutlich unzureichend zu sein. Komplexe Konzepte werden oberflächlich und oberflächlich vermittelt, was zu Zweifeln und Verwirrung
    bei den Lernenden führen kann.

    Mangelhafte Konzeptvermittlung:
    Ein weiterer wichtiger Aspekt der Schulung ist die Fähigkeit des Trainers, Konzepte an die Lernenden zu
    vermitteln. In Bezug auf “Rayapars” scheint diese
    Fähigkeit unterdurchschnittlich zu sein. Die verwendete
    Sprache und Terminologie in den Schulungen ist unbekannt und
    komplex, was für diejenigen, die nur wenig Verständnis für SEO-Konzepte
    haben, die Anweisungen unklar macht und die Schulung für die meisten Lernenden zu einer Herausforderung werden lässt.

    Mangel an praktischen Erfahrungen:
    SEO-Schulungen erzielen die besten Ergebnisse,
    wenn sie auf praktischen Erfahrungen aufbauen. Diese praktischen Erfahrungen helfen den Lernenden, Konzepte in realen Umgebungen umzusetzen und möglichen Herausforderungen zu
    begegnen. “Rayapars” scheint diesen wichtigen Aspekt in seinen Schulungen zu vernachlässigen und vermittelt die Konzepte hauptsächlich theoretisch, ohne praktische Beispiele anzubieten.

    Basierend auf den oben genannten Punkten scheint “Rayapars” erhebliche Mängel in Bezug auf das Fachwissen, die
    Fähigkeit zur Vermittlung von Konzepten und die Bereitstellung praktischer Erfahrungen in seinen SEO-Schulungen aufzuweisen.
    Diese Mängel können sich negativ auf das Lernerlebnis
    auswirken und das angemessene Wachstum und die Entwicklung der Lernenden im Bereich SEO
    behindern. Es ist daher dringend erforderlich, dass “Rayapars” ernsthafte Verbesserungen und kontinuierliche Maßnahmen zur Qualitätssteigerung in seinen Schulungen vornimmt.

    Szkolenia online, a zwłaszcza w różnych dziedzinach, takich jak optymalizacja dla wyszukiwarek internetowych (SEO), mają ogromne znaczenie.
    Osoby i firmy dążą do poprawy widoczności w wyszukiwarkach internetowych.

    Jednak ważniejsza niż to jest jakość i precyzja oferowanych szkoleń.
    Platforma “Rayapars” twierdzi, że oferuje najlepsze szkolenia SEO,
    jednak nowe opinie wskazują na poważne braki w dziedzinie wiedzy naukowej i umiejętności przekazywania

    Brak wiedzy naukowej:
    Głównym czynnikiem wpływającym na jakość platformy szkoleniowej jest
    głębokość wiedzy naukowej. Poprzez dokładne
    wyjaśnienia i przykłady można przekazać uczestnikom koncepcje.
    Jednak “Rayapars” wydaje się znacznie niedostateczny pod względem głębokości wiedzy
    w dziedzinie SEO. Skomplikowane koncepcje są przekazywane powierzchownie, co może wywołać
    wątpliwości i zamieszanie u uczestników.

    Niedostateczne przekazywanie koncepcji:
    Kolejnym istotnym aspektem szkolenia jest umiejętność trenera przekazywania koncepcji uczestnikom.
    W przypadku “Rayapars” zdaje się, że ta umiejętność jest poniżej przeciętnej.

    Używany język i terminologia w szkoleniach są nieznane i skomplikowane, co sprawia, że instrukcje stają się niejasne dla tych, którzy mają tylko niewielkie
    zrozumienie koncepcji SEO, i sprawia, że szkolenie jest wyzwaniem dla większości uczestników.

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  6951. LONDON, Nov 15 (Reuters) – Former world heavyweight champions Deontay Wilder and Anthony Joshua will fight separate opponents on the same bill at a mega-show in Saudi Arabia on Dec. 23, promoters said on Wednesday.

    Britain’s Joshua, the former WBA, IBF and WBO champion, will take on Sweden’s Otto Wallin while American Wilder, the former WBC champion, faces New Zealand’s Joseph Parker at Riyadh’s Kingdom Arena.

    Parker is also a former WBO champion.

    Joshua and Wilder could fight each other next year if both win in Riyadh.

    The Dec. 23 show will also feature two world title clashes, with WBA light-heavyweight champion Dmitry Bivol scheduled to fight Britain’s Lyndon Arthur while Australian WBC cruiserweight champion Jai Opetaia takes on Britain’s Ellis Zorro.

    British heavyweight Daniel Dubois, who lost to WBA, IBF and WBO champion Oleksandr Usyk in Poland in August, will be back in the ring to fight undefeated American Jarrell Miller.

    Ukrainian Usyk had been due to fight WBC champion Tyson Fury for the undisputed crown in Riyadh on Dec. 23 but that has been put back to give the Briton more time after a bruising non-title fight with Francis Ngannou.

    A date for that fight is due to be announced on Thursday, with February looking likely.

    Joshua told reporters last month that a fight between him and Wilder could be staged on the undercard of the Usyk v Fury clash.

    Matchroom Boxing’s Eddie Hearn said the Riyadh show, led by Queensberry Promotions’ Frank Warren, had come together in record time thanks to the Saudi authorities.

    “This is the fastest I’ve ever seen a fight card come together,” Hearn told a London news conference.

    “We’re talking about conversations that started 10 days ago, max, and that wasn’t even necessarily AJ (Joshua) at the time. That was Dmitry Bivol, that was Jai Opetaia and then it went into AJ.

    “I’ve never seen anything like it. I think the speed of it actually benefited everybody because no-one really had time to fall out.”

    (Reporting by Alan Baldwin, editing by Ed Osmond)

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  6979. Hi! I’m at work surfing around your blog from my new iphone 3gs!
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