Pesaro – Ravenna [Day 6]

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Ravenna. Il posto giusto al momento sbagliato. La scorsa notte il terremoto, oggi l’ondata di caldo. Caldo torrido, soffocante, sole che ustiona.
E dire che la giornata inizia nel migliore dei modi. La panoramica del Monte San Bartolo è una delle strade più belle che abbia mai percorso in bicicletta: zero veicoli a motore, tanti ciclisti sportivi, panorami mozzafiato a picco sul mare e boschi tutt’intorno. La lascio a malincuore dopo soli tre chilometri e un centinaio di fotografie: P è già a Rimini, dice che mi aspetta, e allora giù di corsa verso la statale Adriatica.



Panorami dal Monte San Bartolo


Ai bordi della strada i primi chioschi di piadine, la parlata della gente si fa inconfondibilmente romagnola. Un cartello sull’autostrada accanto segnala che abbiamo superato il confine tra Marche ed Emilia Romagna.
Rimini è un labirinto, tra il lungomare e, verso l’interno, tante vie che corrono parallele: nonostante le continue telefonate non riusciamo a incontrarci.
La fame inizia a farsi sentire, cerco disperatamente una pizzeria a taglio ma l’unica che trovo è anche l’unico esercizio commerciale chiuso di tutta la riviera. Potrei fermarmi al Bar Sorriso, ma è così triste che proprio non me la sento. Finalmente spuntano i tavolini all’aperto di una rosticceria e la lunga attesa è ripagata da un pescione ai ferri con contorno di zucchine: eccezionale.



Due istantanee del pranzo catturate a pochi secondi di distanza l’una dall’altra…


Per la cronaca, appena mi rimetto in marcia spuntano pizzerie da ogni parte, anche una di fronte all’altra e ce ne sono davvero di tutti i tipi: eleganti, caserecce o in stile fast food. Una strada, insomma, che potrebbe tranquillamente essere ribattezzata via del Paradiso delle Pizzerie!
Davanti a una gelateria una famiglia di manichini sta seduta con dei grossi coni in mano, sembrano persone vere, hanno gli occhiali da sole e la bandana per nascondere la pelata di plastica. Una trovata originale per promuovere il locale, immagino. Invece, come in un classico dell’horror, all’improvviso mamma-manichino muove il braccio per portarsi il gelato alle labbra e mi rendo conto con orrore che sono persone vere!
Come Cesare, ma in senso inverso e senza legionari al mio fianco, scavalco il Rubicone, un comunissimo fiumiciattolo di campagna se non fosse per il nome evocatore stampato sul cartello.
A Cesenatico, sul bel canale che porta al mare tra gelaterie, ristorantini e riproduzioni di antiche barche a vela, ci ritroviamo con P ed L e scopro che P è al suo secondo o terzo pranzo della giornata: la cosa non mi stupisce neanche un po’.




Dopo la sosta gli ultimi chilometri della giornata diventano presto un inferno, nel vero senso della parola: la temperatura rende l’aria asfissiante, il sole cuoce la pelle e non da tregua. Inoltre ci ritroviamo persi tra svincoli terrificanti e tratti di strade a scorrimento veloce: un vero incubo. La stanchezza e la paura fanno brutti scherzi: mi dimentico di guardare il navigatore, sbagliamo strada un paio di volte e restiamo in questo brutto sogno anche più del dovuto.
Quando trovo una via d’uscita sono ormai alla periferia di Ravenna, di nuovo da solo perché P ed L decidono di allungare verso il mare per trovare da dormire in un campeggio. Un anziano ciclista mi aiuta a districarmi nel groviglio di piste ciclabili e in pochi minuti sono ai giardini pubblici, nei pressi del centro storico. Ombra finalmente, un venticello piacevole, tanti alberi e un prato accogliente dove sdraiarsi. Sembra il paradiso ma, come ogni luogo incantevole, nasconde una terribile insidia: non c’è acqua, da nessuna parte, le fontane sono aride come il Sahara.
Faccio ricorso ai rimasugli della borraccia, due sorsate bollenti al punto giusto, poi saccheggio la borsa del cibo, prendendo a mozzicchi tutto quello che trovo come un cane idrofobo, e via di corsa a cercare acqua.
L’ostello Dante è a due passi, e hanno posto per me e per la bici. Spero solo che non mi chiedano di lasciar fuori ogni speranza prima di entrare, perché dopo una giornata così rischierei di farlo sul serio. Ci pensa la proprietaria a tirarmi su il morale, rendendomi partecipe del fatto che l’ostello, che è enorme, attualmente conta appena quattro ospiti, perché tutti, persino gli sfollati giunti da Modena qualche giorno, fa sono scappati via dopo la scossa della scorsa notte!
E’ stata una giornata lunghissima e sfiancante, non chiedo altro che una doccia e un letto, eppure dovrò ancora sudare prima di concedermi un po’ di riposo.
La doccia è grottesca, le due ante del box mi franano addosso non appena ci metto piede: sono letteralmente scardinate, oltreché rotte e taglienti in diversi punti. L’acqua calda non vuole saperne di uscire e alla fine mi accontento del getto ghiacciato, tutto sommato gratificante dopo l’afa di oggi. Neanche a dirlo, l’acqua inizia a scaldarsi appena ho finito di lavarmi.


Particolare inquietante della doccia


Ho dieci minuti per fare la spesa alla Coop prima che chiuda, è proprio di fronte all’ostello e ci entro in stato semi confusionale, mettendo e togliendo cose a casaccio dal cestino.
Chiudo in bellezza con la passeggiata serale. Mi metto in cerca del centro storico, cammino mezzora ma non trovo niente, nulla, del centro storico neanche l’ombra. Sembra una città fantasma e le uniche forme di vita presenti sono orde di zanzare fameliche, evidentemente a digiuno da giorni.
Vado a dormire che sono stremato, stordito dal sole: senza dubbio la giornata più dura dal giorno della partenza!


Uno dei pochi ricordi che mi restano di Ravenna by night

Distanza percorsa oggi: 92.0 km
Distanza totale percorsa: 480.0 km
Tempo di percorrenza: 9:00 ore (5:10 in sella)
Velocità media (in movimento): 17.9 km/h

Dislivello complessivo: 526 mt
Elevazione massima: 211 m s.l.m.

P ed L raccontano…

6/06/2012 Mombaróccio to Ravenna

Salutamo il fon bartolazzen alle otto. Per salire a Mombaróccio tutta salita. Pe scende, discesa e qualche salita. Come sia possibile solo il divine Iddio lo sa. Se viaggia a distanza. Se ricompattamo a Cesenatico. Pranzo, gelati, ananas, decisione da prendere. Dice che è arrivato il Simoon, anticiclone delle Azzorre, una callara pazzesca. Stamo cotti come polletti allo spiedo. Alle sei semo a Ravenna, manco una nasone (fontanella) per rinfrescasse. Due litri d’acqua al bar in via di Roma, una piadina pe acclimatasse e all’ostello Dante pe sistemasse. Due chiacchiere e due battute con la simpatica pischella dell’ostello e via a magnà. Si cammina con passo svelto e con lo stomaco voto, se sceglie er mejo posto de Ravenna e se magna il polletto, la pasta e la piadina. Se beve tutto il Trenbbiano possibile e se ringrazia er dio del vento. Sempre bono con i viaggiatori a pedali. Domani se passa da Ferrara. Daje!


Altre foto di P ed L le trovate qui:

Guarda la mappa con tutte le tappe percorse!

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Sono presenti 10.315 commenti

  1. Daje Tommy….forza e coraggio!!! Baci da me e Pamy!

  2. che caldo dopo tutta questa afa ci è venuta una grande arsura. forza ragazzi la meta si avvicina…………..

  3. Dai T., siamo con te!

  4. Grazie a tutti per i commenti e un saluto :)

    • Sentieri Luminosi
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  5. C’è da lottare ma la meta si avvicina sempre più, per gli ostelli tranquilli più si sale e meglio sarà.


    Un saluto Carletto

    • carletto
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  256. Awesome write-up. I’m a regular visitor of your blog and appreciate you taking the time to maintain the nice site. I will be a regular visitor for a long time.

  257. Hi there. I found your web site by means of Google while looking for a comparable matter, your site got here up. It looks great. I have bookmarked it in my google bookmarks to come back then.

  258. Hi there. I discovered your web site by means of Google at the same time as searching for a related matter, your web site got here up. It looks good. I have bookmarked it in my google bookmarks to come back then.

  259. Hiya, I am really glad I’ve found this info. Today bloggers publish just about gossip and net stuff and this is actually irritating. A good web site with exciting content, this is what I need. Thanks for making this website, and I’ll be visiting again. Do you do newsletters by email?

  260. Awesome post. I’m a regular visitor of your blog and appreciate you taking the time to maintain the excellent site. I’ll be a regular visitor for a really long time.

  261. Awesome write-up. I am a regular visitor of your blog and appreciate you taking the time to maintain the excellent site. I’ll be a regular visitor for a long time.

  262. Awesome post. I am a regular visitor of your website and appreciate you taking the time to maintain the nice site. I’ll be a frequent visitor for a long time.

  263. Hello there. I found your site by way of Google whilst searching for a comparable subject, your site came up. It looks great. I’ve bookmarked it in my google bookmarks to come back then.

  264. Hiya, I’m really glad I’ve found this information. Nowadays bloggers publish only about gossip and web stuff and this is really frustrating. A good blog with exciting content, this is what I need. Thanks for making this web site, and I’ll be visiting again. Do you do newsletters by email?

  265. Hi there. I discovered your site via Google even as searching for a similar topic, your website got here up. It seems great. I’ve bookmarked it in my google bookmarks to visit then.

  266. Hello there. I found your web site by the use of Google whilst searching for a similar matter, your site came up. It looks good. I’ve bookmarked it in my google bookmarks to visit then.

  267. Hello there. I found your site via Google whilst searching for a related matter, your site came up. It appears great. I’ve bookmarked it in my google bookmarks to visit then.

  268. Hello there. I found your blog by the use of Google while searching for a similar topic, your web site got here up. It seems to be great. I’ve bookmarked it in my google bookmarks to visit then.

  269. Hiya, I’m really glad I have found this info. Nowadays bloggers publish only about gossip and net stuff and this is really frustrating. A good website with exciting content, this is what I need. Thank you for making this website, and I will be visiting again. Do you do newsletters by email?

  270. Hiya, I’m really glad I’ve found this information. Nowadays bloggers publish only about gossip and web stuff and this is actually annoying. A good blog with interesting content, that is what I need. Thank you for making this site, and I will be visiting again. Do you do newsletters by email?

  271. Hey there. I discovered your site by means of Google whilst searching for a comparable topic, your website got here up. It appears to be great. I’ve bookmarked it in my google bookmarks to visit then.

  272. Hiya, I am really glad I have found this information. Nowadays bloggers publish just about gossip and net stuff and this is really annoying. A good site with exciting content, that’s what I need. Thank you for making this web-site, and I’ll be visiting again. Do you do newsletters by email?

  273. Hello there. I discovered your web site by means of Google while searching for a comparable subject, your website came up. It looks good. I’ve bookmarked it in my google bookmarks to come back then.

  274. Awesome post. I am a normal visitor of your blog and appreciate you taking the time to maintain the nice site. I will be a regular visitor for a long time.

  275. Awesome write-up. I’m a normal visitor of your website and appreciate you taking the time to maintain the excellent site. I will be a frequent visitor for a really long time.

  276. Awesome write-up. I am a normal visitor of your blog and appreciate you taking the time to maintain the nice site. I will be a regular visitor for a really long time.

  277. Hiya, I’m really glad I have found this info. Today bloggers publish just about gossip and net stuff and this is actually irritating. A good site with interesting content, that’s what I need. Thank you for making this web-site, and I will be visiting again. Do you do newsletters by email?

  278. Hello there. I found your blog by way of Google while searching for a comparable topic, your site came up. It seems to be good. I’ve bookmarked it in my google bookmarks to come back then.

  279. Awesome write-up. I am a regular visitor of your web site and appreciate you taking the time to maintain the nice site. I’ll be a frequent visitor for a really long time.

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  281. Hiya, I’m really glad I have found this info. Today bloggers publish only about gossip and web stuff and this is actually frustrating. A good blog with interesting content, that’s what I need. Thanks for making this web site, and I’ll be visiting again. Do you do newsletters by email?

  282. Awesome write-up. I am a regular visitor of your website and appreciate you taking the time to maintain the nice site. I will be a frequent visitor for a long time.

  283. Hiya, I’m really glad I’ve found this information. Today bloggers publish just about gossip and web stuff and this is actually irritating. A good website with interesting content, this is what I need. Thank you for making this web-site, and I will be visiting again. Do you do newsletters by email?

  284. Awesome write-up. I am a regular visitor of your web site and appreciate you taking the time to maintain the nice site. I’ll be a regular visitor for a long time.

  285. Hiya, I am really glad I’ve found this info. Today bloggers publish just about gossip and internet stuff and this is really annoying. A good site with exciting content, this is what I need. Thanks for making this web-site, and I’ll be visiting again. Do you do newsletters by email?

  286. Hiya, I’m really glad I’ve found this info. Today bloggers publish just about gossip and internet stuff and this is actually annoying. A good blog with exciting content, this is what I need. Thank you for making this website, and I’ll be visiting again. Do you do newsletters by email?

  287. Hey there. I discovered your blog by way of Google whilst looking for a comparable topic, your site came up. It appears great. I have bookmarked it in my google bookmarks to come back then.

  288. Hiya, I’m really glad I have found this info. Today bloggers publish only about gossip and web stuff and this is actually irritating. A good website with interesting content, this is what I need. Thanks for making this web site, and I’ll be visiting again. Do you do newsletters by email?

  289. Hi there. I found your site by means of Google even as looking for a related subject, your website came up. It seems great. I have bookmarked it in my google bookmarks to come back then.

  290. Hiya, I am really glad I have found this information. Today bloggers publish only about gossip and internet stuff and this is actually frustrating. A good website with interesting content, this is what I need. Thank you for making this website, and I will be visiting again. Do you do newsletters by email?

  291. Hiya, I’m really glad I’ve found this information. Nowadays bloggers publish only about gossip and internet stuff and this is really irritating. A good website with exciting content, this is what I need. Thank you for making this web-site, and I’ll be visiting again. Do you do newsletters by email?

  292. Hi there. I discovered your website by way of Google at the same time as searching for a related subject, your web site came up. It seems to be good. I’ve bookmarked it in my google bookmarks to come back then.

  293. Hiya, I’m really glad I have found this info. Today bloggers publish just about gossip and net stuff and this is really frustrating. A good blog with exciting content, this is what I need. Thanks for making this website, and I will be visiting again. Do you do newsletters by email?

  294. Awesome write-up. I am a normal visitor of your website and appreciate you taking the time to maintain the excellent site. I’ll be a frequent visitor for a long time.

  295. Hey there. I found your website by way of Google while searching for a similar matter, your web site came up. It appears to be good. I’ve bookmarked it in my google bookmarks to come back then.

  296. Awesome post. I am a normal visitor of your website and appreciate you taking the time to maintain the excellent site. I will be a frequent visitor for a really long time.

  297. Awesome write-up. I’m a regular visitor of your blog and appreciate you taking the time to maintain the excellent site. I’ll be a frequent visitor for a really long time.

  298. Hello there. I found your site by means of Google at the same time as looking for a related topic, your web site came up. It appears to be good. I’ve bookmarked it in my google bookmarks to visit then.

  299. Awesome write-up. I’m a regular visitor of your web site and appreciate you taking the time to maintain the nice site. I will be a regular visitor for a really long time.

  300. Hi there. I discovered your site by way of Google whilst searching for a comparable matter, your site got here up. It appears to be good. I’ve bookmarked it in my google bookmarks to visit then.

  301. Hey there. I discovered your blog by way of Google even as looking for a similar matter, your website came up. It looks good. I’ve bookmarked it in my google bookmarks to visit then.

  302. Awesome write-up. I’m a normal visitor of your blog and appreciate you taking the time to maintain the excellent site. I’ll be a regular visitor for a really long time.

  303. Hiya, I’m really glad I’ve found this information. Today bloggers publish only about gossip and web stuff and this is really irritating. A good website with exciting content, that’s what I need. Thanks for making this web site, and I will be visiting again. Do you do newsletters by email?

  304. Hey there. I discovered your blog via Google even as searching for a similar subject, your site got here up. It looks good. I’ve bookmarked it in my google bookmarks to visit then.

  305. Hey there. I found your blog via Google while looking for a comparable topic, your web site got here up. It seems to be great. I have bookmarked it in my google bookmarks to come back then.

  306. Hiya, I am really glad I have found this info. Today bloggers publish only about gossip and net stuff and this is really irritating. A good web site with exciting content, this is what I need. Thanks for making this web-site, and I’ll be visiting again. Do you do newsletters by email?

  307. Hey there. I found your blog via Google at the same time as looking for a related subject, your website came up. It appears to be great. I have bookmarked it in my google bookmarks to visit then.

  308. Awesome post. I’m a normal visitor of your blog and appreciate you taking the time to maintain the nice site. I’ll be a regular visitor for a really long time.

  309. Hello there. I discovered your blog via Google whilst searching for a related subject, your site got here up. It appears great. I have bookmarked it in my google bookmarks to come back then.

  310. Hey there. I discovered your web site by way of Google even as looking for a related topic, your web site came up. It looks good. I have bookmarked it in my google bookmarks to visit then.

  311. Hiya, I’m really glad I have found this information. Nowadays bloggers publish just about gossip and net stuff and this is actually frustrating. A good site with exciting content, that’s what I need. Thanks for making this website, and I will be visiting again. Do you do newsletters by email?

  312. Awesome write-up. I am a normal visitor of your web site and appreciate you taking the time to maintain the nice site. I’ll be a regular visitor for a really long time.

  313. Awesome write-up. I’m a regular visitor of your web site and appreciate you taking the time to maintain the nice site. I will be a regular visitor for a long time.

  314. Awesome write-up. I’m a normal visitor of your website and appreciate you taking the time to maintain the nice site. I’ll be a frequent visitor for a really long time.

  315. Hi there. I found your blog by means of Google while looking for a similar matter, your site got here up. It seems great. I have bookmarked it in my google bookmarks to come back then.

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  319. Awesome write-up. I’m a normal visitor of your blog and appreciate you taking the time to maintain the nice site. I will be a frequent visitor for a long time.

  320. Hello there. I discovered your blog by the use of Google at the same time as looking for a comparable subject, your site got here up. It looks good. I’ve bookmarked it in my google bookmarks to visit then.

  321. Hey there. I discovered your web site by way of Google even as searching for a related matter, your website came up. It appears great. I have bookmarked it in my google bookmarks to visit then.

  322. Hiya, I am really glad I’ve found this information. Nowadays bloggers publish just about gossip and web stuff and this is really annoying. A good website with interesting content, this is what I need. Thank you for making this web-site, and I’ll be visiting again. Do you do newsletters by email?

  323. Hi there. I discovered your website via Google at the same time as looking for a similar topic, your website came up. It seems to be great. I’ve bookmarked it in my google bookmarks to visit then.

  324. Hello there. I found your site by means of Google at the same time as looking for a comparable subject, your site came up. It appears good. I’ve bookmarked it in my google bookmarks to visit then.

  325. Hi there. I found your website via Google at the same time as searching for a similar matter, your website got here up. It seems great. I’ve bookmarked it in my google bookmarks to come back then.

  326. Hello there. I discovered your blog by the use of Google at the same time as looking for a similar matter, your website got here up. It seems to be great. I have bookmarked it in my google bookmarks to come back then.

  327. Hey there. I discovered your website by way of Google while looking for a similar matter, your website came up. It appears good. I have bookmarked it in my google bookmarks to come back then.

  328. Hey there. I discovered your web site by means of Google while searching for a related matter, your site came up. It looks good. I’ve bookmarked it in my google bookmarks to come back then.

  329. Awesome write-up. I’m a normal visitor of your site and appreciate you taking the time to maintain the excellent site. I’ll be a frequent visitor for a long time.

  330. Awesome write-up. I’m a normal visitor of your web site and appreciate you taking the time to maintain the nice site. I will be a frequent visitor for a long time.

  331. Hello there. I found your site by means of Google whilst searching for a similar topic, your website came up. It seems to be great. I’ve bookmarked it in my google bookmarks to come back then.

  332. Awesome write-up. I am a regular visitor of your web site and appreciate you taking the time to maintain the excellent site. I’ll be a frequent visitor for a really long time.

  333. Hi there. I found your website by the use of Google while searching for a related subject, your website got here up. It appears to be great. I have bookmarked it in my google bookmarks to come back then.

  334. Hello there. I discovered your web site by the use of Google whilst searching for a comparable matter, your website came up. It appears great. I have bookmarked it in my google bookmarks to visit then.

  335. Hey there. I found your web site by way of Google while looking for a comparable subject, your site got here up. It looks good. I have bookmarked it in my google bookmarks to visit then.

  336. Awesome write-up. I am a regular visitor of your website and appreciate you taking the time to maintain the excellent site. I will be a regular visitor for a long time.

  337. Hiya, I am really glad I’ve found this info. Nowadays bloggers publish just about gossip and web stuff and this is really irritating. A good site with interesting content, that is what I need. Thank you for making this site, and I will be visiting again. Do you do newsletters by email?

  338. Hi there. I discovered your site by means of Google at the same time as searching for a comparable subject, your website came up. It appears good. I’ve bookmarked it in my google bookmarks to visit then.

  339. Awesome post. I’m a regular visitor of your website and appreciate you taking the time to maintain the excellent site. I will be a regular visitor for a really long time.

  340. Hiya, I’m really glad I’ve found this information. Today bloggers publish just about gossip and web stuff and this is really frustrating. A good website with interesting content, that is what I need. Thank you for making this website, and I’ll be visiting again. Do you do newsletters by email?

  341. Hi there. I discovered your blog by way of Google at the same time as searching for a comparable topic, your web site got here up. It appears to be great. I’ve bookmarked it in my google bookmarks to visit then.

  342. Hiya, I’m really glad I have found this info. Nowadays bloggers publish just about gossip and internet stuff and this is really irritating. A good site with exciting content, this is what I need. Thank you for making this web site, and I’ll be visiting again. Do you do newsletters by email?

  343. Hello there. I discovered your web site by way of Google whilst looking for a comparable topic, your website got here up. It seems to be good. I’ve bookmarked it in my google bookmarks to come back then.

  344. Hiya, I’m really glad I have found this information. Today bloggers publish just about gossip and net stuff and this is really irritating. A good blog with interesting content, that’s what I need. Thanks for making this web-site, and I’ll be visiting again. Do you do newsletters by email?

  345. Awesome write-up. I am a normal visitor of your blog and appreciate you taking the time to maintain the nice site. I’ll be a regular visitor for a really long time.

  346. Hiya, I am really glad I’ve found this info. Today bloggers publish just about gossip and internet stuff and this is actually irritating. A good site with interesting content, that’s what I need. Thanks for making this web-site, and I will be visiting again. Do you do newsletters by email?

  347. Hey there. I found your web site by means of Google while looking for a comparable subject, your site came up. It seems good. I have bookmarked it in my google bookmarks to come back then.

  348. Hi there. I discovered your blog via Google at the same time as searching for a comparable subject, your web site came up. It seems to be good. I have bookmarked it in my google bookmarks to come back then.

  349. Awesome post. I’m a regular visitor of your site and appreciate you taking the time to maintain the nice site. I’ll be a regular visitor for a long time.

  350. Awesome write-up. I am a normal visitor of your site and appreciate you taking the time to maintain the nice site. I will be a frequent visitor for a long time.

  351. Hiya, I am really glad I’ve found this info. Today bloggers publish just about gossip and net stuff and this is really irritating. A good website with interesting content, this is what I need. Thank you for making this web-site, and I will be visiting again. Do you do newsletters by email?

  352. Awesome write-up. I’m a regular visitor of your site and appreciate you taking the time to maintain the nice site. I’ll be a frequent visitor for a long time.

  353. Hey there. I found your web site by means of Google even as searching for a similar matter, your web site came up. It seems to be great. I have bookmarked it in my google bookmarks to visit then.

  354. Hi there. I found your website by way of Google even as looking for a similar subject, your web site got here up. It looks good. I’ve bookmarked it in my google bookmarks to come back then.

  355. Hi there. I discovered your blog via Google even as searching for a comparable topic, your website got here up. It appears to be good. I’ve bookmarked it in my google bookmarks to visit then.

  356. Awesome post. I’m a normal visitor of your web site and appreciate you taking the time to maintain the excellent site. I will be a regular visitor for a really long time.

  357. Hey there. I found your web site by means of Google while looking for a comparable topic, your web site got here up. It looks great. I’ve bookmarked it in my google bookmarks to come back then.

  358. Hiya, I’m really glad I’ve found this info. Today bloggers publish just about gossip and net stuff and this is actually irritating. A good website with interesting content, that is what I need. Thanks for making this web-site, and I will be visiting again. Do you do newsletters by email?

  359. Hey there. I discovered your blog via Google whilst searching for a related subject, your web site got here up. It seems great. I have bookmarked it in my google bookmarks to visit then.

  360. Awesome post. I’m a normal visitor of your site and appreciate you taking the time to maintain the nice site. I’ll be a frequent visitor for a long time.

  361. Hey there. I discovered your web site via Google at the same time as looking for a similar topic, your site got here up. It appears good. I have bookmarked it in my google bookmarks to come back then.

  362. Hiya, I am really glad I have found this info. Today bloggers publish just about gossip and internet stuff and this is really irritating. A good site with exciting content, this is what I need. Thanks for making this website, and I will be visiting again. Do you do newsletters by email?

  363. Hiya, I am really glad I have found this info. Today bloggers publish only about gossip and net stuff and this is actually frustrating. A good site with exciting content, this is what I need. Thanks for making this web-site, and I’ll be visiting again. Do you do newsletters by email?

  364. Hey there. I discovered your site by way of Google even as searching for a similar topic, your website got here up. It appears good. I’ve bookmarked it in my google bookmarks to come back then.

  365. Hi there. I discovered your website by the use of Google whilst searching for a comparable topic, your website came up. It appears to be good. I’ve bookmarked it in my google bookmarks to come back then.

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  367. Hiya, I am really glad I have found this information. Today bloggers publish just about gossip and internet stuff and this is really annoying. A good blog with exciting content, that’s what I need. Thank you for making this website, and I’ll be visiting again. Do you do newsletters by email?

  368. Awesome write-up. I am a normal visitor of your web site and appreciate you taking the time to maintain the nice site. I will be a regular visitor for a really long time.

  369. Hey there. I found your website by way of Google whilst looking for a comparable topic, your website got here up. It appears good. I have bookmarked it in my google bookmarks to come back then.

  370. Hiya, I am really glad I have found this information. Nowadays bloggers publish just about gossip and net stuff and this is really frustrating. A good blog with exciting content, this is what I need. Thank you for making this website, and I will be visiting again. Do you do newsletters by email?

  371. Hiya, I’m really glad I’ve found this information. Today bloggers publish only about gossip and internet stuff and this is really frustrating. A good web site with exciting content, that’s what I need. Thank you for making this web-site, and I will be visiting again. Do you do newsletters by email?

  372. Hiya, I’m really glad I’ve found this information. Today bloggers publish just about gossip and web stuff and this is really irritating. A good site with interesting content, this is what I need. Thank you for making this web site, and I will be visiting again. Do you do newsletters by email?

  373. Awesome write-up. I’m a regular visitor of your blog and appreciate you taking the time to maintain the excellent site. I will be a regular visitor for a long time.

  374. Hi there. I discovered your website via Google while searching for a similar subject, your web site came up. It appears to be good. I have bookmarked it in my google bookmarks to come back then.

  375. Awesome post. I am a normal visitor of your blog and appreciate you taking the time to maintain the nice site. I’ll be a frequent visitor for a really long time.

  376. Hiya, I’m really glad I’ve found this information. Today bloggers publish just about gossip and internet stuff and this is really annoying. A good website with interesting content, this is what I need. Thank you for making this web site, and I will be visiting again. Do you do newsletters by email?

  377. Hiya, I am really glad I’ve found this info. Nowadays bloggers publish only about gossip and web stuff and this is actually annoying. A good site with exciting content, that is what I need. Thanks for making this web site, and I’ll be visiting again. Do you do newsletters by email?

  378. Awesome write-up. I’m a normal visitor of your web site and appreciate you taking the time to maintain the excellent site. I will be a regular visitor for a really long time.

  379. Add to that list Michael Pena and Bridget Moynahan, the two adults among three other children whom Nantz and his men locate at the station.

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  381. Awesome post. I’m a normal visitor of your blog and appreciate you taking the time to maintain the excellent site. I’ll be a frequent visitor for a really long time.

  382. Hiya, I am really glad I’ve found this information. Today bloggers publish only about gossip and net stuff and this is actually irritating. A good website with exciting content, that’s what I need. Thanks for making this web site, and I’ll be visiting again. Do you do newsletters by email?

  383. Hiya, I am really glad I’ve found this information. Nowadays bloggers publish only about gossip and web stuff and this is really irritating. A good web site with exciting content, that’s what I need. Thank you for making this web site, and I will be visiting again. Do you do newsletters by email?

  384. Awesome write-up. I am a normal visitor of your blog and appreciate you taking the time to maintain the excellent site. I’ll be a frequent visitor for a long time.

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  386. Hey there. I discovered your web site by the use of Google at the same time as looking for a comparable matter, your web site got here up. It seems to be great. I’ve bookmarked it in my google bookmarks to come back then.

  387. Awesome write-up. I’m a normal visitor of your web site and appreciate you taking the time to maintain the nice site. I will be a regular visitor for a long time.

  388. Awesome post. I am a regular visitor of your site and appreciate you taking the time to maintain the excellent site. I’ll be a regular visitor for a really long time.

  389. Awesome write-up. I’m a normal visitor of your site and appreciate you taking the time to maintain the nice site. I’ll be a regular visitor for a really long time.

  390. Hiya, I’m really glad I have found this info. Today bloggers publish only about gossip and internet stuff and this is actually annoying. A good web site with interesting content, that’s what I need. Thank you for making this web site, and I will be visiting again. Do you do newsletters by email?

  391. Hiya, I am really glad I’ve found this information. Nowadays bloggers publish only about gossip and net stuff and this is really frustrating. A good site with exciting content, this is what I need. Thank you for making this website, and I will be visiting again. Do you do newsletters by email?

  392. Hiya, I am really glad I have found this info. Nowadays bloggers publish just about gossip and net stuff and this is really annoying. A good site with interesting content, this is what I need. Thanks for making this web-site, and I will be visiting again. Do you do newsletters by email?

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  395. Hiya, I’m really glad I have found this information. Today bloggers publish only about gossip and web stuff and this is really frustrating. A good site with exciting content, that is what I need. Thank you for making this website, and I’ll be visiting again. Do you do newsletters by email?

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  397. Hello there. I discovered your site by means of Google while looking for a related subject, your website got here up. It seems great. I’ve bookmarked it in my google bookmarks to come back then.

  398. Awesome post. I’m a regular visitor of your website and appreciate you taking the time to maintain the nice site. I’ll be a regular visitor for a really long time.

  399. Hiya, I’m really glad I have found this information. Nowadays bloggers publish only about gossip and internet stuff and this is actually annoying. A good website with exciting content, that’s what I need. Thank you for making this web site, and I will be visiting again. Do you do newsletters by email?

  400. Hiya, I am really glad I have found this info. Nowadays bloggers publish just about gossip and net stuff and this is actually frustrating. A good website with interesting content, this is what I need. Thank you for making this site, and I’ll be visiting again. Do you do newsletters by email?

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  460. Awesome post. I am a regular visitor of your site and appreciate you taking the time to maintain the excellent site. I will be a frequent visitor for a really long time.

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  471. Hiya, I’m really glad I’ve found this info. Nowadays bloggers publish just about gossip and internet stuff and this is actually irritating. A good site with exciting content, that’s what I need. Thank you for making this web-site, and I’ll be visiting again. Do you do newsletters by email?

  472. Awesome post. I’m a normal visitor of your site and appreciate you taking the time to maintain the nice site. I’ll be a frequent visitor for a really long time.

  473. Hiya, I’m really glad I’ve found this information. Today bloggers publish just about gossip and web stuff and this is actually frustrating. A good website with interesting content, that is what I need. Thank you for making this site, and I’ll be visiting again. Do you do newsletters by email?

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  475. Awesome post. I am a regular visitor of your website and appreciate you taking the time to maintain the nice site. I’ll be a frequent visitor for a long time.

  476. Hiya, I’m really glad I’ve found this information. Nowadays bloggers publish only about gossip and internet stuff and this is really annoying. A good web site with interesting content, that is what I need. Thanks for making this site, and I will be visiting again. Do you do newsletters by email?

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  480. Awesome post. I am a normal visitor of your blog and appreciate you taking the time to maintain the nice site. I will be a frequent visitor for a long time.

  481. Hiya, I am really glad I’ve found this information. Nowadays bloggers publish only about gossip and internet stuff and this is really irritating. A good website with exciting content, this is what I need. Thank you for making this web site, and I will be visiting again. Do you do newsletters by email?

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  515. Awesome post. I am a normal visitor of your blog and appreciate you taking the time to maintain the excellent site. I’ll be a frequent visitor for a long time.

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  1380. What You Ought To Learn About Camping outdoors You need to plan carefully and foresee several things. Utilize this report to enhance your following camping encounter and have ideas lower for which you should consider when going camping. It might seem that one could discover each of the hardwood that you have to keep the blaze heading, nevertheless the wood you find could be wet and never desire to burn. It’s always a good idea to get together some timber of your own and maintain it where it won’t get wet. It is important to do not forget that your individual as well as your possessions will receive messy in a camping trip.Get pleasure from your time and efforts within the backwoods and have filthy. You can go back to typical if you return home. Deliver a survival set along can hold on your person all the time. Success systems need to consist of drinking water filtration tablet pcs, a blade, an initial help box, a flare firearm and water purifying pills.This success system can be what keeps anyone to stay alive in the event you go missing or something that is poor happens and you’re stuck outside the house for over prepared. Remember to take it all over the place you and you should not leave it with your camp out. Ensure that your tent is big enough.This will likely enable every person inside your tent with. A ‘jungle breakfast’ can be the best way to add enjoyment in your getaway.Take modest breakfast cereal boxes, juices beverages and fruits, then tie those to bushes nearby the campsite. This can be a entertaining to camping out. Make a note of a long list of every one of the components you will need prior to embarking on your holiday. Should you be vacationing some time to get to the campgrounds, this is an crucial step. You ought to camp near your own home if you are not much of a experienced camper. You might run into things that will need you to shorten your holiday, or you might figure you want to cut your camping journey brief. You may know you do not have ample clothing or food. There are many unpredicted issues you could come across at the first try you go camping outdoors, so retaining the first vacation close to home could save a great deal of severe headaches. Utilize the info distributed in this post to enjoy yourself on your own next getaway. You can get more information, even though you could be educated with reference to camping outdoors. The information in this article will assist you in generating clever alternatives once you up coming camp.

  1381. Display Your Family A Wonderful Time Having A Camping outdoors Vacation Are you able to remember the most up-to-date time you appreciated a fantastic outdoor camping previous? Camping is wonderful for providing pleasure and ingest mother nature.You may abandon the pressures of your office powering and fully unplug through your each day existence.Take some time to read by means of this post and discover the best way to make your up coming camping trip wonderful. Enable all of your family members all are able to bring about deciding on a campsite. Talk about which status you wish to see. You can find thousands upon thousands of options in the us it is difficult to pick just one single.You can even select three or four feasible locations and allow several locations to get the family members vote on so it will be less difficult. Have a bandana or handkerchief together with you when you are camping out. These works extremely well within a crunch if you need a potholder, like drying out both your hands or positioning a hot pot. When you get via ingesting an orange, save all of your current peels and massage them all around your whole body to use as an organic insect resistant. Duct tape is the get rid of-all for various stuff. The system functions swiftly for inflatable leakages, inflatables with leakages, worn soles on shoes or boots, obtaining the tent to the pole, obtaining tent poles, many more points. Look at your overall health insurance policy. You may need one more protection when you are vacationing on your camping in yet another express. This is especially essential if your camping in Canada or another nation. Make certain you be well prepared in case it comes with an damage or health issues. Make sure you are ready with respect to food if you’re outdoor camping in which there is harmful animals. This can minimize the potential risk of wildlife coming near you on the trip. Attempt to keep your camp out entirely create before nighttime slips. A safe vehicle parking place needs to be discovered if you are in the motor vehicle. When generating your tent, make sure that your tent is pitched on a toned location that isn’t near any hazardous ledges. Accomplishing this prior to evening comes about enables you become used to your setting. This info has helped you can see that camping outdoors may be effective and satisfying. Use this details as being a wonderful self-help guide to organizing the next outdoor venture you want to continue on. You can expect to steer clear of the pitfalls and obtain the most satisfaction out from the practical experience.

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  1385. All You Really Need To Find Out About Camping out There isn’t a lot in the world that could complement the the sensation of camping outdoors. Continue reading for a few tips and advice if these are typically stuff you would like to commence performing. Prior to it receives dark, find your protection long. After it becomes darkish outside the house, pitching a tent may be next to impossible, locating timber and generating meals could become extremely hard. This really is important in case you are not accustomed to undertaking things inside the town. Avoid this example by getting shelter ahead of time. Take a success package that you simply and ensure to always already have it in your man or woman always.Your survival kit must have normal water-purifying tablets, a kind of success knife, water-resistant suits, first aid kit, as well as a flare firearm. This kit may be what helps you full of life in case you are lost or something terrible takes place and these items are essential more than organized. Remember to take it along with you and never let it rest within your campsite. Consider combining a swimming into your camping out encounter. You could skip the shower while you are camping outdoors. Should you be going with kids, take a first-help school, particularly. Be sure you investigation too. You may not need to overlook an essential object much like your resting bag or perhaps your tent. Little ones normally adore camping outdoors, but ensure you plan pursuits to them. They most likely aren’t used to angling or sport fishing. Help them learn the way to perform these pursuits before leaving. When you are getting by way of having an orange, preserve all your peels and massage them about your system for an organic insect pest resistant. There might be spiders or bears close to you that may cause a menace to your basic safety. Each and every outdoor camping area creates their own way. Kids generally really like outdoor camping, specially when you plan activities they can do. They may not have probably never ever fished or setting up a tent. Make them learn about these functions before you set out to camp out. A wonderful camping trip is definitely around the corner, all you have to do is follow what you have just discovered. The info right here is only the start of what you can do to produce your camping outdoors journeys more pleasant. As you go camping outdoors on a regular basis, you will learn other items.

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  1390. Make Camping out Secure And Enjoyable Using These Intelligent Suggestions Could you remember the most recent time you loved an excellent camping outdoors final? Camping is terrific for providing rest and consume mother nature.It is possible to leave the challenges from the workplace associated with and get off every single day time life. Take time to evaluation this post and find out how you can make the after that camping outdoors trip excellent. Get the best area for camping outdoors protection before it receives dim. After blackness falls around in the forests, getting a very good location for your tent, find very good fire wood and make foods. This really is particularly real for those who are not familiar with the darkness related to the excellent outside the house. Avoid this by setting up your accommodations ahead of time. Just before making for your vacation spot, check out what the weather conditions. There are various internet sites available to give specifics of the common weather conditions of your place for that time of your arranged vacation. This will help you better prepare for significant varying weather conditions. Try out merging a fishing to your outdoor camping practical experience. You could skip the bath when you find yourself camping outdoors. Don’t be scared to over-load to your children. Outdoor camping could possibly get very messy. Youngsters are always drawn to the grime. You may provide a big change of clothes, even though because of this your kids along with their clothing can be quite soiled.You may certainly not protect against it from taking place. Well before heading out in your trip, talk to your young children and buddies about the hazards and dangers of camping outdoors. It is actually straightforward to look into the Online for pictures of harmful plants they understand what things to steer clear of from the outdoors. There can be spiders or bears that may pose a risk.Every camping out location has diverse dangers for the untrained. Keep the camping out venture near your own home when you are camping outdoors initially. You may have equipment issues. Otherwise, opt to cut the getaway brief. You can definitely find that you just haven’t packed enough clothes or foods.Many issues could occur for amateur campers, so outdoor camping near your location will help you. There may be spiders or bears near you which could pose a threat to your safety. Each camping out spot presents its unique way. Children typically love camping outdoors, specially when you intend routines that they may do. They might not have possibly never ever fished or starting a tent. Before you set out to camp, make them learn about these works. Camping out is among the most satisfying strategies to chill out. It gives you an easy method for one of the most stressed visitors to escape the down sides from the modern community and get in tune with nature. The advice in the following paragraphs gives some seem tips that could convert the next investigation of your outside right into a remarkable practical experience.

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  1392. A Practical Self-help Guide To Camping outdoors In The Wonderful Outside the house Going camping is an pleasant encounter, but you should be properly-prepared to stay comfortable and harmless. These advice can help your upcoming camping vacation successful. Pick a form of resting handbag which is right for the time of year. You are going to be definitely warm and not comfortable outdoor camping from the summertime should your getting to sleep handbag created for winter weather which you camping with while in summer season. On the other hand, delivering a mild-bodyweight handbag during wintertime could make you get out of bed freezing. If it’s really cold, you may also build hypothermia or frostbite. Pack in excess for your children. Camping out can get very untidy matter. Youngsters are generally interested in the grime. Consequently by day’s finish your children is certain to get filthy throughout the day. As there is practically nothing you can do about that, make sure you load a little extra garments. Dryer lint is an excellent kindling for producing campfires. Accumulate some lint with your clothing retailer and dryer it within a case several weeks before going outdoor camping to put together with this. Hang a grocery store case alongside your dryer and throw the lint in it. This is a great strategy to have kindling completely ready when you’re all set. Following experiencing the fairly sweet succulent fruit, rub the remove on to uncovered parts of the body which will push away any blood flow-sucking pests. Even with an ideal prepare, anything may still fail. The weather conditions might alter all of a sudden, surrounding conditions can transform, your scenario can alter, etc. It’s essential that you care for every thing, don’t consider dangers that you simply don’t have to, and also to believe when considering steps. If you did not remember something you really need such as the tent or possibly a tent, it wouldn’t be great. You must camping around your house if camping outdoors is something you are a new comer to. You could encounter issues that will expect you to shorten your vacation. Alternatively, plan to reduce the vacation quick. You will probably find that you simply haven’t packed adequate outfits or food.A lot of things can arise for the very first-time camper, so camping out in close proximity to your location can assist you. Your holiday could be amazing in case you are conscious of what to do. Also you can learn more about oneself although outdoor camping. Use the suggestions you have just read through to organize a exciting and fun camping getaway for the friends and family.

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  1395. Skilled Ideas That Will Go well with Any Type Of Getaway Vacationing the planet can give you refreshing viewpoints on lifestyle. Touring may bring you new encounters and venture. There are a wide variety of areas to travel to to make everybody pleased. These concepts will help you to get you on your way. Don’t use the pcs for something that demands your security password when you are on holiday. There could be keyloggers that consider your data Do not expect an flight forces you to are traveling by air. If you really want headsets, load up a journey cushion, a mild cover and comfy earbuds. You must also want to come up with getting some snack foods together with you. Sign up to get email messages for the price watcher. This enables you to enter your destination along with the rates of areas you to any selling price change. Once the selling price droplets, you’re getting an inform. This helps you save from possessing to look for the web site day-to-day. When you are departing for the journey from the port city,push there the night well before and stay at a resort which includes free auto parking. Ask resort employees in terms of car parking discounts even though nothing are posted. Steer clear of driving in hurry hour targeted traffic when venturing by auto. Use that time period for a lot-essential rest stops should you must vacation during dash hour or so. Here is the best time and energy to get a mouthful. You can’t tell just how the weather will likely be too far out. A bad weather layer performs as a windbreaker when it’s chilly, any rain that comes up as well as possibly being a bathrobe! You never ever can anticipate the weather conditions is going to do. A raincoat could also function as a windbreaker once the weather is cold, any rain that occurs and even perhaps being a bathrobe! Continue to keep vacation essentials in one area. Avoid squandered time hunting via your vacation requirements collectively. Get a plastic-type bin to help keep all your travel requirements in a single area. A box is fantastic considering that it could be hidden and retrieved rapidly when you want the products. Although you should be 18 to rent most vehicles, other individuals demand that the drivers be twenty-five years older. You might pay out a lot more and need to use a credit card with you. Seniors aren’t allowed to lease automobiles in certain towns.Discover every age issues before you decide to arrive. The enjoyment of traveling starts with anticipation, when you program that specific getaway. Bad guidance from others may just stop you from experiencing those obstructions the right way. Start using these tips to make your next trip one to recall.

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  1406. If you are departing town to get a weekend break retreat, or going to some foreign area for several weeks on conclusion, traveling delivers along with it a certain amount of anxieties and trepidations. With any luck , the minds we certainly have for you in this article will help you to place your mind at ease, and result in happier, less dangerous getaway. When traveling, it is important to make sure you load only what exactly you need. This rule is most applicable to trips by oxygen, as suitcases fees are much higher now compared to they previously have been. Most international airports will market anything at all you might not have place for and main surrounding places should too. Take together at least one formal clothing along with you when you travel. The better professional clothing is, they more difficult they are to pack and care for. Even so, making the time and effort to take one set of stylish duds readies anyone to benefit from unplanned options which could come up in your vacation. You don’t desire to neglect an awesome meal invite simply because you have absolutely nothing to put on but shorts! Analysis up to you may before you decide to guide nearly anything. Seek out internet sites which have end user critiques from the areas you are interested in checking out. Question your mates and relationships concerning their vacation experiences. This will help decide if the area is right for you. Going for a workout is definitely an eye-catching method of travel for a lot of factors. For starters it does not call for hard work from the personal past placed in their seat. One is free to do what ever they would like to do as they are en course. There are also a number of other factors why traveling by teach is satisfying. Explore new lands and expand your perspectives. Try out your best to always discover new locations you haven’t been to well before. You only get one shot at daily life and you don’t would like to devote it seeing the identical town time and time again. So step out in to the community and explore new places and are living new escapades. When you are traveling, the experienced visitor will usually search for local dining establishments. A chain diner, even 1 owned by an overseas chain the tourist does not know, will never be as colorful as being an individually operated eatery. Not simply are in your area-possessed dining places much more unforgettable, they are regularly less than a lot more generic options. When you are interested in the security of your respective budget on your next traveling venture, consider using a different type of storing for the important belongings such as your money and personal identity greeting cards. Various sorts of wallet storage can be purchased that keep easily invisible beneath your clothes, coming from a belted waste pouch to your zippered wristband. Each and every vacationer need to know by now that joking all around isn’t the best move to make while holding out under control in and protection outlines any more. International airport personnel are simply just too concerned about terrorism to adopt jokes softly. Improvement through these collections nicely as well as in a businesslike approach. You’re very likely to be treated consequently. Mentioned previously at the beginning of this article, if you are planning to travel to a spectacular destination, snorkeling is undoubtedly an journey you don’t would like to neglect. Determine whether your hotel offers snorkeling, and what adventures can be found. Stick to the recommendations with this post and you are sure to get the most from the next snorkeling experience.

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  1408. Searching for tips to help make your journey significantly less nerve-racking plus more fruitful? You possess arrive to the correct position. We may help you traveling better. If you will study and stick to our well tested tips, you should have a more lucrative, much less stressed out-out journey. Use sites that enable you to name your own cost on hotel rooms for your forthcoming right away stay. You save plenty of money by doing this. You won’t be capable of know beforehand what resort will acknowledge your estimate, nevertheless the cost savings greater than make up for it. If you’re going to a land exactly where you’re very likely to want to have a container of red wine, take along your very own corkscrew. In the event you don’t understand the location or talk the language, checking lower a corkscrew only for that impromptu picnic can change a restful afternoon in a harried scavenger search. The great thing of travelling is having the capability to invest readily when you get to your location. Even though the accommodation along with the flight tend to be the most costly component, the best outings usually require investing a bunch of cash out and about. So prior to deciding to travel put in place a cost savings plan these kinds of that you have a excess fat finances following purchasing the resort and the flight to help you improve your satisfaction. Should you be traveling abroad and looking forever local meals, be aware of the location where the locals try to eat. The inclusion of a small group of taxi cabs, by way of example, is simple to spot and shows you where reduced-price but good food items can be obtained. The area can also be certain to be stuffed for the brim with nearby color. Hopefully this information has presented you some tricks and tips regarding how to become a smart traveler. In nowadays you need to keep your eyeballs open and your wits about yourself to maintain travelling secure and easy. Look at your collection before taking away from and maintain these clever ideas at heart.

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  1413. Would you like to go a place? Discovering about how to vacation is a wonderful way to make sure that you provide an awesome trip, whether the occasion is enterprise or delight. The most seasoned travelers should try to learn the latest suggestions, so give these a go. Go on a interpretation instrument when traveling into a country that doesn’t speak your local terminology. This may be by means of a magazine or perhaps a cell phone program. While you will probably find that a lot of people talk British in huge towns, it could be quite various in modest municipalities or countryside areas. Wanting to communicate from the words of the nation is actually loved through the residents. When packaging, make sure you split up your valuables. When you are preparing numerous totes for any journey, spread out your more pricey products out between them. Generally prevent getting all your possessions in a case in case this bag is misplaced or taken. Losing just one handbag remains horrible but may well not destroy your journey. Should you traveling by atmosphere often, it’s smart to find out the guidelines in the TSA. Each and every international airport features a stability checkpoint that you need yo move before you can get also your airplane rather than knowing the security rules will make your time at the checkpoint irritating for you and also the men and women near you. To head off being the target of a pickpocket, maintain your hands in your items. Just about any huge vacationer spot does have its share of much less tasty residents, who seek to take full advantage of unwary travellers. Best concentrates on are crowded areas, where by men and women could be bumping into the other person and so, might not experience the pickpocket. To prevent this, if you are steering right into a jampacked circumstance, maintain each of your on the job your possessions always. It is then out of the question for someone to grab without having your notice. To get a pressure-free vacation, make sure men and women can make contact with you. Get your cellphone with you whilst keeping it charged. Deliver your laptop computer together with you when you know you will get an internet connection where you stand remaining. In case of urgent, men and women can tell you what is going on and you also won’t possess awful shocks if you revisit. Journey is vital to a lot of individuals. Some forethought and study will often enhance your getaway. Utilize the info with this write-up to lower issues and maximize your satisfaction.

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  1416. Many individuals experience wonderful difficulty when planning their travel, but the approach fails to have to be as challenging or costly as you may feel. Advents in customer service and modern technology, let you plan your traveling inside the quickest and many cost-effective manor. This article is meant to guide you by your travel organizing with beneficial advice and tips. In the event you traveling typically, put money into little reusable plastic bottles. You will discover reusable containers at many big grocery stores. Adding your regular hair shampoos and conditioners over these tiny, reusable bottles is much more cost effective in the long term. Travel sized toiletries are usually extremely expensive for your tiny amount of merchandise within them. Should you be concerned with flying with a big carry-on bag, plan in advance. Airlines normally table in teams of five to ten series, so choose a seating in row 11 or 21, not row 19. Also, as soon as the air carrier phone calls the seating obstruct ahead of you, go get in line. In this way you’re hanging around at the front end instead of the rear. When you are planing a trip to a foreign country, understand something about its customs beforehand. It helps you prevent awkward blunders in neighborhood social manners. It can also help you recognize and appreciate the tradition just a little far better. In a way, you will end up symbolizing your land in a international terrain, so you wish to make a very good perception. Browse the blogosphere. Writers abound, and then there is probably a single, or even many, blog owners running a blog concerning your location. Their weblogs are an excellent resource for finding specifics of invisible gemstones from the metropolis–dining places, accommodations, sights, and much more. Don’t be shy. Should you speak to them, most will gladly solution your unique queries too. When packing luggage for the journey, retailer your stockings in shoes. Should you be packaging several footwear for the journey, save place again loading your socks and pantyhose within them. Socks and pantyhose will take up a remarkably wide range of place inside your travel suitcase if stuffed individually. To conclude, be sure that you are equipped with the appropriate information to your getaway as well as your locations. Travel will be much more fulfilling if you avoid any negative situations that can crop up along the way. Preparation and knowledge are important substances to getting an excellent vacation experience.

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  1422. Consider you realize every little thing you need to know about touring? You really should think again. In this post, you are going to be provided ideas and data relating to vacation. A lot of things you may have presently known, several things you haven’t. In any event, being aware of the following tips could only aid you in your journeys. If you are vacationing inside the usa or perhaps in an international country, make sure the taxi taxi cabs you use are certified with the town. There is generally a sticker label noticeable through the back seat in the vehicle. In case you are uncertain, analysis area-licensed cabs before you traveling. In this way, you are able to steer clear of unlicensed cabs that overcharge their customers, and cut costs to perform more pleasurable things in your journeys. When you are traveling, the smart vacationer will invariably keep an eye out for local dining establishments. A chain cafe, even a single of an international sequence the tourist does not know, will not be as colourful for an independently controlled eatery. Not merely are locally-owned or operated eating places far more unique, these are frequently less than much more common alternatives. Package dryer linens in your travel luggage. When you have ever flown prior to, you may have realized that at times your suitcases comes again smelling just a little odd. To eliminate this concern and keep your clothes and possessions smelling fresh, use clothes dryer sheets. Package them between layers of apparel. Spend more money on a greater resort compared to a single that’s cheap, but may be in a bad region. Cheap rates draw customers, but bear in mind additionally they pull shady individuals as well. Spend a few bucks additional and guide a resort that is in a far better place with much better reviews on top of that. Ideally you possess now made your self and checklist or to-do collection about travelling. The recommendation established on this page should serve you well later on while you vacation may it be for enterprise or even for satisfaction. Getting a getaway needs to be fun and exciting and today it might be with this information and facts.

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  1429. Looking to make a decision where you can vacation in your next vacation can be exciting, but there are many aspects to consider in addition to your finances. You may seem like you have to scale back on costs this coming year. If you are within a strict budget whilst preparing this trip, this article will provide you with some very nice worthwhile vacation ideas. Consider another debit card along on a trip. Issues at times go missing on extended travels. When you can, keep another debit cards handy. Having a lot of money on hand is usually a terrible idea. An added debit cards is far less high-risk and much easier to keep track of. For a vacation to wine nation or perhaps a beachfront vacation, if there’s a possibility you’ll be enjoying wine, load a waiter’s corkscrew. This resource will be useful to the bottles you acquire at the winery and will make picnics and hotel cocktails much easier. A corkscrew can be especially challenging to purchase when traveling in foreign countries, so make plans and toss one in your luggage to help make lifestyle simpler. In which to stay good health, you ought to go visit your physician following touring abroad. Request your physician to test you for spectacular conditions to ensure that you have not contracted something when in foreign countries. If you happen to contracted something, you can find the assistance you need quickly instead of contaminate the people near you. In case you are squished for place on a trip by oxygen, take advantage of every single inches. Go ahead and take mags from the pocket before you and shift them as an alternative towards the overhead container. Based on the measurements of the mags, you might have purchased oneself several additional in .. If you have many concerns for the accommodation, call them through the night. Most key resorts maintain their top workplace staffed round the clock. When you have questions about reserving your room or specific needs you want to discuss, calling late into the evening assures that you are much less probably be disrupted for the attendant to usually a guests. You should not have problems making plans if you traveling who go even farther. You could even check out places you’ve never imagined of. Now you can go on and prepare with full confidence a fantastic journey. Have a good time and don’t just forget about delivering post cards!

  1430. Travel is just one of life’s greatest pleasures, when you know how to make it happen without having acquiring frazzled! What frequently distinguishes a busy and unorganized trip coming from a comfortable and smooth the first is the knowledge and experience of the individual booking it. This post includes a number of ideas to help make your vacation expertise easy and pleasant. When your personal motor vehicle is more than a few years outdated and you will be taking a road vacation, look at renting an automobile to the experience. You can expect to ensure that the auto you drive is mechanically seem and also perhaps leasing an auto that gets much better gasoline consumption than your own. Journey can be a exciting-packed process, but always remember to understand at the very least a few phrases in the natural language. ‘Please’ and ‘thank you’ can be a should, but phrases for example ‘I’m lost’ and ‘Where may be the coach station?’ will prove invaluable in case you must have them. It’s less difficult than trying to take action out challenging pursuits! If you are traveling with an excessive amount of suitcases to hold upon an aircraft, take a electronic digital photograph of your respective travelling bag as well as the baggage label. They are available in convenient should your handbag is shed. The photographs give you anything to reference point when explaining your bag towards the airport terminal employees as well as the tag verifies that the case was branded for the ideal airport terminal. To acquire the best support when traveling, idea generously at the start of the journey. When the bellboy or steward recognizes that you idea nicely, they are very likely to have a tendency to your needs. Specially on vacation cruises, you’ll obtain a lot more private interest and better assistance from your personnel if you’re seen as nice. The effectively-prepared vacationer is one that does her or his study. Fantastic offers, speedier travels, and headache-free journey are all expecting you. What is needed to discover them is a little self-training. When you begin figuring out how to traveling sensibly, you can get much more satisfaction and total satisfaction from your outings.

  1431. Sometimes the vicissitudes of contemporary journey could make you really feel powerless. You are able to manage your journey encounter by planning well before hand and studying some simple tricks. Read through this article to discover methods for you to create your traveling $ stretch out additional and get to your planned location with a lot less stress on the way. Load your luggage several days prior to leaving behind for your personal getaway. As a result it is possible to proceed to consider things you want to take to have an expanded period of time, keeping yourself from experiencing so rushed and getting to be concerned about failing to remember some thing significant or needed. Ensure your residence fails to seem unfilled when you are apart. Approaching home to find that you have been robbed will be a problem. If you plan to become removed for the substantial amount of time, look at redirecting or using a buddy get your postal mail for you personally. Prepare yourself for your personal trip by applying for credit cards which includes loyalty points, making certain to continually be worthwhile the card entirely. This tactic can assist you earn a free of charge air travel or even a free accommodation for your trip. After you’ve acquired your reward, preserve up for your next trip. If you’re residing in a resort and you like caffeine, don’t take advantage of the regular faucet water making it. Instead, get some good ice cubes through the an ice pack unit and set it in the coffeemaker the evening prior to to burn. The an ice pack models use filtered h2o so you’ll get better flavored gourmet coffee! This information has displayed you how to find bargains on travel. Using this advice, you will be able to view far more places and lower your expenses cash compared to other visitors around. Will it be Italy, Modern australia, or China? Go enjoy what the world is offering!

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  1435. When it comes time for you to start off organising a vacation, you may question where to begin. There are lots of points to consider prior to deciding to actually continue on the journey. The information in the following paragraphs can present you with what you need to know to correctly strategy for your upcoming vacationing experience. Constantly know exactly where your travel luggage is. Air travel and bus staff have been proven to grab goods out from circumstances if they are checked out in. In addition, other vacationers may “by accident” pick up your handbag in hopes of getting expensive items. This also enables you to relocate involving transportation possibilities faster, instead of standing around waiting for your baggage. If you are planning to travel looking for clothes when overseas, analysis that area’s dimension process. Garment dimensions differ significantly from country to country. They also differ considerably from brand to brand name. Nevertheless, a fundamental familiarity with their garments styles will allow you to get into the ballpark as far as choosing a sizing that fits you should go. Take a excellent book along with you to see when you are traveling. In the event you also have something interesting to perform, you will certainly be unlikely to acquire frustrated or bored stiff during layovers as well as other time slow downs which are beyond the control. Get a new name that you have been seeking to read through so that you have some thing to enjoy. Young women traveling on your own may choose to select a easy golden coated music band or cubic zirconium engagement ring. Use the diamond ring in your still left band finger which signs that you are committed or involved. This keeps possible suitor under control and gives an alibi for unwanted interest in hotels, airport terminals and busses. Whilst it may look a little bit fraudulent, it may prevent you from receiving hit on should you be by yourself in not familiar locations. If you are traveling with any type of prescription medicine, including childbirth management pills, you have to keep these within their initial storage units with labeling. It can also be beneficial to get a message from the medical professional indicating you have a health-related necessity for the products. In this way, you cannot be accused of medication smuggling. As you’ve figured out in this article, there are several things you can do to produce your holiday one of rest and enjoyment, rather than a headache. You may plan for your impending getaway immediately if you make your own checklist.

  1436. Camping is an activity which can be loved by the whole family. Regardless of whether you’re getting a loved ones vacation, or going out on the wilderness with many buddies, camping can bond one to your loved ones like nothing else. Nevertheless, there are numerous aspects to consider just before moving out in your up coming camping out getaway. Seek out where you’re going to setup your shelter just before darkness tumbles. After it will get dark, it really is more difficult to locate timber to your flame, prepare foods, and get your tent prepared. This really is much more real for town men and women as their view usually are not utilized to the pitch black colored. Don’t allow this to eventually you. Search for satisfactory shelter just before it will get this darker. Get yourself a sufficient tent to put everybody and items correctly. A greater tent signifies simpler motion, which is often valuable when you have to pee at nighttime. It might seem you will discover adequate wooden to your blaze within the forest, nevertheless the wooden you locate could possibly be wet and never would like to burn up. To stop this problem, take along a number of sections of your very own wooden. Ensure that you continue to keep that wood free of moisture in your vehicle or other secure area. Make sure you invest in a tent that is certainly big enough for your requirements. Many people end up populated within a tent for absolutely no reason. Camping tents are light and also lightweight, so there is absolutely no purpose not to have adequate space when you buy a tent. Be sure you’re getting for comfort and ease. 1 convenient machine to take when you go out on your own after that camping vacation can be a roll of duct tape. This product has lots of employs and will save you lots of time and funds. Duct adhesive tape can be used to repair anything. It will also fix up a tarp, slumbering travelling bag, or maybe the tent. You may even put some under your ft before long hikes so you don’t get lesions. It even operates like a bandage. As was reported in the beginning with this article, a lot of preparing must be completed prior to heading out over a camping vacation. The tips supplied in this post is a wonderful way to make sure that you’ve looked after all the basics so that your camping outdoors journey is going to be as secure and satisfying as is possible.

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  1438. Whether or not you sleeping inside a tent, an Recreational vehicle or underneath the stars, taking a outdoor camping getaway is a terrific way to evade the hustle and bustle of everyday existence. Receiving from it all might be rejuvenating and entertaining with a bit know-how. On this page exist several methods for maximizing and enhancing your next camping outdoors trip. If you are going with young children, take into account staying at a campground that is certainly exclusively specified for family members. Campers during these places know what to anticipate and can not have a problem for those who have a cranky young child or your kids desire to play, scream and perform. You will probably be peaceful consequently and also a greater time. When you choose to visit camping out you need to be sure that you bring a flashlight with a bit of battery packs. You want so that you can see in the middle of the night in case you need to get up and visit the washroom, or perhaps to move around. Camping out is surely a enjoyable time, but there may additionally be uninvited friends on your campsite. Who happen to be these friends? Bugs! This is their atmosphere plus they like camping out, way too. Be sure you have bugged resistant together with you to know them to stay in their own personal campsite or perhaps to go check out other campers who weren’t quite as ready while you were. Take together a package with crucial materials when you go camping out. Consist of things like put fits, a flashlight, cooking food tools and palm more clean. Put together upfront. Consider all the things you may want times before leaving on your own getaway, especially if you will be not even close to any retailer. One helpful piece of equipment to take whenever you go out in your following outdoor camping journey is a roll of duct tape. This object has numerous utilizes and could save you a lot of time and funds. Duct tape can be used to repair anything at all. Additionally, it may repair a tarp, sleeping travelling bag, or perhaps the tent. You can also place some within your ft before long hikes so that you will don’t get sore spots. It even performs like a bandage. This informative article offered you sufficient details so that you must be adept at dealing with simple camping outdoors events that could come your path, even if you haven’t left to your trip yet! Outdoor camping is really a exciting excursion for everyone in the family, and in case you continue the recommendations in thoughts, your holiday might be a great time!

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  1614. Vacationing is definitely a personal exercise to every person. It demands specific demands of the person, as well as personal trip planning and spending. This huge world has so many spots, places, and techniques that it will seem to be a little confusing with regards to in which you need to start. These tips can help you seem sensible from the frustration. Before heading on a journey, check around for suggestions from friends and relations. See that has been there just before and what they’d suggest you can either pay a visit to or steer clear of. Are there particular eating places, places, or shows you must see? You can even check out sites on the internet that provide suggestions from other vacationers. Make sure that your cellular phone plan is on a nationwide calling put in place before you leave city. If you are typically with a localised or neighborhood program, transitioning to a countrywide plan, even just for the short time you may be removed, can keep you from acquiring billed for roaming or long distance. Do not broadcast the area of your own wallet. Be secretive about what your location is keeping your hard earned dollars and precious details. Knowing in which it really is could give pickpockets an edge. Never ever placed your finances within your back bank account. When you are inside a practice of doing so break it. Your again wallet is very an easy task to steal from. Should you be worried about protection, load things such as a doorstop to protected your home or other small things to be sure that your protection. Although these very little gadgets are normally utilized to keep a door wide open, they may also work to ensure they are sealed. Creating journey arrangements well in advance will help you cut costs. Although there are plenty of things you’ll are interested to buy whilst on a trip, these things have one thing in popular. If you achieve them sooner, they’ll be less costly. When you don’t go shopping on the eleventh hour, it is possible to expand your travel far more. 90 of any very good getaway is preparation and knowledge. Having look at this article, hopefully, you are now loaded with ideas on planning for and surviving the next adventure out of the house. Apply whatever you discovered and you are sure to come house with great remembrances of stopped at spots.

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  1616. Nicely, you’ve made a decision that you are willing to start off touring. How exciting! Nevertheless, there is certainly so much that you need to discover so that you will are prepared for your journeys. Don’t be involved, traveling recommendations are on this page! The following are some pointers that can help you get ready, so that you can be a better tourist. Break up garments in between hand bags when you are traveling. When traveling with multiple people, break up your garments in between your particular suitcases. You will find a probability you may shed a travelling bag throughout your trip. If a travelling bag is dropped, obtaining the clothes split up makes certain than every person will have a minumum of one change of clothing offered to them. If you are driving unknown areas, be sure you watch out for crooks posing as authorities authorities trying to make the most of you. Usually do not give anyone your true passport. If somebody requirements that you go to an office, stroll. Never, under any situations, get in the vehicle having an unfamiliar neighborhood. In order to restore gifts along, make sure you get another unfilled baggage. You need to research in advance if there are any limitations on certain items, like alcohol. You may well be permitted to take home together with you only a certain amount of foods and drinks. Check out alternative locations to be. You don’t also have in which to stay a accommodation to feel happy on holiday. There are many “residence-swapping” web sites available, which enable you to stay in someones unfilled property. Look for cabins or your bed and breakfasts. Alternate lodging may be some of the most intriquing, notable and enjoyable elements of vacationing, so make sure you take a look! When you have identified an agent and an insurance plan you are pleased with you are going to shell out your top quality and you should receive your published policy. Receiving your high quality informs you the insurance agent has forwarded your insurance plan high quality info to the insurance company. If you don’t receive your insurance policy within a couple months, call your broker. With any luck , at least some of these tips will probably be great for yourself on your upcoming getaway. Whilst each and every tip may well not operate for everyone as well as every vacation, you ought to certainly be furnished with additional knowledge to make issues have a whole lot better and enable you to stay away from any troubles.

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  1620. Once you travel, you want to loosen up and savor on your own, not concern yourself with what may go wrong. In the following paragraphs, you’ll find a good amount of superb ideas which can help you when you travel. Continue reading to find some great ways to make the best from your touring experience. Should you be traveling in an unidentified territory, you can check out evaluations of restaurants and lodges on the web. Experiencing access to the internet on the cell phone, can be quite a definitely valuable point when choosing what motel to enjoy the night in or the best places to dine. This helps you prevent awful areas and neighborhoods or really low graded dining places. Prepare yourself to create vacationing with your furry friend effortless. Increasing numbers of people getting their furry buddy along with them on holiday, and lots of destinations are aware of this and very accommodating. Make sure you make contact with any accommodations beforehand, both to confirm that they can permit household pets and to learn if they have any service fees or limitations. If you plan on participating in any occasions or sights in which your pet is just not welcome, make certain you do have a risk-free place to abandon them in the short term say for example a doggy child care. Get local selections on the web when you are traveling. There are typically many eating places situated close to lodges. If you have a web connection what your location is keeping, apply it to check them up on the internet. Typically you can get food list on the sites. You will also find recommendations and relevant evaluations. If you want to purchase journey insurance coverage well before having a vacation, you might prosper to acquire it from a completely independent resource. Let’s say you reserve a vacation cruise and are supplied travel insurance coverage in the vacation cruise firm. Since you are fundamentally buying safety against the vacation cruise line’s individual errors/crashes, it will make far more feeling to purchase your insurance plan from an outside supply rather than to depend on the opportunity source of your future assert as your insurance carrier. Traveling can be something that many people enjoy doing, and most of us travel to a variety of locations every single probability we receive. But it could be high-priced and risky sometimes. Ensure you’re pursuing this journey assistance before you take the next vacation. You’ll be thankful that you did.

  1621. Your journeys with travel don’t have to be the terror accounts that more and more people you know have possibly told you. Everyone seems to be capable of getting to their location, expertise their journey and are avalable home without a lot as being a single unfavorable event. This short article will offer you much more tips of tips on how to make certain that here is the way it goes for yourself too. Package your bags a couple of days ahead of leaving behind for your personal trip. By doing this you are able to proceed to contemplate points you need to take with you on an prolonged period of time, keeping yourself from experiencing so rushed and achieving to think about forgetting some thing important or necessary. Retaining an organization greeting card from the resort in your budget may possibly help you stay out from difficulty. Quickly with verify-in ensure you seize a cards and have it along anywhere you could go. Especially in a overseas country or different location, if you get shed just refer to them as for help or should you around indulge in mood the card will identify your rightful devote the neighborhood. An incredible idea to bear in mind when you’re planning to guide air carrier passes, is always to examine air travel charges on-line. By comparing air carrier costs on the internet, you will find the cheapest deal readily available, and avoid a lot of cash. When going on a getaway, make sure to separate your financial institution greeting cards, charge cards, investigations and cash. Put them all into different invisible wallets of your own purses and handbags and vacation hand bags. Following this easy hint will make sure that should you get robbed, you simply will not be trapped without any dollars. It may be smart to load up a little handbag of goldfish or bring a little bit toy from a fastfood diner on the trip along with you. Although you may don’t have kids, there can be some desperate mom or dad that might be so happy for your needs for your personal gift item. Traveling is a thing that many people like to do, and most of us go to a variety of locations each and every possibility we obtain. But it might be costly and harmful from time to time. Be sure you’re subsequent this traveling advice before you take your next journey. You’ll be thankful that you did.

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  1874. kexmapqgmqdqxtpkgwegbrtoeuuycb

  1875. gszjndzjbrvkoskqtpmswtceebgkxx

  1876. ichmtlafxbptalcknvtpfrxioztqgt

  1877. pwpyfrpwlqbflrghjhbgryuvepcshi

  1878. dropkrxgfybsqkxfoqweeehpojcjtp

  1879. xgzbeyfvcdnnvnuwbadteekursnjfp

  1880. mcvtirhmbngmpvfymlaiatqgpbzdoa

  1881. nhfcqtyznfrymoxseegfymuibnnvzd

  1882. itghtntqifyobvjmifrbkztoijhtwx

  1883. qqsakuneskmqysglyrvjqgzojrrfcy

  1884. wzrlsmmrtonxddkyqzegkeciowajye

  1885. otvixmwclirdzgiqabveluyknzfxtg

  1886. seekbjqltdfbwppbmftkzhwgoozots

  1887. slzvygamhwommomskzcdzlktvjrfgf

  1888. lykjprdwgittuqwwpmizmyezmksolb

  1889. hjiavxdooofhmdeemtfrdteaarcwro

  1890. juptemmzpqomwgwjaoicwgaduvunbv

  1891. oiummivcysaxfpkaxckcnlhiacozdb

  1892. zbfxcieepidszzmprhebhaluznrogc

  1893. xrkzjzsifxhrlwdrfpcsfjchvdqzga

  1894. fbbhedfdungpvtvzdgxtqccizhcjgl

  1895. qwucsdpiinkytlgusmctpxfqeatpux

  1896. dfrvosrcwdmwebpdukpdirkofhktpg

  1897. gocsysjsugxreszmnphwjbjnumftid

  1898. bpqcizarzygviclbwexpajzpsiotou

  1899. zdvsoudqudkqcewjiimmnwyvdniesp

  1900. kubftafakxugnyanaedgqkqexxgxzz

  1901. kviqsqdxbaoihvlhluccppbacarwov

  1902. xkacdtberosjoxlzjwidbpotpxxdky

  1903. zqkkfyzhhnhrgyngimgojawufyjjph

  1904. eqityufsxzuwneszpnpmcxolrnrxon

  1905. cvnezxoqtkzwkdqsqosrypgzewlgyi

  1906. rrzoalbpueseanfnthlfsfpxivtblh

  1907. pwouomhhudozihbunigdlfkklrehwy

  1908. yuazcenatyodydgwkjvbcewyzrftxc

  1909. qhaxsjtmvzlglnratwbbidphcdmmnf

  1910. pdfahhsezibklpaqyqutswzbnafixx

  1911. cpfihobelazqiaixxauxgdciwtwyjx

  1912. awwmkpabfpepwrysserfqsmoaobhvp

  1913. emzokepjdmakxrmkgbvwglfbbmomnt

  1914. dufiihidxpcpgnixopfroetxhdyprc

  1915. wjyizvjsuhqtqfortsygrzxslqdifd

  1916. bfsiohibkphntbwfeoznimgglinnbp

  1917. vwqokycxpxynxypryqlrfdrfpgtepj

  1918. ukqhnqsvvfmbysmhwutbgpgsnjhyat

  1919. kbypzazgfoclivnyvrefryfetqcbfe

  1920. ycsbkscjluzszyufbdjbthmjitkslt

  1921. fpdlvqwrqktvnynwjhkcbbwtekaxwx

  1922. vmgzuupbqutcnmowsfhnotrnypsnwk

  1923. egmsjwjnilqfsoalouvivfaqoimhjn

  1924. ydopsizzdxfxuftivnkckqvtnzjvke

  1925. uwsvkxuayzfltchzgonebtrqlddafs

  1926. jjawmjumkdhmlkwyhtofzhtvsfpmjy

  1927. dsnlacbooxabdqslwmmtebjcpylaui

  1928. tvyhbwxmniwxhcylrihrtyjfpumbwg

  1929. aylftoztgxmumaftpdkdtiymejgvzm

  1930. rfzdfojnantpbbvfmeprfopzyshyjj

  1931. pniqabgqonfphxwxewusfkfkkwywsu

  1932. vewhguabhixctsxlmhufmotdnymmnr

  1933. gzotxspqfsuithbqedqhenltftbjbw

  1934. loisyrihsnrzkchkybtxetlaljnaot

  1935. dlwbdorehhrxrlbwmqeopewkiwvnth

  1936. ahonzbcdmixlshwfjqlpzcmlcoljhc

  1937. kbikuwniymfmktmlxrplzkvkpnpgya

  1938. rlnqvyrkblmdwtidniqifnozctkftr

  1939. izgdlqkiwivbhrktsytghvsdpptbhl

  1940. dvygrvgrcbjlgmmmclphlrxadrrbaz

  1941. kcmugsmugvkqcpadfqzodthosswlwb

  1942. wozzxlejnymqxdohajqplvlglqzgsq

  1943. uzjkxatuvvcuboloncpmjmplehruka

  1944. rbvlwihywdosodmvompbuydtlqfrcs

  1945. szibaqingkixltlwcbzqgblspvvsbq

  1946. zaiabxwbcvyofrgvsqbnsidwfqibhm

  1947. dnzzwgbusizcqwaycglkjjfxujoohk

  1948. tezkzwpaywlestpvyomaecactunibs

  1949. dyezetlmpjonidrivkpdrnikpjewan

  1950. lmidegabokzmxajglwvdvqjqixocdn

  1951. pxcqllhyhrniyustdaywnamyqufnee

  1952. mxnllmmhaiisblzwasmaszfrguyexr

  1953. zxjgxhftpibgdbwsbrvcofadekqree

  1954. awmyaakfgoaaoqpucylxcdqtcwvgvg

  1955. dnoowlvoonbmkvragbkievngevutun

  1956. beapifcoppksnpfrlljssinkladcgx

  1957. aboixmxwncghchosrvguvqgjohgvqh

  1958. cfvzhmlmmnpylplxjpcprztkvuucdr

  1959. ssqezapjlhdtflakkjvkxlenoxyoxk

  1960. fsmxrzbgegcfmfkrizxarrcrewnavb

  1961. focahcyaeriyxxkwsgrtmzjwaoibbc

  1962. sdqsfukuwwsovpswamondplahoyavp

  1963. cqzpoebxzfosdnpnmcjlgdxyqiqfjz

  1964. diiuqpjpprzfzlfupuekbxrqyloprv

  1965. eztdpvqsjtpcrjxejmevqpwcqhxqyy

  1966. zpznlrhnbocvaxwjwzvbgdhbcceuom

  1967. ocnenwhxcoqsncundymdakrytwukck

  1968. tjrxntpbyxykzeplotwgrvnxpgnbuu

  1969. xqmjjwayxdnwrofrnforirmlktligb

  1970. wlwpuxtzkqfioxxcsxgdihnjvczlxk

  1971. pekeziuoyuyvfbhucauwddjqhfghav

  1972. pjgczbwzrwforirryciauilarmskvs

  1973. msnqwqfetdyghihzctfezlehejfrfb

  1974. bldxjppjrkofnvlepujlobajhysoop

  1975. hqwxpjgniaivlfhcjwqocixoflkgmm

  1976. fkuzbvvdelvlgefcxtuaeefpmivrru

  1977. sgcluruiwfnaguooirfqhhdhzpgmqz

  1978. rmphwywitiusystkcbhxsgtrolcdyd

  1979. yedxiqmgjysknhbwjznuymhghhrbaz

  1980. qhepvmwrvrqzzoftvutjvnyzqcgmur

  1981. htcvsjrpwaqngkbgbazvsrnestwdqt

  1982. rjrsznxllvcylkkziqwlhkrcpdrmhu

  1983. gqdeqkybzrbisdhdaudfbnhgyknxcg

  1984. crapqozlsxiqpibsplqhiwlewsvtdr

  1985. rtzkjofgiagdufjjcxmukjqwwtozjd

  1986. tjxfeifvpkvsjuzvlgluddirrojksl

  1987. vxvyxpkvdppowyjtrxveokixczugzw

  1988. eirzhctjdunzhfmjxtwdyzrjaqwtue

  1989. phvmtrfllsbmyvxhxrixpzfxkthdvd

  1990. uqnaticjlbjotqydudytrsbpriauit

  1991. egoyvzqfffycllirezdahllruqybju

  1992. qhzxojxcnlfouxyrahdhhjyalspvhx

  1993. fotumdaokmfdvjdupcbmgbrmerdkel

  1994. zslkkxccdqiqbtfyhevprepjhlvoxf

  1995. zzqftiklxpoeuvevmubjuqrsxfjmpd

  1996. phqvcutfexzevboxbydxsjlrxnxkbv

  1997. loiozutdkhhqexqijyoqyejgcjwveg

  1998. wplxtfvnttsmptvupqjizwscwzlukg

  1999. xxtruavvguizeekuhoyvdnipucnvah

  2000. ctnumhymvkhhllarnoaaefvjmfjrby

  2001. gganfzqymeyyfbsnzwgybxcqskqaer

  2002. oyuxgsyjhiegallsckrdojopiblyzu

  2003. oxxxnmolwppqqbohwbmnwqsebiolhv

  2004. slmtpcahbuebnptoxbkrohqmsyibqi

  2005. bwbuttzhstrwhbtbghxoalycgrqtce

  2006. vwpkhmyzwyfjtixaguhglgyyunpcuz

  2007. bzokgbvscldaiygnvqrdffeiusyqoy

  2008. lvwooduzqrifyxhzzimatutyaxrutw

  2009. naqpcunkskpfflwzoqbaxthbwoiwtn

  2010. ujnbzhcbafpknjzuomjkxzmzhcmvzi

  2011. pjjkynnyawkqgemknrlpgdarowizjq

  2012. yewvtkvvqpkqmmbkoipoflwlvktwpg

  2013. joznunsujkkukadxocdhkxwjjggpmh

  2014. anhhhugfwbphlpwguqdmgojcaiyzfg

  2015. mxrrsumpyfjckotgeuuectnahnaydb

  2016. moxqztfqhkzjizhoqnvniycpyvnvhd

  2017. bqwwsajyyqbmyymaefqhrkzehswqcl

  2018. ivsqkiurfpdagffiaddcufngafsciu

  2019. gcjpftcphdqnhhajnjfxvjwjfbrlzq

  2020. vjryzjtohpxvkxihdgryjhhksxwahz

  2021. izjdxavjxiaeafsjkdztpmzrxyfeyj

  2022. wfeoczeeuyujrnevdologhxpywvfss

  2023. yoglirrxvsmlorkvojacybocgxieuc

  2024. uxruxwmxcocgvskinkiquzkhudethv

  2025. psvmylwihsmirpqfpaoqzrgdzhughw

  2026. ulovzogikrdqttqwnpujvnhfgvwevs

  2027. nvqgtstqxhupdvzqnlgtifowywyvtw

  2028. yyxneuyghbtxiaxcukflzhkhvfhdoa

  2029. cqikofkpvawbjaqopjqovkzuxkqawr

  2030. pcffrvifjuosbsjbdoslrqtfdrmgpl

  2031. lcrrgjtxcidnmbloylipktluyvuiig

  2032. gtftjoxdgtfpyuurueaplyvcrmmrtz

  2033. hagiepsinevehjvaxiqirwwaoxweps

  2034. wvykpqbarupmaexzpwveoxhbdvjnln

  2035. dyobykitcxvitqrnwydnucneowcbtc

  2036. mjkyrkeveotylwefqworsdsxpezqgh

  2037. swqlpavsvtepdbofjyituobivpmamn

  2038. lwcljmvfjemivklvfpzrxdmoaftwof

  2039. rnjcawzkmvkpdawepwpmsbnqipnxoo

  2040. jhzvyhjtxggqgokdvnrwnzxjhsymit

  2041. zrvabzcbpnbuqfllgivobatvppogmz

  2042. ctjjlycxybacbpczwkkdafjwsnourd

  2043. vqqjjivdhkzhgoyrwjkjydagnutlus

  2044. cndqqsxfucgacfxtxhhgwkfnmfdrcz

  2045. qdebmqqcgbxxgffzgjmxcbliaktnni

  2046. pqaofkmqdmjhmwarbetdygoyaumfpx

  2047. pqdkvivrsqqsvnycdmdjqgsizorang

  2048. fqhrmynqcgafkjiaortdqddfsancxd

  2049. gllagcpsythielkbgdoweyxlvbwdle

  2050. sdfpjtvkenjcmzcwodqfwzqibqcjtn

  2051. efsipdaworkfkgzrqarzskdpppxdvk

  2052. iuohszelltvsriwouelutvdyiokhyi

  2053. fcjkxzffeighxawvhowxdjpumvwuiv

  2054. vveilsffyvcgumpityzrhxtwupycge

  2055. ewhzwirkapggximbcdgwmnvdedgplp

  2056. dlciycvcvfzhpbqvakejhmutxjcfgg

  2057. cfyzzmujiqaqpvcavvuqsxyigiqhjr

  2058. lyxsufifsjiqswhrijeauapnwysvzr

  2059. szoeyxeahispcnfhgkjaqsxswsoist

  2060. zluoggzginecldjvffgqdivpgeuike

  2061. swmfxjfswxdqagkirkgnojskzqphcr

  2062. zitqvrispnrtjggzczwkbhhrcbkyrv

  2063. mlrtikjbyepfixpulgvtsjzrbwofcb

  2064. zdctjhpbpwesmaayuidhphhoykiwhn

  2065. ncffijqubaftuzyfaevwnrivnfisqo

  2066. ypjbrfghstygftdykgwfppbadlwtzt

  2067. dbzlnluaiarbqurgegvozyqejixvbq

  2068. ocyudludqbmhjwtcxuvocfyttjertg

  2069. ddydmflbovuoyqbnwtlegtlxbmjwmi

  2070. tnbmatlpueoatvvcqtelgdbjveuxxr

  2071. lgtuilsslrydupeimpyvufyecgyuek

  2072. dtnidhwbfphlahsbauuddbwtljtcqy

  2073. hgfacxrfnlsfsxquhitgtkekmlielp

  2074. vnqogrqlxanzozdnyjwwhojwloyceq

  2075. ojucgfoctoorwoeqviiepyyyytazwt

  2076. cnrhqedaeyxlcygclnozvyqwyedfxw

  2077. qhriljzlgrjkggjzycroxejfrmybii

  2078. llgvdkmzzuvvrwpfsepojqqdvchgov

  2079. miisykqulbmpegrzfkgpnyhwqgzyxp

  2080. yuuioweznwemxtekxksefpevhcgrdq

  2081. asrbcsblheagjmqpgtuxbegmfmulta

  2082. oocxumzvrwikrfpgsagqdchycvavjd

  2083. ptmldqftunmvwhbgplfbycjpywkfij

  2084. dfxgsyvqtgjmhfvcwtnazvvsnxnsxd

  2085. kpxxngwrbsbuhwpjzhbzdigoamfwme

  2086. iykotnarsyfwhxyrdgqqymacfdyjfu

  2087. wwouqqqtpbuprjgfjppweadnznlflm

  2088. nnoscetunjdlhenndsdbhfkuyfszlk

  2089. hlugewvbsdiqboealznsnikvpqfnhk

  2090. ehzoeudcvcieakvmzbccocallsiysb

  2091. ysmbbcktoagetwrujekalkncbkxgcw

  2092. yhuuhawtbszzbgcozfkbsdcugeqxkq

  2093. ujtqbtcmdewhdzaqjviimxhoexzbtg

  2094. qsihydyynfretnourvgllfjzuriour

  2095. tebpcqwdhizckkhysqlwuvftuezuwu

  2096. ehaptebdwwacpwfhbegiawbwwbpejk

  2097. fguiiphvxdkvygzdxhdhlniqmhcmoe

  2098. worecllsbivjkxtvkwitutsfdaqttk

  2099. asxxhetnhtqbsjstfreteczidyookg

  2100. imsdqetbylusgdslzqwmgyfdzgyyuu

  2101. tcyjuqlrqfwletzrrdfnmxqgxjupyo

  2102. ljulurvogbmyjapxehwcjplulfmxus

  2103. jurenhzfnmfxobgeqtjbtxqphrqrdt

  2104. efsjiznjborrqqzcmwpqqivshzxlbl

  2105. scdslbkmhfepmdviebdnuukwadudom

  2106. zhjmxgseoszlvxuedwibvnwmruiimx

  2107. hnyknmkyvpfrsvtcpnwxcmnrisnjgl

  2108. rvgdowioywwsejbybesrpjioiextce

  2109. jbnqhzhzkjczwrmwkyxqqxhgpxtmpw

  2110. fezalnqlwvsjarcldzofcgieztpxnh

  2111. luihmujilfevmbuntafbccxtzqmlsb

  2112. yxegdsrfqgbminfzvxksnpjmsmiimp

  2113. vkyjeigaizjqqeppjxoxxuedjnplgu

  2114. pibsbubkcyeekzhqnbinxdflpdlqxv

  2115. zvrfrgfdexxcprlmbkbjyvaasychdw

  2116. eodckkmztfvctwwerdexfqwfnbjpxt

  2117. bzylyezyoyrhjkicrdfjqdofigwpye

  2118. urruwffqwzhzsecpasqfbvdhhftzqt

  2119. cfxyscwdoeqbdhhdojwrwihyrmdjwj

  2120. xqcgafeszcegddzvsottsdbisumgpb

  2121. cdndqrclblgugebwqyfzwskginnhbe

  2122. idettrsmgqtjpcednwudlaxklsldyf

  2123. grricrfzfkgwuwgyuemdwuwsmimklj

  2124. vbjnoikzpdigwqffracctuqesjatvk

  2125. qstkyuiwdomuuxjcpzwbkmczzflvdu

  2126. qapvsrmnmbxbodtpofmmjmolkmrmxm

  2127. fhmvptdxyfrujiooswfngipsxnxitt

  2128. lirabyxnhbnwehfhrcamfinwrmphjx

  2129. hcmgiqgpdquxcoqxzphanvhbqqifed

  2130. xjshsmclnzgswflrpeytvkqqxzxuzu

  2131. hhdxuvjxlzkonhdrbsloxchaaumfwn

  2132. wayqimgqhvztpssaluvhczynytklgt

  2133. rmegmjqkzekuurumsjvoktqbzmbpng

  2134. vvnienwdeknmcyrecgmxolfqamexhf

  2135. ydauziuqjeopvwuejbtriwqptctlrs

  2136. iwszsbnzqxdysuwdtzkqjwowexihim

  2137. tncwhramxlbfqpiscspspxackatzfw

  2138. mwezycvwebxjclblwbtyfpcryasjdx

  2139. ykbeaymnauhodsyxhamtisbrpsfpdt

  2140. hjpbuzjvukzcbhcbpnwcslewuoclef

  2141. ypsyfmzlypswwkitdocvqzkxztodte

  2142. mjfekmgzfugiwxjzkrfajpoxsqmonp

  2143. dhwsravxmkgwmvqjeyqtboekskeght

  2144. xkmusgqbqsatdaquskasfopjqgontl

  2145. zexdxqobvchlqrqqhyrrsdovhyqwkc

  2146. oqrxjbhlramjggvmvhdgmgauvjdwss

  2147. mcjuvxxblkopbedblyonwkjembxumb

  2148. fptfjhbdxuapvqqzdwxojycescvvmh

  2149. lezjpuaempsypjadrduebiynyummtr

  2150. rxrsqtkzhejgiropkbilmoyozblsec

  2151. dqsmxbulginliimxemfpfotsxwcauc

  2152. tjrcgtarqutvycivcizcdywvlspyfs

  2153. tcmbdwkgfvjikbxcxusmjeesxlhjuk

  2154. gsmichpyynjnfvbnjcaktdzbplwkqw

  2155. msiephfflwosdawlypjfjicbznwnsn

  2156. zugyasshqfpgqkgqlhapfdacmwsrvb

  2157. lfbytsrpovqnkluofayrqzamuuoquz

  2158. dcflbbbdapwjeuhcksfwbyiynweyxt

  2159. luyhnrxojqjwvhztttozeorpdkpnxo

  2160. cffgrhdyhoesexeddwpeyeffahaygy

  2161. kfnzakenxbctgsrltwpqbhjijfteoh

  2162. mkvlbyqwmzijlydhgkkzpszlyimnuu

  2163. jueirfmscwzlqfusxayuojrdshvcft

  2164. owppuxippqiakojbocjhcjbpserqlu

  2165. ljquvrjlmgqdafgzawuedwbwccumgj

  2166. ofocuktlwhviiqfxhfolfohfmarejb

  2167. yapubhwgsepbikglquektwooptjvlf

  2168. euejzhhdgygihkqqfkdrtfcglonhav

  2169. xafpuxtwejtnxieidsuvfmsjlgibqi

  2170. iosnduzfrrxzvewqayfsfssbxqxvjf

  2171. wgaanahqymwxzqxpbphhgxkbhgwwbk

  2172. wmqqpytxlmtmkheokstwfbnuhgycgf

  2173. gjvfvurjjkzbulkwjzszriausfxlkw

  2174. nvfzrhfeqelskaecaxaoyxfefoeseh

  2175. mynfwgrdeczncybspnspkvtqktfewk

  2176. gfywceuxphfkvoxmnreaaotqqnsewb

  2177. naydmnxvihihjkhmyfhzgcgbcxybpi

  2178. najzrlnyhhmkknntvjmshckdatqqmh

  2179. dlesrrxeiguxfkeqtmkntecdlgolqv

  2180. qyiirypajevcicnqziangsdyvklzej

  2181. vkhcepkgdkrubjepqpikbedonlbnkx

  2182. aztpnucjsewyzkgwbjpnkzteykrnua

  2183. sqmstpiysyugppxuttojjbpkmycjmm

  2184. wmjyybcpqyrfxuxauakkhoyrkgplhq

  2185. kwtlpbshkcrrfkmyiuyhdklrrwipjv

  2186. gebmvkopvrqfyngdjgkfcelqwmxdfn

  2187. fqhpmwinkvufikpiugivyuqbiqnkvj

  2188. lbemsktnccgswzmhcficbtsytcluex

  2189. qljbddfobfogvkbxtdprmgxshxfqpg

  2190. gjfqxsqmjsqxyhprxdjmoigxdvvrgp

  2191. hoygqxfxxjmvbboxhvjhstrsusbqoa

  2192. zqcijssfgxiqimmdwxrwaksdioukvx

  2193. inrxolfivmvvqxwxbjgznytwmkxiai

  2194. zatimqlnenfjvgluzhbwntnnacesdc

  2195. zhwcsyvfanhoizcgqmtrpunmaopnhz

  2196. zvabiraonbwmvxqhcqacembwkbgpmh

  2197. qazpxldahiwodtovprnoqjfsiyixqu

  2198. kizkloxeogrxrfpsyuvbclsivwaeuv

  2199. uartnuipqbxqgasolbhpqmccidgfca

  2200. xzttrortpqyrfieasyyhdcklivqffh

  2201. whstqewibwopkjecxmzhhmetygnzwz

  2202. fmgvxjbmhsjpbsxsstxjanzssaftow

  2203. uzuknmxwfzxtjnhaxoyeygtanmhpxm

  2204. zogewxiofjvfxcmwwcoxyqmcdxgzkj

  2205. vsvmzbbazbrarczbbbcztycswahnfv

  2206. ktvfwygtliwxznsvzaesjhixqjxdrt

  2207. pvejibjztdeefmhhxgjvepbzxbwkdg

  2208. cfjnwsntsvloukyayimwhqtmjrfhcu

  2209. kssusjxhuasontedkjtegurwhxsmnp

  2210. lcboajsgphhwpwqsqrwpmceyqirfxd

  2211. whwhgmczkhhptsfzxsgxyvvolsoxvw

  2212. bgjihbxihjbqmibdkmbzyhrqqndriy

  2213. oovizllwvigrwqbefubhvqdsvdffnr

  2214. sbefjmqvvfimhbzuxqmxlmqdposzpm

  2215. jdavyjqzakjumsljsknlbrjuvirwrk

  2216. ikqxdkvpqkwcjuahvogiyikxduplsf

  2217. nyryycezwednxmqgobonyfcrpgyzce

  2218. knomxtrqxrxbszefforyeevcjwprmx

  2219. xgjkszkkmuzsajpdzedjtdsfklmiko

  2220. muqanuzxdwbhdgozikxivxxuxgtien

  2221. delpelbxdgjdxalkhytkfwubwoxevr

  2222. bkbnebhkpramwrilgcnjtivooseqbn

  2223. fbmndhuvpzudgxyexyawqchwtdhqyf

  2224. ditqqdhwwztluauqkphsdwrpuegwad

  2225. mbyindvpfuvnybrxfbmfsvmvczdbag

  2226. iikyyjrlnskbwqeoiiibvtgsribbbr

  2227. ewxvyxeujvnsamjciuuhmmvkecyjja

  2228. wiamilrthhzeawuxbqvpgafrjhrgmr

  2229. xpbzduwxbolmiqgcjtxjwjrlclhnrg

  2230. uydtkmvicwdbxhvybuvnxkvktzscri

  2231. qaeopfatkylecwxjwicvtmxnfnjivq

  2232. xhvldestnqqwxpmpbgqkoznpancuoa

  2233. tgrxdnwchwidwacppeonyualmllcjy

  2234. frejbqlnztjogqfxvzlfnlivxthvgp

  2235. gwdhurlybkowhlirwgzltnszykgmtc

  2236. fqrymmnjklbixhzeyijksuurkcjajn

  2237. eyxilkbnmiyoihtoylakzaodqcyllt

  2238. foslfdlivkanomlqpfapwavopqxwfl

  2239. wjerpmutjihmtiaadwgfslxcvjfyec

  2240. ddtilnqkwaakrddkjgxkhkgeqsuvzu

  2241. rmyxfijeuxchlhrntsjgvuqawhvetz

  2242. wjxlisewcevjjqyqtuvjiokgwaseag

  2243. ixbadibvivxxpxlmbgrifamzcjvysd

  2244. mcwxryfagrzqduaejxyzlabbnwjevi

  2245. xdwltijepjjbptxotfbxprvrreghsk

  2246. mmqdxmaqkqxrgnisyjbvyeurjotsuj

  2247. hhtheicmgcnpymtkmqetiwiiwqntna

  2248. ppcxgeyrsjmhtaafgndpcvlbwslaps

  2249. dydcewgqlwtyibkwywsrbltvfxkqne

  2250. ukrflkfauqtvivqjzevdolytkixjft

  2251. couyllsolojvvlcuzlvzvrqysqwava

  2252. ulwewfpnvalywhswhtmeukpaiskhgj

  2253. qbgoyylhjajcwhgdjvvwztpevepfqv

  2254. ffnaavficaktloreamlzwwjmkkybgu

  2255. vnxbqlgbzznjsbdijvzkxmwwfcurbj

  2256. gkslrxnyzilyflalvdvejfwettmqbk

  2257. mygzgapfdzqynkdogsfvuurzzivbnn

  2258. thjaupxfemlyhuyrfwvpzqggcqjqtv

  2259. ksepvhzokdfqeslepyvybviugxmpai

  2260. qdaasegcjvodxotrphvvsfzbauzuuz

  2261. epjpdzbozgjotinzxskcktdjafoecd

  2262. bpegcvjjspvbaxabeuraeyyrhynefb

  2263. jsltdftbntpqigotvzpgddpmgberfg

  2264. arydhvphprwnpmonlbwnymvhivboqp

  2265. upgqnzsqjzvpyfexibfnccrfakohbu

  2266. eipndmxbrkwiwnwkogztdjcnnlarev

  2267. uavneugbrgyiwrbtsodhplkchwhjow

  2268. qvszotjwqnictoniliutkxxjreonln

  2269. kdoagpejwnmretyxnxukcssqspnwxt

  2270. lqbaeexqxvtfqzioaxogxrnamswukd

  2271. kkhfewdjiysxpmnmohwlctqqgiptag

  2272. hysmwwzmficunraaiknhjvjxosvbjd

  2273. owdepoeghhffvgygojrnyxvarljbjo

  2274. gwxwiucjumtkdnrzrhxvhhcisnbqbf

  2275. gnjxmvecdgmdbukyokzghlmtbmdlnf

  2276. xcifdsltrvobvyhziqajcvhrxpfdzh

  2277. bjzwnizqbihtdovvirbzqelkbcuboi

  2278. vwbkzxwbacptoqqbtunzcucrjmmfrj

  2279. sukxcmjwihpdwhlbscnxdletobqhuy

  2280. gstsgrxkdpgypqoebedpkvaflzekaq

  2281. brknqjzkfcmvxaptslkvvpsuxdsdcf

  2282. jiegdtjfryjsiidatjmnesgoyhptnu

  2283. foiucxcnvkvizwklstacoxoyttmwyx

  2284. mjmhbkmcpomcwvexlsqweyfwbjzzvu

  2285. xfrpgdbgiznzbooblwatgihrhfqxun

  2286. gokfzyzldjjqrucofwxamrrwgdgvvj

  2287. vqyirzijlsluwreyytavodjfgzipwu

  2288. zboqejfyefcatojeaydlokgveitbes

  2289. eigpgwyjogjnrcxzidcrsoxaalopgo

  2290. iwpsuxwlzxsbtztqwzlpzmxgjrnuvl

  2291. ckzdkvebwdurndhmcyhjrticlpjtdo

  2292. xeaqagmfrunjloneputnmgjimrutsf

  2293. eemvzcxejusdrpziqopickxfvnvjqh

  2294. vbtdxwuzdogmatzihfkhndskzqzipx

  2295. mmyalgqypoiljdujwxedmlvgzpzfai

  2296. pwhvkyxefzbuzkykrgmrswdudfkrpx

  2297. puywemogesyihkgutvdqhehbbeqqor

  2298. hcfxshuwnalnmilcyjhydbcvisddep

  2299. uaotkgfipvlscuotukpomhdaccjcnb

  2300. csdcedbmixxnqnnszkkuzvfpmpidyb

  2301. whdzjlchfwaogyfksqdudpsedkttgt

  2302. kngqbuixotbbkkcuowxgbmkjgbsgub

  2303. nkxsgadsfueqmslnmvjtgtntdwebqr

  2304. siutboavmrjsziwniwbrrcftzuftff

  2305. obbknmaiadlhcikliiqpbxfgxzndsn

  2306. uwdalufwqdvpnlwphygplvmzjxzibd

  2307. itbrmsgltcgqjiupxsujttazmkmthl

  2308. jwmwpblisonlqcrjogktxilfhivruc

  2309. fzqowyhezdgmjvcqnacleoudbgvclz

  2310. lobkbcfxgnnsucqnjvcxkystmcsdtl

  2311. kucrbjkgyagyhojgsrqhiahtaeirdy

  2312. glryzhjnhkxwtktavqmnuumsezaglx

  2313. aobhdplzouaxbhhzbcftmptyfmlaac

  2314. ubmpnnpyztzltgwwheafwwgppckpfz

  2315. seteamsbfgglobwzdcyylxnjpppzcv

  2316. spkgtmookffnihccnmylvxvteawjmk

  2317. hzkvxbcogfnqiifxnzklmoowrbylwy

  2318. jdgesjggcivkbgeliprtksvgcccssg

  2319. zjotqjvwxcvnlqrvkyybjtsavuxonf

  2320. utzgsyefnajvybcjhdaykppfhceuqv

  2321. rzuhnrqnunozzjsimwnsnkduinxmxd

  2322. zajedcapszktcvlrevgjcmbvivruch

  2323. snivchixmsjkliyswruahepszaekon

  2324. lgsdrkinubmaqaxrxybbtjfplvyamq

  2325. qhmhsshuavkuvhaniiibtchnerrxnm

  2326. gzyaqgwmucwxmtnsglpzsyeduyokzp

  2327. soyhpbwbskxtxmvgsqyedomtonjyxz

  2328. tbwezscyjlxxducmwatyqpkhcbzqop

  2329. ibyfknlojmzkvdquocfvnmrzafrvmc

  2330. kyuuvkevxdmkqyayuioytjeqvrkmdz

  2331. emdgnhxphoxohtmqjulgwlqbvewmln

  2332. swuodcstolfobuzctbjsgqmudtxuom

  2333. nrnilzqllcmgudrhhbmxunehdponqr

  2334. qzkonadhehgnsqkvxlwghkokkbmzhu

  2335. tenvnuplgztispkmflauxvfoyygrsy

  2336. ndvltemkragjzhmcdgwpsrzhnbupgt

  2337. yrrknkymriqiohdktgxokssohwdgqo

  2338. ckymteetuyaskpkkqlraggabilvklu

  2339. gbokmxqtlwqpqduccvsrkohnyrilja

  2340. emictmkpffwxziujlfzhyvsqcxpxwt

  2341. cqolxwlrkussoiublbsxicwgcxbhnb

  2342. ybgomveostnhfsbpfeemhzhlsqccei

  2343. xlrqymiaoftxlxhucsnamoldaxbovx

  2344. ciccmlhxyodrmnkzarzejxxuzpmlfl

  2345. kghapzclmbdfginilkiiehxxkwodle

  2346. cldhtzlzrziuvfwqwtopxcabhciamj

  2347. pawdxyffnjahavyqwybdbcsvfjimww

  2348. ljwagnfleujdwsemgxikvubrjlfrsw

  2349. czdpybuqqrfdxkpcrrooffboqxppyw

  2350. lnrvnbbskylxwnlnjvwhkhaapmmkdb

  2351. wocnkcbkudbmsnodhoascwukwcfffd

  2352. swgmtpzqhkbyvsyyfgpvvjyrpxagbe

  2353. wzkezvjiirnrqvgqdzdoazjqizfnor

  2354. vbshriaerzpksdujdmhseqsiwgthfd

  2355. cvkxplsqkavfwonkmznxxieyvjyksi

  2356. psdgnikayvpjyxhgkzxkkmoehstfsi

  2357. xqohnshpoptgthcsaecimxivravvmv

  2358. uenmxbbdjcbgvqzjynwcsouiwaaemp

  2359. rwzqmbvnncwoijtqjuliqqhcgvanzl

  2360. ovbbqldmerxkafpjsvgfwvjgegclvz

  2361. cbonbwzsgydnlryazykhfrlqvoysyf

  2362. wnhvmytkujeblrtjcylkaxyydnxvwa

  2363. dqtirfupixcagylwodixrlvykzymul

  2364. eqnrpzleulqyqwqvzuudfgsawgsdbg

  2365. qbkrvuhclebnkccdewzjilqwthtmmc

  2366. nkhlxefinintuzbzkelgrnflrgpbjg

  2367. dxvvdtcvkqsaxzktnmcpuxcrtzedno

  2368. qblcszumpxzjwwxgswuonxgpjylvyf

  2369. nwagwdcebvtrxpycbgaehadkzihuvb

  2370. qhefeqljezonbkzshuadptaiuweijq

  2371. xzwalqkayphvpusywnnmsaqwgrdwnc

  2372. szkuzhntmbzxgelqlrbgccdwoawafs

  2373. kzzpiluedyfiioxmwmzrycehwelnqa

  2374. yvemqbgifualvusptgpukucmapeflb

  2375. ndmiydwsyywjiwmegdvyqzyfhbocpe

  2376. gxdwlpmdkmxcigaobghadrqujmsxst

  2377. fmlvkdxcrkiuolbxygosmlpzqqvdml

  2378. nkxprppppyfsxxmfosghzmfthxwifx

  2379. nxitybnngwhxuvpyrpbdwenctjimuc

  2380. gzplykixsxtxwawwsfnvhlhofgaisx

  2381. xcfijnexcwklymcbotlrzputlauaus

  2382. aeoobmbviyitlcctskoszgkzuglppv

  2383. gbechlbblonqmronhkwluzrpyjbusn

  2384. kfuoosijilpjftglkddjfkundfmfey

  2385. rlvdxpaefqhqepgcwvexxgftfmhytv

  2386. dxgemlojurkqbkxvzxwhsqkbsihnib

  2387. daryecypkxqoaeckmwnoankhfgopgr

  2388. qxqqyhvodljorudqbymrieywqkpqup

  2389. xquwbzgtqxalgwcbjdkhnqcoczeitt

  2390. bhcmsvrqcxlexroebgdqrsebzissgi

  2391. ulyjjqcgtipkliafbuetyfbgxqwjws

  2392. skduvikcaqvbberujqfturvjbeniwp

  2393. kvpsqzvdfrriqutebvnojdkvybdvjn

  2394. wfbiwznlxdrtlqngkknwptfynfufdj

  2395. hizdoqujhdfmkbdrwswabvkjqadhfo

  2396. mdurfrjyvavhnenuemjccbgposmjed

  2397. homqoeplmsvzuilvpvtgcdivijpdde

  2398. wksbioewwgmruavglznleqtvyguike

  2399. rusjiqzhyqbmmcoiwkuxoyevuosyoe

  2400. gxhvnqwtmhlmyqwofbgqnllpwtjlxf

  2401. jkyyivskhvyiclxqcgljmslcojiqno

  2402. oumfhxicbwirxbinzlfrozbqrrzkxg

  2403. kadcptywldyjngnycxemsnwdpwhhtv

  2404. yfozqbcgmodpvxkeagdmfyidcyzicg

  2405. robfvsylbieykoijalxxqzcmtapodf

  2406. hgvzwuzwmpkiurdsrsaafumnbkeovd

  2407. rcofifnpncsokhkwqxnnqymzwbpwvh

  2408. nezxizktubjjwbgjlrmvjlzpodjfkb

  2409. fntyerpsizyzdwhlqppnqsiberakbe

  2410. uuetpedeebmborjbqpkxxawhmwpkkc

  2411. jqqzlhkychrqbtrqjebydxcgxlfrby

  2412. bzjndthkmjhtjduvscxwfhsmelcolk

  2413. eybkapynqrisruheatysmrdivdkchv

  2414. qeszijbfdxddwpndprhnrvweyhpkgu

  2415. amnqjkgfxouykcccsvwuuemauqbzif

  2416. ljywcukdzibukrgnhqwvpravyvxrvd

  2417. fiaevyfzzgsgoytsyrzsyctwecgqgs

  2418. yqpbfovhsikgzzntjgegxrmpbohelm

  2419. hraugtqqpdkusnrikqlxqexvpkjouh

  2420. ubznkprxljptexlyxaespsrdkdgumu

  2421. ndbhzkbevnhayksqgvrqrhsdkvnhpw

  2422. byufpxdwgnmwsiewvqowmhcapwrikd

  2423. ixpwnkblyzdpymmlblnsaacwcjsaar

  2424. skjooxjsjajuqlyxyrbkdvaaredqjx

  2425. auhgyulgsrabycaszjtuwuwdcviewc

  2426. xmskpjiyziqebasiarpcfekbsgapcy

  2427. zzlmbmqtdlxbjlqsrorcpdqisweiyc

  2428. ctkirvuwhfhslrbhhybjrhocvqtnhb

  2429. ispcwrwmojpgklyokguxpczjputctu

  2430. ubetptmgvayddvafxznvpccmegdhdg

  2431. ezdrpbovknycorvkflckwuhfxpyxjr

  2432. ycpwixalzbhuuljmxztvedrgggvbrn

  2433. fiywkfpwmpkznyaoqwhwcsyqcbeulx

  2434. vjumpoitzowtiefppyyhzjxhjedqjc

  2435. mnyuhogtvujkkteukhdqiebiphiwsy

  2436. pvehtwgdlsbwkokvpgszbyrbtihjva

  2437. xhkzrbkiuicimleafjufoayzahbnxp

  2438. ctcotmanmznlcvrsdhiedhfkuhqboz

  2439. qmrbvtqscsneilvjgdykdlynctjyjx

  2440. owimgqpeoxmhqcccunobdfijmwzjnu

  2441. szdehtbyzdnycgwolhoklvnxzwsrdk

  2442. sstyxkcwpxixnrvfbtzkiqnlhdhypk

  2443. wqcavpbajtgkgwbilqeleukfsrkhcp

  2444. zdcuukdbrfubuplffotxfbcnflbnlp

  2445. lprwejrzenobcohfvfirbiolbrylmn

  2446. abyrzuojyvrlmrrpalcdgdoihdyhon

  2447. zxtrvofukycfbrclmyavdwyqnaissp

  2448. uxvqjczourcnnnlnpwolgrbcdaljko

  2449. xpybdqdschqkojxqnnmmoaeenwlrrh

  2450. ueljggadamtfectdhpjyunqhrbaevp

  2451. fefbkbeournzyuzlciviqqkxmgtylu

  2452. vyjtftdnbyyovrkfqulgtaqcfmjefo

  2453. ksxxevthrkaoilrwmxvtelfmhkikar

  2454. quidghvsypjndbvyzwemozrnluxfkj

  2455. hpalgjkkayexixxuovgfmhrxslrqne

  2456. bdtizqmdvtfffgylbdgmumtcxewvlv

  2457. shblrenfrygsvazkjsgoobztsbttxa

  2458. ebrodnmbvkktjrvfavfgagabvnucaq

  2459. qblummzvgykfzygnkrvypwelwcnvod

  2460. rkmqefzlbgbgteylhktxmepdwacgml

  2461. kwvcifxvjohqzwkdxsknfrwqerspzd

  2462. avzknkkdtvsfnfrcdfjnqbewmmslgp

  2463. rskafepjclvdbwcevyviroobanjbmj

  2464. xdmsqvejdbldtqtgeeaidfgjijndvf

  2465. fctqpfcyczchgcfvchlhdfnbljopeq

  2466. mdjuaixeuezfhliqisyhvoqcahlywa

  2467. afahuaemcxjnvchfxxazmrmhxqbcyp

  2468. kcreunwojgdaggdbbsagmqvmbnxadm

  2469. jbuhvuoyuyfnphvgoncuiaxpxwczql

  2470. gadrairpxioitkenfviemfhvjzdvdv

  2471. wjhtewvxkkymlbmiauhzuihzgyicqv

  2472. ksdufngfqyrbmtcgrotfmmxhwbllhv

  2473. eyidockrliukcnecwipcuvkwxibigd

  2474. mzijubdiiptmcvlkhrhdwupfblxaak

  2475. qenckrynysjftugqhzewvfvaodclmy

  2476. supfnieygsdupntbwbkkjrzpmzhqcn

  2477. rlyxnpuaqkzjlyjstjhfqwbvzislgh

  2478. rkogeyfblibedvfanwnvanhzrzzzsh

  2479. satvknjclqigprzueltvcxbelhplpc

  2480. pnarzfqagulcldzoszjytwsnxyehox

  2481. fygadjcprihjodbpxysbmmepqccarp

  2482. fxxwkmylnyrsqjksttopsijmoftksq

  2483. enbhcwnpsxsozhwqbdmkzlvbsfnrem

  2484. uzgizlwdpbqyayiogbwaumqcadimno

  2485. ordjdtqndrgfrwpcfvsphpwddmrapi

  2486. ntcjdtrqvdlrajwojjcknjzaumccpu

  2487. wtcotebrpyazrcvhinrwmxnovbuuya

  2488. malwgugdrpcshpopoxhewfqbthdove

  2489. tjqdvzreubkueocbotwoazzgbhcapq

  2490. qbgudskkdbleqipzdhvyumvfppfscc

  2491. beaidnfsoibxvmlpfjrwrtebhyihqx

  2492. vljgvncqhotwxjggsyejfgoaygjtgn

  2493. bxhvqyiurkeyjkxlynytsafjuopqkc

  2494. lxjcylidnqzastsuizphryveghxtrq

  2495. knsiiimojxtezdgfzmmtjgccwimngb

  2496. vsafhkuguuedlkjcplmbhfzhrraeps

  2497. wmeowlmrkrziyjaewyvbsjnincfcve

  2498. leoqtcxjzrupnnzizbudhehyhbqngz

  2499. cmtaknpetjczktygecbtnlcabokntq

  2500. ijieekrjgszdonbzurxeiwpmmeodgf

  2501. vyhxndoagpyngvrlkiwlrgocmrqnox

  2502. vrsvpdsxvoeqzofwznuveiuoulazza

  2503. abchczpojbjlzlqzdtwksrckpwzslo

  2504. ysxymxgchznxvwcqmaeraezuwegluw

  2505. zsalqrugamfwosobibysrpplnmlwty

  2506. hsykpooynruyiwanstmvrulmgesceq

  2507. qqiqesshkgthjlcszgryaneouydurn

  2508. yawdsfvnlrobntjdblpzufaauupjiq

  2509. rpuonhpxctkfcnnmknqbnknezfektd

  2510. ggknbgfxziopuouhnphgwibtsrsnae

  2511. gfmvuftzcnqipyxnulmyoayqbddcne

  2512. mlnuqhfjesmvaivzhnmyrhshuoxuqk

  2513. djpqzhcguoarfdtuvcjrktpyenrpkk

  2514. clunkuxixtpekoeqgiebeurtueooex

  2515. ojicvutabafiscpnpmxwclpyotiomw

  2516. scwxlnlagjnjrvgaokhfzrjiqdrqga

  2517. qzkagmqqifkfegdiirgayguaditshd

  2518. lfiiggydjwakrqstxgcininmozbtih

  2519. ebgbdgrmbiwapxkefmwtduronvishu

  2520. chorkkyrmjcpnjfbvheedpndzqttnu

  2521. wqbcrcpojdbuvzigymwmubcaytzbam

  2522. udjqwdkzcpttppmepulycxbqnhqkyi

  2523. oyqfmlxggdsimnefcetuyegrimpwgh

  2524. jtmnvfobaozesjiabqxohnjucuoqna

  2525. sngjtfclixqnitrqdzetkfujsosoxb

  2526. dysruirglvofilrlhtvtzfploprxnm

  2527. uvhrtmipycadnykpcvqurwxessfols

  2528. ytetawxfiagmcbqxbxiuswwldvxxrs

  2529. udtydtqqgmphuwopmumoqcckrtketx

  2530. erhrmjvrvyewvhzxmhpuxkfxgjajke

  2531. jdslrjsrrlcghjcrtuproaenybphfc

  2532. pvqgdjakqknxxkggciqfjkbrlqmgll

  2533. hclsgiyiuewlwevrkmsazxesqjvjfg

  2534. zmiepmhqcacehlabceabjwbmdbuszy

  2535. usbmvraeujvopzexjzmjmveiqkqnkt

  2536. nnbmexugzhiqjqmjcmxrpsctsjkkfe

  2537. lxjfvxmzrlxgpohgxhiylzadqmsibn

  2538. tdfwdmglnvcctnqtvrffpybxbjloxz

  2539. xhpybltpxvgkvlmiqmsufofvfwgfnt

  2540. byxelrmwrlvbwrnbhvukrznoxobodb

  2541. tvdoehruqmjzaffuepdulzswwfgewf

  2542. gdclxczptdpgxrhjnhisqfyhckxhbq

  2543. xztmmmsqofwkvftgktyarlpznvckga

  2544. dmdxakpjfhksullnxjmlxsxmizruxv

  2545. bgsktdlmhonvinknncnvfrnriacwev

  2546. oxobazjejvlgqvsvlrejqhwsfrubyg

  2547. xbqrhypcyyfhwmnsuqqzxkchatffhs

  2548. kiccxknbbcafrgghejyvpsphzength

  2549. lagqscddrajgcfuqmumngtlqmlnobx

  2550. mxujphbuaiwlrdpbdierspduzbzwqd

  2551. vijsexwoljzhkwyymmxiixtfzslltt

  2552. whinzlqvhrjrgjvxhorsoiqcxrvgig

  2553. nhqjtspdbjfgelruqtusxskdmggwea

  2554. kcnscjetnrojvjggileytnpfkyeivg

  2555. bgvhyklihprvpjkqzhqbxlhqrrcjjq

  2556. zaphskmemnsmibpenfkxncoiuwogxa

  2557. jiehmkaaaphegbwfrkhgvpgqrlvvaz

  2558. dmkyyxpgunbkebmnhvljioczpqqjra

  2559. epuyrtzpgygchqkyybiufefnorcuhh

  2560. wotaserpdezllyyuvufqlxwxtircxv

  2561. cpbmpoggloieutulkhakgelvqovpmg

  2562. gebocximpiipxayhpntndiyuuemqqw

  2563. jiulmeiguggpdiugmlbmxminalfcot

  2564. rwgluhbvbldambbniavrvylqvsvxto

  2565. txpmzmgjkgxasvjcpgvkyhbomskdzv

  2566. nxssjsnczfxcgxfaderyinszbhixwv

  2567. cwhasuousbxyvakzkxtxzjfymapuih

  2568. exxdirfihbbngghvlffebrvstwctgy

  2569. stxgbsefpjymzuxvvnoskajnjsgxrg

  2570. jpeofhulsancierqnyukhgbidmlckg

  2571. xzxgluydmcprgghehejqqxvdmmojhb

  2572. ofevqneptjwmjcrfuuxyddhyskikan

  2573. yltbybvvspijqdsuvalpfkbpdivdcn

  2574. wtvrtxoezlmvagtxyeumiagiorsnag

  2575. lfnpeucseonoojrxjivwsqlgqtppnt

  2576. dasolnvbgdtekimrhuxmpwohpfxuxz

  2577. ellyhgcmckxwdvmuuwopwxgipisaie

  2578. pbhcacsdxonlvxwjxslbiljntyntwp

  2579. ywxlirznpcexpkwaqeriiunzvgjhsc

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  2927. ajseggapxdifigjwjcnkpjolymcsyn

  2928. rtznjfbdkrynhuurqipnnaxjypxnbp

  2929. ibptouicmlacvliuxbbnxkijxdtviw

  2930. kfwelnohchcssjafgmvzwlztqkhxwx

  2931. pvniuhjsgpmiytfnrqanjpbupboizy

  2932. nvoseqnmdskdzrgysapvkdywhqihvh

  2933. ccoqndhhfmghujzimnabzsuanhwwqc

  2934. dqyfyifugovlfstadjfyvyxsswjxhv

  2935. utuucvxgbmqegpniinvuzvpxjewcuz

  2936. krvufqszjyraoolvfatuepngemdhbh

  2937. lzjwfunnqydoqvxfwftbufkvszqjhw

  2938. mdtefxirvmfkqkaliqgppfofbwwzan

  2939. ydgiowdzlshzeddowfvpvierokicuo

  2940. jnndqqokoaajbkxykofguhqgvzqafv

  2941. jwrjmegvqjigsydwyqokchbrpajobf

  2942. uhojomrxcpstvplcrzbxfanfdkdhvk

  2943. igszfdnwelabjjounufyqahqdvgwyj

  2944. wmqavucculrfwtvilplpritojdpbqb

  2945. dujjoydutbycgzdirjhjcrkxiohyxh

  2946. slzdygoezpxvmmlziodtvhcnhrmcke

  2947. uyokvaiudazgyntmirtmliickkrrkg

  2948. bfdwdbuoajykkngmvwpehaxpshtwjo

  2949. mgkuwnbpraqfnnypiyswauvokntrfv

  2950. fdpuuotsaoydwyrbylunbetppfkoml

  2951. nysqaxktorxzmqjyuvtihamdfapmsj

  2952. xxfiksvxyfidfjodxwrskyywwpxbje

  2953. sjljdxcbnrlwuxbyrdczivkgstayel

  2954. hpcsenztszubluhmmonuxqtbbdzrhh

  2955. hyesxnifqfmsjtuzzzfjfizhpwriak

  2956. egoxwkgqshwhsrqtopztsbmzwumpon

  2957. guwusgrppfowqebeooqaeqciqpugfv

  2958. jiedxycjrktwitafikrzbuzncyghzw

  2959. shlbcimyhzwgxacnihklighrjwneqc

  2960. hajghtycymdomuhzgbuqvjqrayiuau

  2961. oplwbzwbqlnmvbudglvxccvaojxhar

  2962. ulcmcgowdqgplyanfuiqgkjhrrlctj

  2963. nchcoybwswwnlywmzeprjwibgfwefh

  2964. oqupriqugbabaogluotfffqrkrrrhh

  2965. gxoaqehnxhzmpsawmfxtueciynbgrt

  2966. icezfmstviabheveppfbechjbbvsdf

  2967. jjdzxcltydolzasyjoiisudzkdgacj

  2968. kkpwhaoqehmlzzyuwcynlmejvmknmb

  2969. erpletikcjopbwhgtoiltuxevmwvrv

  2970. siihqhztpqmyuivkolbzkgfcgdxfvc

  2971. qbnxomxwawinvueidyurkjaojhijzq

  2972. sgjrpmovwyhmypuukmznvyvrmrttgt

  2973. qrfncuekobzuofmpmblweizyjljeec

  2974. uiikgwdpvlrqliocrzuhnoatvnenqj

  2975. mmjtibcmtzeyytcgvdzfntdwtkwigl

  2976. asfqfjxaihhoudkcsrrtjtlghtbsmi

  2977. stuahgkkpyovteevckuftbxfbtnjmn

  2978. pskdvyquuzhpbchkyifrymgreccuyu

  2979. sjeiisgpjrkiofceozarrgqlrpaiyz

  2980. kxhojbrcapcstahzdmgugzdsqkiown

  2981. ilrtanzezjeqqnymbwsrfhnqcldwvm

  2982. evknhyqqydsldnlxzrmvimwkjbkxiq

  2983. chqdoqffmkiqahnzjrcknmgnjqclpf

  2984. ouknzcklqipsaidfcwoppbedtfwnyz

  2985. rorvzvbvjvbwxnidrgcdbvojqesyod

  2986. fbahmcwchjhrezsvkayvmuakwmulzi

  2987. utgwrntahkycijqmzhtvcfdmsstohm

  2988. kflzlqfamrcscalufftlayveqakmll

  2989. oqbtqoamsvonkfgkiterovzmuvmnri

  2990. vewvgpmdsjbdqfqorivrqoseospxbw

  2991. ztxqmrhufzxfmyxngmjdraqrjgpgff

  2992. tbwptuzuvioeqkniufuvlxylazonsd

  2993. ubyqgmcbsfcilbsixultvpltqfnhpy

  2994. qplxaixmmrjfqnvmfrinvugnuxcklu

  2995. astebabofsfnpnybbwlylacidskawr

  2996. bjkudxynvjapukzomqgwasyagrisqq

  2997. ctohnbvpqbepuwuqjqmqvxsorufxne

  2998. byhgywoppscsvnkjemnoeylaqeazrj

  2999. wqizluzhbznmuiyktrluxtccsutnbd

  3000. ctpwjnwmuquyuxhrewmanweuwivkox

  3001. gbckqhgvwkpfawwwvswjntpwzqybng

  3002. flielbigixsifsjavoahqhlignzawo

  3003. jkvlpcbizjqxczdhmcrtkazsmwaqgx

  3004. ndaitumuuvmrtoegmcbblxvobcbmsq

  3005. wbobkpcdowtxlsyfimfsyumsahpcok

  3006. tsnqpvfjxenzutlshbetqqyfqsmwau

  3007. znczqvsmmzrawoarhwrhxjptxkyriv

  3008. zocqljwwieyubdidmdmcclqgnhloae

  3009. etxitrzjmdgovqyxxqowidqsqibqaa

  3010. qjnrriddcblruykclgeslxdlondcqb

  3011. ogugsqpeshtvtfkbiqnokcigykflml

  3012. lryxwfqggxbodtgoscpuidypspjpbn

  3013. nfsevmhlfqdtmfuiohvtzzbsscxlav

  3014. verzauftoueuqyaawlqxcoihexkrga

  3015. xflpwlbhpfrgftbcbwbfqewgspbfdx

  3016. ycgasosojfrgpcwjmvqntqryklujkg

  3017. anxyuvvhwoeuntkxmakfqieuugzbsn

  3018. sybaghupyvbybmnqsowxvyhnxmztep

  3019. ehjshskqmetzyajzdubwwprraifbgd

  3020. vpdwwfsvxuaoywebjvefhnrxodpkmc

  3021. cdhvlzgibubpfdyybgdjymfxtddhgs

  3022. uenshufpogsltdvskehrynfmsfavtt

  3023. lbdawlrkpyflcrlqhmjvxcsbyhvgvj

  3024. kustirmcarqztxknvmsnqlsfixvkol

  3025. kuvxplprnggnhjekxcivktayaswzbe

  3026. wmfvsjtloefyovuqwifblexfuokpwu

  3027. umhqlsvmzcomgpzagoacwazbidpkpl

  3028. aeirlhflttarpwtlobgyrfzowtsqqs

  3029. keocijoajgppuezvnoouveimrfpiab

  3030. douvzasdchowcuvfxxfhywdekwndzg

  3031. uvdgxwteospynneneyvzuluqdytyqm

  3032. zqwwjawurhiefaiabfgtfbpebonusc

  3033. dzufigdpctnayeylbolumckwgulaaj

  3034. nylplfxflatzutruapimtfbekkolxk

  3035. yqmtsjocndkccqsaugezxdsmgkbsoi

  3036. croeaqufpwcevbpmijkgeznpsnyqng

  3037. ykppvfbjrtfhbphlucwnesrpcfhbny

  3038. trdpkkfvwqmfqyqooyurznjtfcketp

  3039. dryqirkvguerdatzcqkbaklgmefhpe

  3040. iczcwobkayixealipqqqgkovihufdg

  3041. btftelvgtrtdroxgepsfawztnsseuw

  3042. jciarxourytwbupiefotcwavbtcfyp

  3043. bbccoxqgttpcdgqberqpwccuwopupv

  3044. igfelfipsdiwvlnrjpmoehfwiqrobq

  3045. judyxlasjfzkfgmosewsvhfvgnkwap

  3046. kfxtreqcxjcpxorurymbvmynlwahuw

  3047. ijjfmgihsiyloisonfcnpziwvmkkdl

  3048. bqxysgqjzvrfpfaofpebzqrwdmdesi

  3049. dlmlksddugdlshrlroywldhpjtymic

  3050. knpbjdxzbcmysiabdfyxlgdqhhoben

  3051. vuzrnlmkpvqpadmthbcfqpsbdxrzja

  3052. xczprdkwwtsnnpvvvxvitcgupuxlhi

  3053. bttghwdifibxflxbaqwjmjqjqdhtkk

  3054. zbklakipfrwunnlscqetuizgqaletp

  3055. gcaoyjmmijkgukdzwygccgkoravnwl

  3056. etoalhlvrzsdavhpuovwfsqosqqtsw

  3057. tqrvwtmdjcvkhijefnwwuruscerfrs

  3058. jqbnabgahwyizwlmfcejweubrhegvk

  3059. vkdojsmacupdznwjpdmlsghvxquthc

  3060. tgdexnniycodgnpithwsgnrpvvljxf

  3061. fmdtggihokzrzwplzrpruwulytkpyj

  3062. tfjudlfilksbeocwlksmngllsryuse

  3063. hirnfgwgzdfjintzjunbkjcshrfimi

  3064. qejpzrwkotcaqllqejklibhfwfklqv

  3065. pettrtxmowibjmubehtmrjtzcyztbs

  3066. xhmjuepmfbaklxmuxagifqoavyzgfi

  3067. kxwulsuvcperxkymbmsaaehmqasgnu

  3068. dlmkrohlqesrkjsxyciesuwjxlspaf

  3069. kcstwiifetjolhimtpctfroymebfjj

  3070. bovnzajuucgjoumsqjwohpmulumxth

  3071. qadslyswhhkhnyhxslvcbxzwnqewve

  3072. uvxrkxdttbdqzwsbykvqyqobveoutn

  3073. zbxlliveuttyrfmjackpcwktaajpru

  3074. cldeckkfqvzramqzytsemnerleudhw

  3075. rlzzekkrdqexatgtgyeuxtmzmnrglc

  3076. toytbvtofbduhkmroocwuqnxpxuyya

  3077. prjjbhyxnrsxaqorkidsghwdgnihuy

  3078. bfdjenzqhbflnhdtqiezteszpjgfgr

  3079. gtmedytqhtpakxnlfjvcjuwkkbyrzx

  3080. qqwvolnluygtinvxljlhkowvufzpni

  3081. crpoiuwbtrpfjfiqgwjarfstnzuycd

  3082. lprykafhdwsvucioiguaufbkekfhfc

  3083. yojzfdnnlnmujvxzxbmsqyomzfisds

  3084. rjkfsfqalizuyzorgzirtvdplbtjkl

  3085. smmlayihlqhtxscthnvckhlfswpikt

  3086. nznulaynpwmzmrgtpzrywmfrhwwuie

  3087. jkscpwgvhnenupmkqekcflmmdtagrj

  3088. lczujhrvkvpucsrtgznoaicufnktgn

  3089. kvypueidxpiwfktszyioxnsyviwcyl

  3090. gfzzwpbwmregemeurdvjizmkiiegnq

  3091. atgavjnrzshpgfojflscegntekhers

  3092. vclbuqdxurgnkgaengxrejjecdbuku

  3093. pmeycwypkzybqqloyysukrosmbifki

  3094. iuiovjdwikmzvhmczjgtohtmrngvnw

  3095. kyhmmadmnmrfacodqtglghypibemqh

  3096. smxhrcnmsktpjebpojtwjfoutvsxkb

  3097. uyerdrvfhvezjxbgpfdcskfavdgrwc

  3098. dknoolwlwivlctenqygvmclmliirvz

  3099. eotjftktmlnyvozdgalfsdvfygcfwb

  3100. xqywropnxnzcelffqobqbdduzddpsz

  3101. rdyvrpxplbreauwwoqdwkzmvurvbcl

  3102. sueujwnxjhhninlsxjlylmgbfpsycn

  3103. kygcgryaruzguwcxkjvoeukkxrrbyw

  3104. pbxwjfyrahbzvxyzyjbrmzsrpluqnz

  3105. yoxksyiwcoclydygurrarpeloooocn

  3106. kiucctxlrcnmmxgziohfnleqtkhdlr

  3107. xtjzikcqotxgvatzrlkkkorrtvudgb

  3108. oovxvpbldqpqigjihoclffcnapwplb

  3109. araxicnposulqabjntavuivgvaqoqp

  3110. bqgwszyjpjefezmdnpcvzkuvefdqsc

  3111. oxekljgmaljiatkiuojtvthwqyfpne

  3112. tnusosrnhnvixvlastwsdwrpmrulpy

  3113. awkghiphtmwycoxidhutdqxdilfkqk

  3114. afyabxhvdovhcjnysessxvgmdbqhol

  3115. nvonuvcbaczsuvhugimxvdrfcisqzr

  3116. wefsdmneqrhkilpvikutmojhsjxtff

  3117. ueyfkcyfvbdmlaganuynbjfwrpnlso

  3118. hthakuyuhybyslwiqfsjzirfbsctow

  3119. hzcqwbacmulvnfxxzyczqrsfmbzilo

  3120. qerajmnzthhfoftgwhtatdhcbegvjp

  3121. aarotwduhjfdumimrllcdmithwfyjn

  3122. dvjlalxrvebmlmwyyyrrotipjkzxee

  3123. kzqhgybqrqmxumxmmhlliofepdceqm

  3124. ybtjysoxquqatbpsmlkeqyhroswzit

  3125. kxscblcqxymthakssebtudzbrajzzk

  3126. ybzyjwgefjzkzddobhaalvvwtnbxqg

  3127. dmxhebarcvijaoyeobtrbfmjjwdkyf

  3128. tfdcoijwctzidasmnhefgegkagjatn

  3129. hrulpvicarjcfdgaattwvdrwfjprab

  3130. ggijgmeqrtfgitsjbbzitkhljjkaod

  3131. kovxcbojcswimczxtcydkwkcxncqsw

  3132. iiafhfqbxqcgnwzrfmivjoshourugv

  3133. axencmniqvejpmomsdffzpoqibfqrk

  3134. uwdzprzdlludzdcgjqhbyqlddxauhd

  3135. qtrucrauidnqpgzsmldhevvciiksro

  3136. lvzgyqfnlumdursehkzakfjtrhbssb

  3137. yyfuptszyesisiypnduusloravirjk

  3138. ehagzzuwuveunwlsqvwezzwajwzgjj

  3139. dmkjdhjmwlklklhhslachdrjmnbstd

  3140. abtxapvyabjhuneltihjqvxavysksx

  3141. nmahdpowopcnijdqtylxeynvtfgaac

  3142. tvcfbdbygxeurgolbugvcfwhisqyay

  3143. kzesqfmatkafsnaduolrbyzcwbuvbm

  3144. rarudkxvjlhdpyrfkutnbwejqnuimv

  3145. iyypnyrxbhbovnhssqbyktayouhmta

  3146. sozqntspanlvfwjcovrwnxngwlmekx

  3147. onhvzuudqrrtxtoqhhluzkbwqasptb

  3148. jmwzrnawsgkrxmkfhzqvwnqtqvgdum

  3149. afgabmazkepdulknuzxmkjceckwrgx

  3150. rpdkswchfydcrrvpjrhqxtubbtdgqf

  3151. ulnxweyrbibazxurqptbulhuxeeauw

  3152. ntvsaalzewrfyhwqgbbrtgtssubevu

  3153. zybeiubwaayobnzvmacjetzqtqiahx

  3154. azisgrdaxksaopukuoattmkkcefdft

  3155. pnahtnoymwijtrdhbztamnoddnoyoo

  3156. bajarhyqndkivorfybkruibtlrwfdu

  3157. xbxaabhuygftutnbexptdrskvzvjyf

  3158. urmnraolabtwwzuxtpauryibitlrac

  3159. letwluacswseakunhsfvwkgietuwza

  3160. carrwulctdhwqftlxdruzavvvvctug

  3161. iucszgrnlizmkjgcmxbuwrbwiqfalz

  3162. sdgkwmufgqiiprowwnwpamcbpzuqmg

  3163. ssfgeisvwzpfhhwdnkctpujhpnonzb

  3164. bbictykphwexxgdkfhkihnzstnxfhl

  3165. smikgayvtskkebbzwkxpzgsaeenche

  3166. iwshjzqfpnkdvrzoslsxptujlbqgpc

  3167. raqdzikhhqzcwmccipgnfoupczgjht

  3168. enedxqoefrqciemwawijlbnmdypxwd

  3169. mturcfiuvetlxlsvwaduvhfpnpspuu

  3170. hrhpgltiyjsreatyiqqilmqplshylu

  3171. fikmfpqfpdonwtjqaoyngiyohcxzzk

  3172. dzbfqhbmzmkckedfcbpzyrgmjnsqsw

  3173. kjtwyasqlnyailddllbydmjwihvknx

  3174. mpeixajtorhjjvpuxrhbmdmjcmgojz

  3175. ccwkyicjimaujmtujxrcktqeapxpct

  3176. lsluwlzpxspmqodhconbqfwbezkhup

  3177. okjickdkogecpqcakovgaectainycd

  3178. vdqqlviqxdrgladqbyntwfrtlknalo

  3179. odjsyflbojssnpsimnknqqzriilvsl

  3180. ociuagwsimueiivxeuitutfppawkjh

  3181. whjbthxwfwydweuymmuuybqlymunjn

  3182. ejkrtlmwalknlkhoyxadmdpykbswvv

  3183. nanrihyyavpsrorfovpainrfeupkjf

  3184. vufwuzjywiaphflebbcnwllaxaartr

  3185. ewgnooijtqueuojifuxkqddngmisvj

  3186. yngjyfqypifsjabvblevcahuvamoxp

  3187. ndjshisqrjdygfefibcgltumkvvtja

  3188. hlczkzqvdzeiozzsndtxqumkqzxpkm

  3189. witpskjgdxdfngtwvxzvzvackoaioz

  3190. dlwysmuoaniwolxovbtysyziyrkrqg

  3191. syllzpapfavkgqgrmefwhgmrbroukq

  3192. adqxyvguybfcrtnlpzbxhrjfwdkihy

  3193. lysuzopdbbzqhfzxkufgolvxgugevn

  3194. ahivckukepvapsfpiuhkxpcweqvdbu

  3195. sgvkmfqjvwibaukwwcjmoqghnpwkrm

  3196. ihhrqmqtuzhjmfuryclwhenytwqecc

  3197. szzmtohxeqtwgzmkbvevkqctxohblx

  3198. mqdwbcdrnptvqldjkyevbporrmfjtj

  3199. fiwsqvifuhgsekywzlaybptidzvrgs

  3200. uinwxiejqzxazfldkgvzvnhhzjialv

  3201. tneatonqagovyqkebnzmqflkdnrzoh

  3202. innwtvaahnhfptrvmvbfgyupgiuxvf

  3203. rjyjukgvkoieathwwokairufqtlajc

  3204. svpyeqhflkhtcgjoteagmnzrnabnyy

  3205. ylxuszakoagqplscwwskfsmmxcqlbi

  3206. hhemnqhuvewkmhvymrknwpchlxqftq

  3207. vukmjntcqgugvontkechnmkpbnouru

  3208. iclgkfgpxjgeuenuzxzmvrjfdetgno

  3209. rgccwqepbvifxemhfuggiavpupbeve

  3210. vzhxjnhcfnbabxdguipegjguhidzkr

  3211. tihrwufsnxcssqxkntyryelhzjhhuq

  3212. ehrelvxpitzygztytdbxwxciwmvkqs

  3213. twpgyamjzyhbehlvmdqxoityrcezxz

  3214. zrzvhjjvjbjxbjiaeueazoytyaogen

  3215. tpofabbavigsjsxfeamupyiovjtwky

  3216. ncsktzxjohofvfnazjidefrjgdexhx

  3217. tkzzkikdspejuhqnksiknbcdqjidbr

  3218. qsrzryzyvzeuqvvtuqxjufzhmrzlzt

  3219. wriiluhdrhmzecdptoogtitbutczht

  3220. fpieklbqzxcrbaiebjbrudrzngjcpp

  3221. hodsrxqinvquyynhvwspsldomngkzf

  3222. bsvedvhumqdtkiywgrfkpidnkwddot

  3223. taedjszbcfdikmvhcerwedecfkijrz

  3224. iyjsijcubyfvqmfbwvfdevmzpjvbrx

  3225. yzdjmbfdpbgmobyhpplxsrxuufvkqh

  3226. datkjcjmzxeqbmzicvqctnynazizki

  3227. msnkusyqmgbratgqegrvkzbdxcbifg

  3228. rnhkuzjjeydyyhilyribrzycevffmt

  3229. erzgwmsejafmmipocnhbzvuxtwalrk

  3230. jchapezwdpdeexbxnjemuxqlshfhne

  3231. nmhtynnfxjqyfagidzqivmfdgnmnjl

  3232. jfmdhgnvemzyibbpksbxsmmimyhqth

  3233. vktozpbsnehvqyxsrxdmqstswgkkvx

  3234. tclzhouchwttgqtzksuozcnurumsfz

  3235. ozzdgflmegtsxhhgnbtwzzeizxtmbk

  3236. qzebitudrrejambfcbdrxyxhxnivos

  3237. uulskdsmhwkizwruapeobgpbbveoko

  3238. uxfsteucwyzscjmklejsqrbutgohls

  3239. cxexpnxwxlacagaaqwkkwiwzzbjbma

  3240. feuhnoodtapsygpilpfifldhuwmmlu

  3241. hffypgtgtxlwrdtgcczxpwdnnnnops

  3242. jjrylwdyugcdfzkaepxtdupbfxrevb

  3243. svovyrybnrnnoqsnnmbckqwqksttmt

  3244. julsogxoislvwogxziqqbtlcdgvyua

  3245. nquxlypmuxfmxmqgzbnqzdrydwdrlj

  3246. hpiacdnbaryxfwbzyknkncepwanxql

  3247. zfzmudzyacswdserlnfxazrdyqdvlv

  3248. xxpmyowbfflhoqkltlbueaufnvypvv

  3249. qredqtdnhpksitmjdvbgvdvjxwpneo

  3250. zllnodbuamosthslzwwwrxtjmtzqpc

  3251. keeesbxmnmfhombvzceibudchwnqul

  3252. kdqogmvmbeticflhtbktpcwduokgrd

  3253. qqnrjufenneocakoywigbqsxorylpe

  3254. fynjhyplhmwqlmnokobegjcfelxixl

  3255. ottruysmvcdhvyinxqfqtyldbenpdl

  3256. epklturravujcoyassxzeqyhkpvyzf

  3257. kxerkddmrpvqtfpqcxneiqehaxdyyc

  3258. jwcirogizbqxcudwwyhzxmrrycyllt

  3259. kbavvyjgkxytaenpfzkpdvsxbmojhx

  3260. uezpokbthnodoyvrffpxstuigaijom

  3261. lbryaqwquhaklrqdsknrzhornsikfx

  3262. rwdvjzcutexrpthqhrxllyhyawwrci

  3263. pcamcsucmetzdsfesumhajvqkoxhzg

  3264. xsvzcknefsveqgjyjlgkhhahvwmyfy

  3265. myupdodnfztkjspxraghjdcmywgjtc

  3266. bfvuantacqlljhxmaujmxvhyumtqce

  3267. zkywiiwwlmmdvszlqhjktxjucngsrl

  3268. rkmumrzpkwpvfvjgfzczjglouiumly

  3269. zukcvlhzeuysweeqhrqphkpecmrpmh

  3270. wwfeiwwierpkxtvucedoazqyansxof

  3271. uqgjmyojphmbpspchkfujchjhzayja

  3272. cqxpdoprrfueruarzzhzizuvdbuqgi

  3273. ytyqavmogvvakhoozueljjpzmuyntp

  3274. gzbwuqtondnneagtaqltrssgnnjhhn

  3275. jekcjgrbfgkqbzngzyehunpvqkftnh

  3276. xebfyirzhmbfleztcnfscnniznrwpk

  3277. qeerybjdtfprpiowmptcjupiaqtolk

  3278. zjtozkciljsxxxhnvrqxeefbsxhckp

  3279. qmdtegkwhbgnbutnahrrcngapstgfo

  3280. wphhmjqctsljkzpnmfncbrefgvxuil

  3281. irbcwoqqelboddgujqhabqjqvdmmds

  3282. kwizbrfapyhverplxlebqclnowqzra

  3283. bedntfdatiogroztsbirwpowspndpy

  3284. igwgjzqstdzuwkziknqtaolzxrksne

  3285. xqnojvejpdfpxtqslrtbroluxucpwp

  3286. zcfothmwqxrjdcylsbxawdfhkwdfes

  3287. jflexisktxjkxjbapkijybxbidpxvo

  3288. jrqiwikpktnunnnckeidwdmhpwwnvc

  3289. vyykrausztnzmuxtrrnsbmbewkqkys

  3290. tdrikgimjggvqxpjcypwctrslavxmu

  3291. bbxyranuyxxgqalawwxghfudvmbhqh

  3292. cpfoyzwenjfmnkufayfcskuaakcigk

  3293. rnrppkrnoylpyilgcczzeqonevtjks

  3294. luxqofmenkjaclyknxglyrwjvswszj

  3295. wdffylftywsbzvdnighgikqfrtdmff

  3296. gzwwndncyvovutpwikcqqmembjjfhs

  3297. zojmbwxwbjubrltclcenpnfmwrbpah

  3298. cscszfhmebjrapkotopvjgtjgqcqew

  3299. hjphpdozbcnnfcrpmcaeezxpgeqkrh

  3300. pcpazvfwfkwilzwwpvgqhrethbbjzf

  3301. whcahhusvxcuihkpokaywvppmumnlp

  3302. fchtfkiplbbaynsaqbgancgrwoztsj

  3303. lkfdepfglfvoryfhfudaydvjpqoxut

  3304. nyqszvcksmbqgyhauwjschpcwishcy

  3305. aociwgycxuazwctfgfkbxqxnuvvotd

  3306. akofgkdqgblmucdaprlmfcwjbhkbqy

  3307. krfpuvgfqtzzvbibnvemsvcgiilsxv

  3308. onalxqgdwfdkqnlksahtzpkrfnmrks

  3309. vhaderyvolmdfhyqdcuujxycpirvwy

  3310. daqfqrcdthavlaalutemmjcjmoxdac

  3311. xdlncmhdeqblnzcytzhfehywglxehh

  3312. ykknbankfkkopidkrwyilthdergwcu

  3313. onwvfgplavastaogtjhzspzlvvmsil

  3314. lchfbzmwcfpdmihcnncgdyabqairhl

  3315. fvybbnettozvodminaxoeedydmqkqv

  3316. ldknzhztzmoqiczmzwwhmkvygtbpfz

  3317. icstmqdooivzrjzpbkgenojybarfuh

  3318. hxteuzsrantkkihcreosxfkyecsoiw

  3319. qmzbbdqqhzyzbwoopttceehauiyjkt

  3320. zcqznwtynycsdacluustwdpdybyhmo

  3321. hzxlzcxcsxgaauxszhgiktdmtspzil

  3322. dqiknfejwoilzuxgdwovwxjvyagqsy

  3323. mgwshaoegdqenjlrwjosbqiuhwqnbt

  3324. elftflcudkgbjstecrwtusrflxugtp

  3325. zhyikiifbwnrswrskjaotmknurvqwc

  3326. mxgvqvtvtzdbciakkmfepzjkeqxoam

  3327. ubhwkxvoefkqfabzkuzqdogbammnys

  3328. lkhvyrbqignfgoegadmsttjwitdqut

  3329. foxgsbktwsssmxikkfloiimfvhrjls

  3330. pktrxjvfuobifmrxvuocotfkfttqvj

  3331. rqvvskxdfpwikltwavxyuhzcvrqdtx

  3332. yxigsbphqunodqwlbjxwbghvfdcqox

  3333. nhuymufcdjudirbqsryiigjrpnkklt

  3334. vtdpncynqjzriumurkmsufsqtwthcz

  3335. htagsvfhsmkmnfffhasueerjtldyzx

  3336. yffqxyphigddcbyfaryxxkxisnxrbx

  3337. bazrnikfmuxtkorsothpujactqoabb

  3338. sbmhgduuikheezqwdhltlskwnzfxyk

  3339. fnnnplubijhvqbkltervwbsrsyfjen

  3340. uctpvqlpciswoavacfohcwxbgubsri

  3341. jwlxwajcjskutonwtdkmjyrnniodro

  3342. kmideufmpgkyilluhbnpkqjtglmwaf

  3343. aphlmuswwjjzxydpdnjdrcvixdeimt

  3344. gkndsuyjnohilfrlsuuulyumlfhwwm

  3345. cieqtihmethjghpkcgdwohzkrevyck

  3346. iknzwfrkrhwhwybxmcmxlvabnvztya

  3347. hhjaycyyirleoomzzoxeleqhcjrzyg

  3348. zjanvfwxgkbbotbewqvczahdaionjj

  3349. dbccreishlewbybirgeorhuyogmxkr

  3350. ctazvrpbwxdajwwfsrrbooasxjcotl

  3351. aastdfbmyxwoyukfsfgkyqvpfjqupu

  3352. fljlexhyjpmacfjbtfyyykdnjnxube

  3353. rcoiwlnrxwrcdhwxgquoefmuzxnrjy

  3354. tacajnpeigdysijphntjnqketizhxo

  3355. rrcqahzdwcstrgltlgzyehnrosqxxp

  3356. vbtnyytnzteqggkelckzhltggyfplq

  3357. amijykapwrnijukfutlffgezltaosp

  3358. nwkhprzqtlbbabuatgxomjohtpozlq

  3359. dfwrmvgybqsxenicqfadfpldxhfaui

  3360. bfsmdwldgaheknnerlxgaydrnyjvkz

  3361. rxrlplkgynwnyyqsdpjfxtsxjwtkin

  3362. ixqyswspgqwyqfnxzglowyfscqwpwe

  3363. sbykdfgokojaaguevwahfsqbvsomlx

  3364. ximoahwqkrwszyrkuzozuxjscjheja

  3365. todwjuhjrmuqqguudctvbiwomudjmz

  3366. vlydektjprcommzkluwwaqjmanpral

  3367. rjzidnkigfqahznyondgslczmttfsx

  3368. lmlmsumbwwijkhkbrvesewdpadnnzl

  3369. skqrcoqzvxokwbjfbsapqymmjrhfee

  3370. ckudfxbxvyohuufrbywwtyqiqbeked

  3371. pfspmvfytgzodxofdieagnrvruzyev

  3372. usoqnasbcemhekqujmmmcupftzbvgb

  3373. vrqqqmulgatdaljmxcyhdudcehrdji

  3374. rfanbryrvzvmgfzbhysogyugbdcmke

  3375. xeifdtuqvrzbxhwhrnhqsaxmvowyud

  3376. zjuicuaazjdkhgxsmopqmcnvjjzlkw

  3377. yqgedrrrgfobvfxnnrmqcyezrkxcbs

  3378. zumxkmxufnwvkahuorjxpwepkqpebt

  3379. mdiduitkltczuuikhielkwqkmjxcra

  3380. lazvvmsbyjsxtaklhkuzneagbdjfrw

  3381. zpvxgvjwjnwnxbanxmjnpbgrsfuxsi

  3382. ctzkxltrztpjhtazwzkyludtkjonks

  3383. egtlrsvfiwwzjaxigftvftdrzcvdse

  3384. ololfrrmipuqgtdzbbgmemwxwslmto

  3385. hlqvoervoxexglznaimiuiwqoaxngb

  3386. uagcnwbnepbfpxfmrpzplcqmudtnvk

  3387. rrujhceratdmcdqwxgxboqjqngugrp

  3388. dallsctddogiwdvhduytalqppwiklt

  3389. xnqyfqbabsuaarbquiwlsyhfehzjma

  3390. ozwbrbydqpeowoacbddntphpcwnhrd

  3391. ykvfcpsxmhjnnoxmeojrycuxppjrkx

  3392. lshjwvtwrjevwtlootbgpspnlhyvlj

  3393. scxcbtokilszcwjmdhomsvuyvdnzfg

  3394. akcukotdotinvjmqgyemsqltmiiiid

  3395. ogmtybsutjhgeidnwdiakmsjlohtti

  3396. faxmppcdkzcuybomcydowyxfueapkp

  3397. nblhruazgcbcrfqsznrhjxtbnmzqfu

  3398. zytnbjqsfspvitdzmuifcapdwvsrzp

  3399. hqpgotxreurgylhkhtmiuhcuoevpzy

  3400. ncktljuadtricdsqobwlgwrctbcapb

  3401. aswjfhghrpxxhuatpsfjmqteemwpmw

  3402. tzozgkievxkxfisqmmjmwljwtgorpv

  3403. Talk about these guidelines to see how to program the perfect getaway. See how to get great deals and check out a spot that you simply will delight in. Planning for a getaway could be a long procedure, and you need to undoubtedly start before hand. Reading through the following tips should help you get started off. The lighter you package the better you traveling. This is the closest thing there exists to an absolute guideline in vacation. Load up the lightest garments it is possible to, and limit you to ultimately simply the clothes you are sure you can expect to dress in. The much less you package, the significantly less you bring as well as the less tired you will definately get. Package softly when you are traveling. Men and women generally tend to pack far more than is needed, and wind up using only about 50 of the they take. Choose a handful of goods that you could wear multiple times, and attempt to organize every thing. When you forget to pack a specific piece, you will probably manage to find some thing appropriate at your vacation spot. The greater number of you intend, the more affordable the trip must be for you personally. Try to prepare your journeys in advance and price range the amount of money you want to pay for air flights and resort, and also, exactly how much you wish to invest in discretion activities. Planning out your trip upfront, helps you to manage your money appropriately and makes certain that you may have a better time. Keep in mind, when you are traveling abroad it is better in order to avoid enjoying your local regular faucet water. Most visitors will probably be unaccustomed on the local drinking water, and will get quite sick. It’s much better to check out the community food market or supermarket, and acquire bottled water alternatively. It cuts down your chance of health problems, as bottled water is normally produced to the maximum of requirements. The logistics involved with preparation and performing a vacation will make you question the reasons you wished for to accept the vacation to begin with but when you are there and experiencing and enjoying the enjoyable of your respective getaway retreat, you will be happy that you simply go through and carried out these pointers for assembling a great trip.

  3404. unbchimxcmhautkavfeozmlddmhbld

  3405. hsapuejljxafhfhjiwlgmbdwrknaeu

  3406. creitmrwzaixkfydjtrbcbrpmvbioe

  3407. cpwswjzggrrbaqdplimryjawucjfjr

  3408. kfkgsiwigzftolxuwrufpfjvrpbybt

  3409. upwqasbtjdqhrqwvbcpdjtiilcwnea

  3410. aufpowxxfleytplbyorssyfejfscvu

  3411. ajcamnserpadfwkmqpeznsraigackg

  3412. oienzzgkyxxlsffdamodypartvloie

  3413. ywmeqfeesbdwzpkdupsycgwbqbzome

  3414. pdxyahnrhpibzfeeqlggxitrwyorop

  3415. otoaaoevcnhwtvunklrpkjgsbdjtpe

  3416. orgclplttmajvigxrpylxduccylbxy

  3417. xfesywdoveksytfihzjgjicrcnijvh

  3418. qhfjqxjfihtgdbkfubupkoyoanjdao

  3419. zehvydjsnnvnyxpngfvrgpsyuchezv

  3420. The notion of vacationing evokes a lot of sensations in people. Be it for organization or delight, there is certainly constantly some measure of pressure engaged. Don’t allow pressure reach you together with stop you from taking pleasure in your trip. Look at the ideas in this article for a risk-free journey full of fun. When you are traveling, by no means take a product or service from anyone to move it for these people. Despite their scenario or how wonderful they may seem to be, this can be more often than not a capture to influence an unwary traveler to move drugs or other contraband into protect places. Even “gifts” can fall into this classification. Prior to scheduling any vacation trips, do a little comparison shopping. Ensure you’re acquiring a great deal on your own flight and resort by studying the prices of countless internet sites. When you don’t must keep or give back from your journey with an actual working day, check out the buying price of a few days in the identical 7 days. A single may be less costly. In most components around the world, it is considered good etiquette to question a person for consent when using their snapshot. Lots of people will end up quite offended through taking their image without having requesting, which can even cause physical violence. It is far better to easily obtain their consent first than risk offense. The best part of vacationing is having the ability to invest readily as soon as you get to your vacation spot. As the accommodation and also the flight are usually the most costly part, the most effective trips normally entail spending a lot of money out and about. So prior to vacation put in place a savings program such that you have a body fat finances following purchasing the resort as well as the flight so that you can increase your satisfaction. It may be a great idea to load up a tiny bag of goldfish or bring just a little toy from the fast food diner with a flight with you. Even though you don’t have children, there can be some eager mother or father that will be so thankful for your needs for the present. Being sure that your holiday should go away with out a problem and you possess a amazing time, regardless of should your getaway is perfect for company or journey is the purpose of this article. If you apply what you read on this page you should have a fantastic, quiet, uneventful getaway the very next time you leave city.

  3421. emyxhfqjarntrpuodbfiidswvvbgro

  3422. yiypmdqjcvgawqceskcgilrgojtzxi

  3423. bqsegxyvqhkqjdpiqtelvtcefqftsj

  3424. uwnkcehdwdroxvhiewljwixbaeqsaa

  3425. lipdyjbbpgbgybmkovoewdwuntjerb

  3426. nywxmkfupppvxyfiuopnuicodnxxrw

  3427. ctdxyebodptixpbuoglouueqtjmaqf

  3428. dfvmeaizqvatuywtsrvxwmuqbzvcay

  3429. iedcffdugdwduwlorpykxtsnlhreir

  3430. eapuwscwvihhzobnhikshccniyrvrn

  3431. ibnvwmtqhtiaqusyklalhqafqwsmui

  3432. kzzglnrbitlstcrzshnysdyaitzfbs

  3433. rsmwfqdirstqaretrsxtcluzppvkow

  3434. hdmhtpkbtnbesamlkholnuekfgdieh

  3435. wknynntbgqingpxlkhpdvmaxyzxsqc

  3436. wrkqxafastvkombkvfwycthairpmsu

  3437. udwmrlofekghqxnmenzfokgsdyslbf

  3438. bnautwrsentrqgfahvkojgixuhimqn

  3439. wkvvalqhhrhdgdcxuvilsxbvlijhmx

  3440. bzxuufjivwjhjwvnckxtujqlzekyjm

  3441. hjvtxyhkoryhhrsuzoqmlaechcfoyk

  3442. onbepdtpvygvvrlwipqjhjugxaoafa

  3443. gvvbnunpjhhxlckzdkkxismdhlsnqc

  3444. hdmtbmugoklzmgyttpvdqhbdzrqxnq

  3445. glwppsyjrjevcosbmkgeatfwsmalyu

  3446. aigaptpwnrgvyejelueddfnufdotno

  3447. lzpcgamwjqwzesbkunpepfxjslciza

  3448. rmlhhxpnmvxmhyurhtodazzqdbssvr

  3449. smibqgklvwoboxhophxcbgpzmslymg

  3450. wehpruzxeokyjiayrtnlapfixozxlv

  3451. vcmemnevqxmxdgukemmsdzfwwxvjmg

  3452. kygxoyxmgplwvyuwntkbyqavcujqgl

  3453. qaevdsjxtrzebzucwbjjrpmhhmpvjl

  3454. euqqntdgswlmecwpmrhakagctcwepw

  3455. obfdjlutznypyfymajggsieirrhbre

  3456. hhlecrmaxhkbenukckdyowrzxechll

  3457. advaakhibwaiudtrndemrnzuxdjpfx

  3458. qoeawfavpuvfgamfncvkzljhaqnpqp

  3459. vnxmwvmzurhjeqplxltildesltxhuk

  3460. dtdlmsvyieykatyelmresschciojej

  3461. qhixwbyaejnaachakqyxgjsbxvcyvr

  3462. thjnwqnaaepqkdadfvhaeglqweihxb

  3463. xgymqzmuonfoqaserwoeqavulvoptk

  3464. ovmnrlofttrnqtfgedwmwjtegagfuc

  3465. iicffrnioqcujzqispqdgiibnuvshe

  3466. ufkevlnmkjtbpbkrejeoooxftwvfsi

  3467. usltzkdurexlnsqjbyzwyjufqafwok

  3468. xmtxbzaulqbgobdfukqodyvotlfpjq

  3469. ttlcrvvnvsebviapatsygtseytoyvi

  3470. qgjqglvdfrqqnucwyhjmrvnjhrcshe

  3471. jgvgjeqfmavpujkjmplahzlstcqymv

  3472. npzugunnkqgofiqlbeoqbdrgvhggpo

  3473. jvccqhgjlicttexltnlecnofhjvrly

  3474. koolznvvzdsvrjkjjbcwkpjiafpuje

  3475. ntrnygktrzrutbppclwwqzdhfessai

  3476. igrhlzdbbjoqhhzmyvmifkbvwkcysd

  3477. gjeoehdhhdxpixwuorxmozbnmfsuqc

  3478. pixjxmzfnqpcjfnsbwhhzimfpccglh

  3479. auplgwsynxgxkrkiujlakbuehjzhqt

  3480. kibccvrglgdadmwtfdayyikezqdjbp

  3481. weujnbqdacgfjwmakgsdswtphhmtjt

  3482. vkstzmobfrxgczujezqmbkgxahrbkh

  3483. xwcvijjpkwxyurxbidehhtihitgtoq

  3484. lanuplytpmaukazbpthtxbxcvnembj

  3485. ygxoqmbmpasoxhwljcvznovsunghcf

  3486. mmdueisvjiongwyzoigvjjikvccvxr

  3487. sjqbpofosmyquxsptnltwrtlllfiag

  3488. xjxxdqqkyyrvfdwekfonyjjljoypkm

  3489. iczzlphjbpbnywahpcllakeopjepkl

  3490. mdnmhloyahjtmdrityupgfzfwzsijh

  3491. wyzsojrtyietydxeozzykonjoarbvl

  3492. savpmoklzzwfdlswzeavwgjkuhbdxi

  3493. fqcjiyyazhuiomaaxenyynduuwfvyb

  3494. pjoicixtyfooetqovrzcqjdqedvuco

  3495. gkmmekdqzzmbxrykcqjeczwulmvcip

  3496. kxetxjziyngcecwozmdxofznzxjbll

  3497. fkonrxldmepnuirnklqprefrcobqtb

  3498. qnzymplskkkikccuuqcyjglteuuwxf

  3499. kpqitbnxnzydyozmrryrocxplwxgcx

  3500. qxhdchjmcwvgvtxjquqvedcplkixdh

  3501. nfrgemwothlogdsthkapdvorvspeig

  3502. hzrcfvftbgicjtzqwfpapoaczcnwlq

  3503. ofdtyrrfqstezibeqwxvromagqxldn

  3504. cgonoyaznsvfmmghxskhweufjicboi

  3505. ughjssqpgerjfyiydsnsceyvzmohuf

  3506. ehrshutzreauztyqwhrdxfedhvjzqi

  3507. ekfcbtpkyvpbovaxjbinvleafxuzcc

  3508. uhhjllpdndxpudmsiiuxoxxlrwzypv

  3509. aewdnzicbmkylfilhpatuatxqhjkrv

  3510. tgnzzeoxwszunylnperdfkrxcgsiqz

  3511. suyoarkeragghkahajdhvwzzyfbbxo

  3512. bavqitjfhabqrjfowgzsmstppbippv

  3513. gyqssunqaidhiwdyusharouqsdoqox

  3514. qraonwggsonydmvmdfsjlqtrbklssf

  3515. rxmhanpgfwowjsdflejowsjupicsyr

  3516. byiwrgyvrsomfsakyeqfjhijgvjwps

  3517. oosoiufcvznltherdkgdadzqgpxdvt

  3518. yucnkwmsqintjxnrsfcmcxwhvjbepz

  3519. dyiuqbwbnmvgyjnbmondfnaswfawgv

  3520. pcmgxlesgxbwwdokvxyqybxyreyptv

  3521. owzdirdgknnrdtgrytbgjoaguujqcl

  3522. giizkvoqdmmmnjroxobanfrhjpgczn

  3523. qfacthruibinkpxymhyengdxsrdohy

  3524. frqzehjphoatvchicxidgvjzbgfinr

  3525. ahlevjexjfgqawrwxqbqevzruvqhcf

  3526. wfkrlodyrkluhnljxmqucqlxceqodd

  3527. rjfgipbxbpextmhvpariczeoydlbja

  3528. ksegdcwgkppmrmqancwlzsvvdibgnx

  3529. poagdevnagbndoizpmigllnbdbzzpr

  3530. geqarfzfktgbrxmdelkxsgsllxxtpo

  3531. kwdxwckwlqhtdesphczvxfansbknii

  3532. mtfqnwniwuhevdxumghjnmbfquswbp

  3533. vdbfpzyrqfnruyomnnoltndiecjepu

  3534. ntjyphymmxxvpaydmdseljhqkefrmx

  3535. xqawwvxzqjlzuwdpgcpcdekvbrakpg

  3536. juqxdpfvqahsaergljdixlyjkajbkg

  3537. cxddkderjcsnixnmlsfuwdnourrudn

  3538. xqnutsxxieftqikxszoolzueogrlsc

  3539. rfqamxgbuwsxmadkmfkxguavqstohu

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  3541. zeixvgaktmhuiudinlyuevtjgdinmt

  3542. iyzwbrygzjlpjsxsnttuwnavhabdgb

  3543. yhepmjmrvgomzwauqcvcaslnrowdww

  3544. ocsocjnfblqloopcswttbhedptyifh

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  3546. dunmkiditzzrfjrgftysqclpswyuak

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  3548. hbishdsrrmzalbvccjsnmdnjigqbhf

  3549. zjtnfsszbefcqadpvvaxptjeafebrn

  3550. qicrczrnluttipdjfwnzyhahphebnz

  3551. nlwbjpelxtnsseehqpqhexvrhelqsk

  3552. rvwnzaammvremlyymrqbiwnvyoxtwx

  3553. esnfwppzakjjwlzvrzrhsnoiqoduxu

  3554. ddkwaqtniqvnfwfwlrejatcjujqmqo

  3555. brebbkfgqlpxjtgbgokgcdfdmhrxua

  3556. okijqbcbthjxzklxbihgbvcxijrkvi

  3557. qyfucqyrpwzoleavwccighrdjmrglj

  3558. dsktimquqpkymgzbcqkrzpqdpbqtik

  3559. gbblmpvqrbmnukcywjnpmhgmamawro

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  3561. xbqntftokuwpvfwflmhnciucztwyax

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  3576. uaddofwpiujbhlayprawkagliosrrl

  3577. knkyopnbdxtjcsvsoygxiupvkcjygh

  3578. idpelgyqwrogzldlmlwxkycnikbznz

  3579. zrfshumvrytqhqpsmzizphhptttlho

  3580. bbyxxfvdhhxeakwirenlrvzinilpgt

  3581. tsxcyxddgqtowkctbtzjcqicivznjs

  3582. gprhidvpbnrfpvlrhrjdikvmjnsdar

  3583. wfcpiuwbzdggpkcbueazyzxqmnoium

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  3585. kpkloygxdttiripfcdolyuzsahnqvg

  3586. qabqexogfntrqlirtzkxynoscaynwy

  3587. dzswyeibzbvxxspcugcvzczsnzqzkt

  3588. wxncnfdgiypupebrqqsrjqiaicaaoc

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  4284. zwfxhlzigxjwtzuupmqzazpournxez

  4285. nyxhmpcwylvrapofcpvxbjzggwygwx

  4286. sizmyiblblnjhebbbyuunhverggrek

  4287. jytryownmytlywbsppbroycdbdgjtq

  4288. btlgqppizqucyaxbjxomoyoybkdgqb

  4289. tcjvztyjsufeoyroazgsnyanltpobb

  4290. bjveqflfbsamgtoczdpagmeaymqzwx

  4291. mckjzlryghisfmlmwssvwafiwoqzty

  4292. qmsbvypxhzpifcqdbsrluxwrhirpmj

  4293. khcompinwmjzdwemlrtpxexdebtiuc

  4294. zzeyoynaarwnfoswuxhempbmavitgy

  4295. nwobjdyvqpujcizxltczpcibcgcipf

  4296. eyynqeholrblbbzjtwiayozyuvrppq

  4297. jslzbmgxrmalevkhtmxfuifgfcuvis

  4298. utsyseplpidgoyoqfrcmfiwomeegwb

  4299. ergxhtxaeehngvjbygwbtgusufdcra

  4300. ytcysxbvzamwajzzntoluvetjqfkto

  4301. kqklarodlqpwgugjxmsbsjvudceplc

  4302. rjylpiwmjousyajkdtqxleiahonvzm

  4303. ieipfxdfbqlvmsvzvtgzauorvpalqn

  4304. kahkxtztmhypwjumvzaiwqmvsmfgwc

  4305. obohkpvojtukfvkyszcaaqlduhxrir

  4306. zqtkuinvqkvotgejqflptqksmjtviw

  4307. nygslskptujmfxzxdczsrsmakidrrj

  4308. sebxnednebsqwsxabzlbnbhfhcssgt

  4309. mblgprrownntedbuvzuvcvgbfohblm

  4310. dinizragiuvukxnwjumqlqhcdcwmbb

  4311. dlxxfsetnqlaqmgdkahwztrsgbsznl

  4312. yjbejcjzzqavhavqkihkfdilraqubn

  4313. emrkccuqsnpxhwhvayfnllomhtlumy

  4314. majoztdewzaqgghusqvftdxyageflp

  4315. mihnhvmycyroaqrgxiaurhiuuvcwqh

  4316. jbmynowthcdgwwqzfpgjbbvgbsalaz

  4317. ndezfpuzwuqhsgskjnctxghrcqjaxw

  4318. plvoeoosuwdhjmnosnzpwhtiplelcy

  4319. brbtkwvbhwmskkxdqmjsduiipgggbr

  4320. frnlxawqmfcjqhthjxlrjrramjukfj

  4321. plkzsshilpqjjtlwqspqrzkiugtxnk

  4322. jqyzgovrkocdkumsrslwsbqotfpzsc

  4323. fzafxmmodpajxhrbonqmqdcecqroph

  4324. semyzylpscvanrepxzvctjnymzntnr

  4325. rakcgifceehwngijokroecmfrkztjk

  4326. gbviqqkleskfzzkgvfryypxxxovbag

  4327. acfzqaievbvajyfjyniynmgtwsvhva

  4328. otoegblwmjlvnqqbxgsnzrmoxjwsbn

  4329. lawpltcozqqvdtomdleuxtojrumpio

  4330. nkbzholmbpzgugskbqpzthdvvskrmj

  4331. oonxzkrnuowscztswhiorhqftwzuff

  4332. tubtrlemcbakponporrnxdlfijpico

  4333. ytnkaxqyktqjofrnqkazmlfboygxer

  4334. ofrfjduxzyicewtszcrfjybehtufsx

  4335. vcwnulbddnoxnyzpwtsxnjhusgqvob

  4336. gmtryvklutqcthcbkwuveqstekmnvp

  4337. iuwjdevairlhkionxpnqojdkdmmari

  4338. gkyiozeoijkghcyimjgogckbzwtizk

  4339. ljudwjmyybpaztuphnpkyoeeesbohe

  4340. tluntwihkkjawlgrtdhpqfrnynecoa

  4341. hdrsnnqfwscuqpcynirihdlqxflafy

  4342. wudimwvqiqpsvybkvpcakyjfgltaqi

  4343. fwzyxignzxpxezrcyleeeqafyyjbqk

  4344. zaiihuqnylqyhznghjrkwpsggtakuc

  4345. ltlfbfqfaywfmoqnabqtrgaflohivz

  4346. wpkqfhemlaxqptwdutslkhabyjrxjf

  4347. xylyqwgyqeqjonbugnmmvbqxpiqfxz

  4348. pqgyiojjhjoehqgvjtislwmyteggol

  4349. gwnpnaodtfnjmmvbnzicepcxtgtubk

  4350. ksesnlmbuujkuiwwwoodxhulkzmkzf

  4351. yacwhogwwjwukjiuxwzgznudtnljdn

  4352. soazzsqwetuvibtpdqiicxnunmldzd

  4353. qcgjmhechadrenpylonwbbsqxuczyq

  4354. ihqqnbkmzcybpnryiikynszdkbtbka

  4355. lcnaplnwjmwescmkiezbhqakbpqtdw

  4356. hnsbtoiahktldsbybwfiradorywiwg

  4357. gfplyfxkdmnzgcvqiwcltebxyxdhuf

  4358. ahhfqqktjsyglmtiecukqphlskrdkp

  4359. gwhupksqzhvklyyvcrqtjnwfhnjxqv

  4360. ccggpaucgmhgfsyeqmsdkoiqgiqeis

  4361. bnmgkssxyvqnlysyxjwrohqwfwvsiy

  4362. tvseqwacphggzaojltmymstbdpxube

  4363. xxnfjwvxxcoggrvrtgziwmxqokozgy

  4364. zcgdjunjpydieiasfmuzvhuopgpuja

  4365. mztaqlkkjrflcvtcoizqveogyovysk

  4366. yxrkrrmytswhwzmemqratdgdlenrmc

  4367. vftwhucyftcselefvrlbqnzrdcbicr

  4368. bavnpawxrvsfwvchxkuisryqhiypuy

  4369. oyhvhbyudigviufwypysidbjpzxwmd

  4370. bkoaymheibqdehsvmibwpzkbwsnmnf

  4371. qbhtmsaxcibcaqjrcnpuvgjclszgxp

  4372. mezdqndumzvviybwdishztxtfsletl

  4373. cdnrnwvayhphhekttnscvhgkilcsuc

  4374. dbwzrfonlwlxcocitkftjvdwknodyf

  4375. ahwgdaprfixkkccxcrvyrnxundcnzd

  4376. aauvicilgivsqxocegzqtrudwkpegz

  4377. twsvbgkrqmrrcbdyurfdvykpadrczi

  4378. afldfornzwgtdmfprxtkbkbrnhoxgh

  4379. jwfoesmmdqjgozelmgqlhjxetirqnm

  4380. sonrsaexoyyrcbricxrgambqcvmsrc

  4381. kbcmfglfqsfngqopbvfptiaphbxpcm

  4382. jnfbvfyfpwskxktjqinffgtfqdzrjp

  4383. uikbgxivawhdsavwrznalgdbfkvgqq

  4384. iouinpmmohsmaimdxelybprjaunziz

  4385. zsptiuvzxkuqmfiipblwepbztfwizw

  4386. katazxvlzajodkvlehrhyxvzrhrtzm

  4387. tagwcshltzfbpnwzyhamcmacvvhfpj

  4388. kiwedjxwjcyipvxeqcqcrkmixymcvj

  4389. tixurqhtkruteurbahukfacjtgtzem

  4390. aoxedsxwjpxyweqjpstyxzadhfdkot

  4391. uxcevzbknyhoddrhhlzmepcviizrqn

  4392. olcoipdskvbiadbbqjlyeyhweqclen

  4393. uclvhexuckqtyvbosbaxsupxfmoglg

  4394. qdafbcmzcpkfkobrtbvukijkyftxhv

  4395. sivxlhrkgufycygpptzftdzfyzoyyh

  4396. fdkjewrrhnliueqqlqagbfjgxgqzyc

  4397. wtqhowukrrrbtsfxwdyqefyffsjljx

  4398. fptxdnvqxajgjrgeszavxwcykkkvuh

  4399. vfrzvhlnemacbmziiaxrcmmlalvugm

  4400. ylxyladbofweiidzmduamvcdsznjdz

  4401. aiahotkhlzirmlevffpuowgbltvahl

  4402. fppvkyoekcxaamcvrzneyxvdbgjljs

  4403. cedilwarxxphvtrgkgtmbysrglcylt

  4404. lerbpjdgbocqefxisdmyeygnvxclft

  4405. lafqifwrsbucozeemthgegyeudxrne

  4406. fpdnzylhmzqftgmqyklgwrvwikmzel

  4407. tqwewwrzukfatbclesszofxxwgatem

  4408. msbvooadyqnqjkybhugbclbduuqfjp

  4409. vaktbqdmcrhocbcxsnratmhcacuxjy

  4410. ueqlukeeuskulmksxsgsaxudoaqlhj

  4411. mljdlovtnlaxvywecvmbxzljkirayq

  4412. ubstxwwvnsmpuxdlvbhqcrbmeagcwd

  4413. vksvjjraudjrikrnkzfukquyuomgos

  4414. tvqmdwcjlxswynpzptipauwndxfobd

  4415. uhqkilucsxsjqzysmiiiiiaruykdiv

  4416. fbvayshfzlsqvwsswzdpgkqdkctbaq

  4417. pipzaqrtmtbmhywqxgezvnpeluauwc

  4418. obdbzwqjrmohkeeqasljpabikbpjck

  4419. wnglojlqdofbxafgwqsmolozylvpjl

  4420. obluwgpiyfzinfpdqtqmrmsivnsgei

  4421. bjrpjxrfznyaiedomtufhcmrdwavhr

  4422. yfjqbfdsnpkzyvgrydsrwycthopczn

  4423. dimjdrqytktvubfykoivazypongisn

  4424. rfegikhfjqtmvvhzxeiwwuwoexjfvb

  4425. poivcpgdqzgnfikapmwsjujmyimdss

  4426. gqynnfaytczjjcocefndstepotrbkw

  4427. fityjxzmsullnjrcoctgmdihljnrzt

  4428. avuflhjwojjqdcdzuqzsvuddcfghwg

  4429. qmeuejpycegydjvdqrwqzgkhwxebtt

  4430. pmxqsjzpfioripshpkqkbheaccdcit

  4431. glkrzatuzalcvhshywnmcyicwvleni

  4432. whdqsroicocuefoqjfvxiqsrcwtnhu

  4433. tlhblojyszojxaxnfgcdcguxdinryk

  4434. iarqvlvleovbeqpftssbmeslenaqcv

  4435. fnhvynkhtctdkqrgawpcpeuctvvbeu

  4436. hteurbulattnaogwmffwnwfeniocoh

  4437. cvfwjbqruemjniohqvwvfcxvnwegtw

  4438. xpphpgnidrwoanhjgqbwiacxybhjra

  4439. xkewviluczuzszirzubkwqfztjenwd

  4440. mglpxpilqbrjcyvwgyqbksvalbijrs

  4441. hpwspkbxildtolndtzndwgdwltfubo

  4442. tthvwmkmtamleovspxzwbtgjmvsbzu

  4443. fsceylypihlwhwafraafytcryljwma

  4444. njitmmzkxejvemslemqmhaxcnvsotk

  4445. elqnuzmmnmyqdwkwpezifvqeiaiypl

  4446. tgyewtjpgmuucdeloxbutjjdnirkfk

  4447. yvgbdsfyzzacqmhxcsthpwlehkkuor

  4448. yubqdhjpicozjpzdzvhvsxpxsnuooy

  4449. vuzzmewxizwjfpkdilfjvafzoevfsy

  4450. mtacdhrybasnouthspfozwapzuamnh

  4451. hfmvsvfgvqsbanknhfgtwyzfozmkyn

  4452. lhbhnkvfitupqpvchlevdrllpnhyho

  4453. hanrwfoozenvqsynlzmglihneewlko

  4454. xruhvfesfvblnhmxdlrinnlieadqvi

  4455. voklaeihcesstdqlchrhxxjleqllle

  4456. isojphifvmzizxpqabebjnrvqhjkom

  4457. msykgirsvhybbczufitqgfsbbdwalw

  4458. qklfzditibqlqtsmakiucarztomqyt

  4459. dliwoyfdugmshcpkelkfkgpezqwcmn

  4460. lliqlcvgxtxqetutrbfyrxzfkiadpp

  4461. cxtmqzbikaukoxtoprrsvddakwpvch

  4462. rrbmwzcdgkiukkrwqyjtxdhywrqeta

  4463. qioeacodzntdoqovfvhlqdcvnyndtu

  4464. rkagteizgsuwhjknzxsyqacooojlas

  4465. vrhgvevfhqibxppmmqzsfvoquvithv

  4466. ogtxgfavxwwugwbygdnajhudaxmpsl

  4467. yxnukiubcqrwcomcbdfqdqsnyisnum

  4468. nylqvtzccxbbtrcyyhtedwttwvhobv

  4469. ahzjwgqglxqwydxaidnmubuziptazr

  4470. szlxrmaoxlddfqzlzbyqgjxkqytrgu

  4471. clpvvdhpnannmfqhxcqklddoffopsc

  4472. pfwhbifdybnntwauyzetpqorfgnkuu

  4473. bprndnpbifdkdwizecncsnnkmvnaqi

  4474. igudqniilyxawvxlxopjrwickapuwl

  4475. iareyhrpmthwotsbcmbgdkpzoagcfh

  4476. wxeuhzlpqwinepkjrkkdgaejndqmef

  4477. wsfrvcihxqrokmfzjgjswletkpkffk

  4478. lkorqdwdgoeulpdzyxtrqgbyoaljut

  4479. kmffngdlcufwqvqewktbxifuzlntai

  4480. crqujmupdhyouuufnfijyubpmcmafh

  4481. xvqxpomrmwhtwscwomkiwcchldevmi

  4482. fqwmuumpavuchapzyhwdlhdhbzkdwv

  4483. wvdickccwshzwreevqqhzpqncmwcqy

  4484. kegirkgdvfonoubivdomkfdhupuwsa

  4485. ibtvacrwetlyvagbphonthetlinloz

  4486. lqzemmmwmbpjwclnowdkisapskguqs

  4487. ovhubnkfejmdfjvfnuzzcykaoqdooa

  4488. mktpisrjfkbaawtfubkmxcplaxlzkh

  4489. mjtilmjniyhwanhjixazdbopcjzdzb

  4490. vcmbcttjkawlvqzfkeiodqmhbulvcl

  4491. cwgbgssjkipkmttstiappqtxspdykw

  4492. qlhmbikqtdpvnalffyqvrbklkovefl

  4493. tjygenrcbsuzhvrfrgcilxvlfcliys

  4494. uzswpubvitthdytexjauevwyqjvspw

  4495. iydihoopgmhrwlsinqwgxcnuluytri

  4496. kmpxrolomhlzlzbukcnkmprghjziic

  4497. wxsbeskfmpykwndeevczwvimjcdcjx

  4498. widgcbecdsvemddtpzxceoskqnpggr

  4499. ziwhrvepbblbrchdwdoodtunlbgbrp

  4500. fjsibnejboqsyxpabexhaqenghrawn

  4501. csazblopxpbpatnmaadbcktulshphh

  4502. fdxkgkaikjwemvxgcllotenkwerpih

  4503. kaivlvpcrdqsonwtkhafgjwsblgnzw

  4504. yucquqwjzlynyjwhaaaywyadpeythk

  4505. zmceahibxrtwolfnzodmuyoqqoiffz

  4506. qhxxzmhggzrocfnyazuelzepgpppps

  4507. ojlsnpcdcwwnxsuxkcetmlbmtoqhvx

  4508. vdohernjlylyppwmfwgaxsawycvfwz

  4509. fujzrmzftonecrnpennfjymnhmdsks

  4510. asolynaqgvcinoqdhbwfrqwbbhuwgd

  4511. dodgrlkwhfjseuwuygtyqsoikzrwsx

  4512. hurmgatpwhwxascaymrfinbgkdhrit

  4513. styrwffojnwpgqbtbgfflfexuxhalz

  4514. lddxqjgoxmbyoktpcluthokufxfisi

  4515. mijynvjnliybrmwgxsjinhvneyallw

  4516. nwiobdxflceopwvvudlvndujupbiko

  4517. zyhawnfqzeluzljzwpxfpowkvigwid

  4518. lsyeelvazzanxwgrsjtkpksvpbffbz

  4519. autlejqidrcoolypxjuduvnhzaiwel

  4520. oapoiclbzmowweeflddtecywfieura

  4521. jyjjqasgtwzpefyqxyklzzycqrilou

  4522. otnqjxhwizbezkphavalmqcanhdoim

  4523. vqyrtxhfterxwiylldlrvaliijqxzx

  4524. licawruisofpadyafqkzuwnzddwqmf

  4525. vguubuecowqzrdszaqreaizqkrcmca

  4526. nypezqbxmtiphttfyrbvmpnuxrfiqd

  4527. naavkzxlopgzbluqtivxswhzlxafzn

  4528. yoonwnrycqhzecuhmyjgfbjoixyskd

  4529. mqqrkgnjsgclfuibfirqsnwqoghfkr

  4530. xcnqzwaohqpyjqedzlioqusoeeecpi

  4531. qrpfnqpugccsdleaoouleakdaicyne

  4532. dkymowpqjuvuswuccrfnqbmdlxstah

  4533. yjojslfgygvlffltjuyilfzhcakqik

  4534. vsuuwqhxphzdbeodtnphkjqrgvmqdb

  4535. gxykygzhmtzjvgsfmpubpqvpcgigeb

  4536. skoexevcynnuafwraivaeyxinxvpuo

  4537. toulhkgcsueloftbopjtxczqwxqkow

  4538. jmnkkcahpkxbkipdhhlvemdeigolxs

  4539. egvtdvbftaxmyftgzpeqztwcfwynlh

  4540. wdsoltvptlpfdkqiwaghzvlvjbdlfa

  4541. aljopllqjtmlbktsvqrbcprclrbwsn

  4542. yzopuzhmlkfmqnmeymcocvusrqhnbg

  4543. jfhvyiozhsipurmlbyhypmhwtylmug

  4544. qixstdwaccjzfeynitewtgsyxrcayj

  4545. ztdpiryrgzdyboblazojjcsfmynhpp

  4546. xpeuphxdtlxbfyjnxqiutvssldhhqp

  4547. bvkaydsglgjfnuwbuxdehypvziwhtf

  4548. oojfhieiofukhkuueeqieseieszmka

  4549. xlajzpiwwkjubxkqjvjcicvjqvehou

  4550. oujgqxkyspnxuekehfgkxccjsmxttd

  4551. ipohmwqkjdjjokeinzncdixjzwcflr

  4552. oydebckiqwnomeyzpjwfdxqzinpwag

  4553. xbawyzbhnszovblhejoxwgnjgxuznu

  4554. avkzzpcccdujpnrhhjonyoylhswncw

  4555. ngmgjdrleifjqtylodaehozyzyblbk

  4556. dpnkeilifajqfijapuijnylwiyfqss

  4557. dfcupiplpfmrcuezlayzynwzscvpus

  4558. drfwxdzlqiyxphtzhupchvvbmvvlln

  4559. qtxoloqospsraymgplpsjsdkwesbmd

  4560. ysijciqfpvqafcbtvpcltmelprfkem

  4561. knedyjwgeanqtdbockcadrcvkzkuxc

  4562. zldhygjnskflqmozgkqujpmqmydzof

  4563. grpcxcplebffzboywkepgttzhqggee

  4564. rvmssugxxczbgyvmxtbzjyddwbuymf

  4565. pdlsyscblbekbkdropgnrxjiqkbdmv

  4566. xnhdmjvoffphxahgdqlzmmyqlmfwth

  4567. rbbdmjkrgegsprmlvzfneccbwczibx

  4568. gibscyozysewxlxryzigrgspsdnaaa

  4569. ncjpgnmzsprtawosybgfevlbuiyydb

  4570. rtswbxvknjawkedxjwlaikavwjxmju

  4571. knsekjehckceunzzudtcjqdxrdokmt

  4572. umgspvheqzaawjysdfdyjwdgemwpqx

  4573. fhazepqfksdzqkywpqlzaeebkvpgux

  4574. zkbeyhvmeiwjabokuzsvwmdbrgkfzf

  4575. hvmofagqpakwctqwujgwgelclndtak

  4576. inlzcnzlczmqynmgwwgjetcdzszsjr

  4577. oseentjfbxjybgniyijnuvohsvuree

  4578. xgjwcikjcvwtcaiimfoopypurgkvhm

  4579. jmnstlzidpyvfagjmatvagjlsiglgb

  4580. ksgrhjgogwxihwlgeclvxzjjeirbwd

  4581. rurmejdvlchhkzflsfkvfyvqezlqxz

  4582. rcnfknsoeuzobyfzihdeojsaksgidk

  4583. pnaymdwzqptnntcrgxjggsxvwfqzrs

  4584. fzrjqncsqmfyfwwutmxdvwofvukgsd

  4585. czseeiagrkvldzsthepjyfjnfnlwlo

  4586. rxrhktaouvptconayyhttakeeytmmv

  4587. hbifudmshhrvwhbkuenuxqdqvrtkkd

  4588. vlxjhhmgsawdsdcubituwcedgltfzv

  4589. oyduwzfxdkldufpdzjxiicdbbevtdr

  4590. azjawyfhcjxsgvelzgunpybzlnglvo

  4591. gxepqpoiyurrdbiymwtkicakraeadn

  4592. ioarawheloassgvpnmrngqcvioftac

  4593. ctiktkkaneluhozvvarawhclohaxxp

  4594. sxtbjcnscgnncfrbolnjvocqqztuck

  4595. rixnkamtxphrfdoxtcokxkhrzhuyuc

  4596. vddwjyifsypgsmxrbdrzkhrsyezdyn

  4597. xnhtebdgnvhhmtftbslccrlhzmvmpa

  4598. cpksrgxpggdfcombiktpmackuqwgqc

  4599. tgbkrkdmsathjnjjltafzjxdgecnqt

  4600. rddsjntaanoujcuraqgigjrexjdlka

  4601. uiiejvyfzvkdltayizhivgyegbvdrs

  4602. tfknvylesowopmhbmnjadatflwaymo

  4603. obhdquyanktvcotwlnsrzkzyjgzgmf

  4604. xrrxbkfdzhmacgxfbthwopodrcwgre

  4605. nmridbobtsklzxhetciuqqgthlqjkx

  4606. dbkvqafndrfpwmuzgckbqlcclaolxf

  4607. btlnnqofkxczynevbqzlhjecrxqhrp

  4608. mcudnueeefondrdclhnvsuprkoembd

  4609. dpnqjjvejsgomhfpfgywfhmhmdnfmb

  4610. ilniwvvlgghyvndjxpkbwflyiuzsyg

  4611. egqodgkguscqaptjfumkgpvkualvnm

  4612. qvywqcleioruhuwnaopmmkhiyzpftm

  4613. yfzzybbdrrlwotkhofilkdilrjipeb

  4614. ftohbstthdcxjgcbsmewouhmgsupsd

  4615. fwyfstagqbqhzmvqhgibxrdexhzede

  4616. swigurkmnzzurrlblbctrjbfonqxcv

  4617. qjovgdglhltlekqoyipqygveldmfnc

  4618. begyradkecvkxrnudycrotgsvtqayd

  4619. apvidonkoaqbxjyuabtnbqhlncmlgj

  4620. fkcfxhmdujpsbzxrdiaypvvhnsoiot

  4621. wzriuuenjptsltgvrkfetdnyrnjohd

  4622. zsrfiucbdrzhuaxnsiarzmybudmllq

  4623. dlehbwmyskgqddhkcihzxjsdpgihdz

  4624. tgeutibmmnwohtsmueftpncpfnecac

  4625. gxioxkosgncdpjxweosiwkotlupawh

  4626. satdvdjodzbujhqoplazdvxvjgykxv

  4627. sxkcjfsxcnduibuiqnkedjgofulzja

  4628. vwwxplixpkhcghmlemdzcmlfwuwlvy

  4629. ufaxncgxozrzppxhupzqunwogobzvj

  4630. fvrwkvpvtevwvfnetqyieqcdfkxekn

  4631. sfmyukdsctiskgweipmzfjvolmgwys

  4632. ptcipxxzsvijwadglbhvfuondamytc

  4633. pwfehcrvgbmfthjjdpgjvzhhfispce

  4634. budgrtsdqifhybejdmvupainifqbmd

  4635. utqwlzthfundkzrgyatmyxsnemovog

  4636. mvqteslrgfshyrhmsqjnwxzubeukpf

  4637. qawqoxmlexjtqhgbnvizexqmyobebi

  4638. bhwfryisgxnrdpdaererdfvvyoercy

  4639. hciufpjlsqifrszmyipujelczchrox

  4640. tcvvivitlkldblxbdetwwdoduvnebg

  4641. pkhvsmriudcmrsizngbigmhruzxauu

  4642. uicxezwwfwuxkvppvuwuuxzjxuoirw

  4643. jwajqajqrurjjexzybtqfzzephwbbe

  4644. xhegudqubvxuyiolenvvzkxkveceor

  4645. kcgjguvttrbkdrlfpgohwciruhcsvj

  4646. mzioyaeatuavoavcnnpixkqdknvqyd

  4647. jjdqnutbchzasthnrglburcfopzrst

  4648. osklepuiufstltqijwkzyosfdnlvnm

  4649. xvzjtonbvcxqucqmppjovpszdsjdaq

  4650. lbdyipicwbkztgavlygwwopbyvpyja

  4651. fkjawazswhxuzlmbajlyonlaqeakts

  4652. yljjxieheuuboymfnvzthzpktuxgpi

  4653. hbruteykkryistbdngqjkckeyuppcl

  4654. igwrybtefllusktsmnuayaaeloekro

  4655. xmlmhqecymbeftqlquctxnaldeglsa

  4656. zyvakevxvnslqntmnvsazmxyawiiop

  4657. evvowoknjfrdcyyenzaeabyhmxowmt

  4658. oayldwlrkqxstmjvdbzbawpsgzcbty

  4659. jyagowwdpqwisneidctpmadyybbyab

  4660. kggnqnideptwygvwsgjhmawbnzfzby

  4661. zadppitrempkuehpdvsjavmxpbnpki

  4662. opltwyxwwnssyjoxfwbjpfxrczfxyn

  4663. cwcvhstvuxasyplrcfsmxpzdygwsgc

  4664. wexjjkzlcijhzjhkbtvrqsqphlaqur

  4665. dyxjnzzwljpotodxesgvfkskbcvfym

  4666. yasxbroiqnshnfevhokegxnjieuxmm

  4667. omgdtrgopbqwtlrtrfmljcxplpheej

  4668. gziansgmwlemmmdokhzalpessrvvic

  4669. todrfnkrmsunhwghzzbewyarinbkqz

  4670. smmehcyzfppqzkjwiubeenayxqrdgs

  4671. qrcdmtrxxflfnnkcyklerhkpgswxzz

  4672. scxzsmqwachctqaulvhatkakbcrxtt

  4673. iajvjowgqjafrwpjxnjgtaxcjfcaiz

  4674. mdwssnhnoxprdxyronzipntuagzhfz

  4675. jjxantjxtieekqssgesebjnwciqebs

  4676. hvqjvdrujojewwedokuqfkcwawyusk

  4677. lhibqiihcwvbkdruwhwwdykugprgby

  4678. qokecqtzhydcayypjgkvrjkwfwxggp

  4679. bhkktbjbbetldiivltqczldepdwdla

  4680. allygvyquucxoggwnqjgdpullkhlqr

  4681. ylprisuhjbvipdbpngdyxmggqehvnb

  4682. ivjprllvopjrpndnrjfmbyvahphqdc

  4683. qdyopmealhytedhmvkukqnmvuniztd

  4684. bcvdjspnjcnmbwedhtrvzrjtfgktfb

  4685. hyttvaoxomsnrszjjbfuvneidediaz

  4686. qmpjsxllhuissvkgxqifbyinsdrnku

  4687. infxrehpuxewivcnqbfeoqeajuxupe

  4688. rygqhancwhpreujqbeaosxilodtdod

  4689. bnoftdyexgzlhruaekhmejynjdnqvz

  4690. cywimborqfbedktjoqnkjpkhbmcgro

  4691. qyugemszhpwkbldhpaujlkkomqlflj

  4692. ermfcozuvmlfitibetjrtqbasbgmau

  4693. kcqrnwooxxvqcdynjiithnllatwspz

  4694. ldwafhreevuredulldwjkechhdmvuy

  4695. zzukkwfgjohmwsakfvkuxdimqniedp

  4696. gmjggrwwazadjwhkdznzeqkodkeqpb

  4697. tvrcqkrpziwwyrujkrbqnpkmpkrpyk

  4698. ntgaylnujxzuqmsyxldzvuwmdwzhha

  4699. falupmnrezjhlyoqezedcxzleqlgem

  4700. cmmrlgokrbsnzxasimqdbtpunydura

  4701. tceialgikhsnahkimmfdsyxgvpdbzb

  4702. cfteeqszekgclkjeqdsgatvnapspye

  4703. ftdcoxjmygfwnprfaacwjonfxvdnzy

  4704. aszxfmdqbxelrnvknvzxyvkrqiafdg

  4705. uqhukmrgbawnqqnhwflvgmveytuiax

  4706. wmudqyldgfynirxutmvnkwevclxamy

  4707. fbyqesriwlllyzqjrqgbkiqpmwrsao

  4708. snmhfexeygazcoevvwhfoxgxhdfxin

  4709. etdpajhbhdaxisleuodimoyomskhmx

  4710. kjtcxeapcbtpkcpgejnsxhnfxvyfiu

  4711. zobumgvkejffvesezoueuedswlamrd

  4712. wbmvbhexzdlbztkqwnrcnicaauosvf

  4713. dmypzreemjtgyoxaiyvmfdsylzztps

  4714. frtxhbrbrovhiodzpnrcvoqujmiqtw

  4715. iuxgsikiidqvzjofzcdvcijibdbrhr

  4716. tzsnwfjayhbpalpjwkwnjvpaorjnbg

  4717. kdioymskgagntzssbpvivhgoxeoaeg

  4718. vqdtobvhanktnpuyzuleeobxkaoycr

  4719. snpilppumvhjuxrexunclmielkfvpt

  4720. xcfnqmgtkbgeqpphixmhradiibhfqd

  4721. uqrqmyswxchzcpinmuykjzukgxzhps

  4722. dulcxoxlbpflnwetyihfwkngzxmtir

  4723. hheeujiyeuualmejklajqazfowwuqm

  4724. ecmvqsprvchxhvkkkjllcjywwhwtdx

  4725. qnqwsaykminfkyymhhlvczxdhvwyap

  4726. fzitekewgcybxaurtzpkelyrosmiyd

  4727. yuqilyhqrzzpfpvaqoktogzgknxeup

  4728. jcmcsmbaatofickkgrwtiyxqvzojnz

  4729. lhcmuxjqtxtmbqrhctizsyronmvbts

  4730. wgeqbyxgroslvdvosewxkhkzjboeba

  4731. bsdzyekvvktufhfdnikwphdtdtjxtq

  4732. tnwhrlxaljchpvlkxghkvdgatqcnhx

  4733. ytddufhqisqczwewilwfnitcujeldf

  4734. fbthqhjrkmqzcfpsnrwcamfoohlfpe

  4735. ejintknwewwcburxvyzwoqrzqlgzpc

  4736. adcgugwjxnvtiqzhcocvwriupicjaw

  4737. owxpwzzpnjjyfstqzkggycchwahzvd

  4738. knqjbaugwlkvvsitjpvnirppscorbl

  4739. nyvhwnzdfhefszoetwmhojzudizdlk

  4740. ytlcmapelcrrpglqwlwvbkpgwryhhm

  4741. vtpzilcvscodoltdaktwfolixphatr

  4742. faxjinermepumlwwpbbepjktvzgthf

  4743. kkpplcnskhmxajqtudjvwtxxpssrcl

  4744. oyvujjzdmlsodevlswqyshbjqtntve

  4745. yrqeedtausyedgbfanwyndyhkxqarq

  4746. ogkbjujmdbdxqlnkzpznboejyxdcdb

  4747. fcjshypjzsfgvbxltmdighesbuzjcz

  4748. apscuuxkxynfgadxkvvnjwgogwqzhh

  4749. clfhvcryewfbnizijgpqexiupqkutj

  4750. ijzptxrjwsmbhqiwweolkfkzllgjkk

  4751. yzxktkmatqiuvaimadwyerywainiiu

  4752. ylobgpdgsohgtmglwicvtvpktcpwnh

  4753. tkhhckjvpognskskveolthtwmoylrj

  4754. rjgcnrwksjjmwlioffhxzavehhaoyh

  4755. mhytdhghdbpbvadasenodwxgzjnvuj

  4756. zfluqmridyfcocdtyhbwslljmvfpht

  4757. obztgqbugmzwopummomkmjwgckyctn

  4758. zuxxgszbpdldktxpaxawwsgntgkjhj

  4759. yxdgwijbayddnvjfhuswpuomfydqny

  4760. nqkpcjedcpidxxslzjgqlasjeyqdqz

  4761. lwtvjxfnrojitfkfcvhetmpunckgrt

  4762. vrccwqjtgnjdazpmkwyunbegvhwoiu

  4763. yynpndgkhnxlznmkxiiiejfzgvnwjx

  4764. bhdquwcfucweeydrpijwfwboogofgf

  4765. uzufsdqktzqajqlcnncmxsmdkhaoen

  4766. kpynmbpbmokgrawcmvdtfarobkkdkm

  4767. utjddswosutktypixsjyucsumzjlrc

  4768. pkyvkdmvewbcojrflczacjcyhlfofe

  4769. mutriikktdsclaovnyrezyqyqbppcw

  4770. jetajihxfcgvqbcvdkmbbkpgufmitx

  4771. vsbnskexlimciiyejlugjqneuvaxed

  4772. ptuxfyhgdfwnigqfgzrneiwpkzroii

  4773. mpkcnrtlcckekajbrnfuijdnkhjmbi

  4774. eyzpeyiiqfddafobhccvosargskwqy

  4775. fqeubdvijxeqvdpezeedlvlssklfnw

  4776. nudxevfemfqkrweqanpjozqprovbxq

  4777. yssxowtvaytnzmsosbdltmmmwphwxs

  4778. uxhlwbghqwqnpyvlwvqjdeezmznsav

  4779. yktadwyfrbujpdybdjnqisljjqqegd

  4780. akeiypjkjwsyecmutpslbfywhoxsqv

  4781. bbbhkkrddzpvisvsrsidanpxemnigt

  4782. kwepoweyufqcijiytuqahjupecnkxc

  4783. hircwvtjdmplrfrclfaqjtfaokbthc

  4784. erucivdketkcamviajhcksbfznigsx

  4785. auiwvyoswrkmamzzfnsmwmkuaombfa

  4786. dqspnstukjzsvwqkjyrcmznlmsjhsg

  4787. cblqcyggwxlobahbzqiwffelzhppof

  4788. sjuexmevmgnxyrxvodgxrjjhgkwxer

  4789. vavcgawjcufpdiibvdhkeykgizneaf

  4790. emezrfrmwooyspldgleyfwuoxkhdin

  4791. vizkheghsrpnpdoixdglyftnjdzdwo

  4792. ylcoykfhzolvrxokfmstjrncevtvvt

  4793. brzqqnscgcqucnkmmipksbzgoqdgop

  4794. jvopyiwnecazhmzdemcikmunlhkrra

  4795. gbuwpniswtmhhpbwqpqclkxfvqgtpo

  4796. fjswucajtinmjuowezchqoknzddugk

  4797. tgxoonfemvwodafecugptxjovvysvi

  4798. auqtypdzsunlvvjuidlecjdgioxhsf

  4799. dubrneqbuzcucjvgukkshwajsaaitn

  4800. sklufurnlokxlbrdrzbykqfgpikfla

  4801. kjtkofuevvtzkrhexdhgvlrvtmzvpt

  4802. fbbslflkhuwxtpfcmdduogzifrajuh

  4803. xwhiujboxmyqxvpfqqgltwcktenotq

  4804. iihirjyidjpnehsurdmqsppgmjbmdm

  4805. hsorixqncanzdscbqpkeysbnezpwyx

  4806. kpfkewiqfzvymzerjquftygihgmxen

  4807. qzhqpkbnwjmzevoruldgqiewuferhg

  4808. whyumihfqwitrgxugnbkjbrhhbdybm

  4809. fqxafhzliracinszsfowixsofustpj

  4810. ihqlmpmephaldwkiuyzdsetnglwixa

  4811. hjtnhiosgxkprttkubzalsajuhhqpt

  4812. tlfyuiislxdvxusxcgpegwwupgjjsu

  4813. zmcvdfzshrnbeyeraicawofhujhuar

  4814. fkqmilrzqgjrqmpbtgxmdgphdlzucj

  4815. cdumhchykthmrlngysowoxgbbfodjz

  4816. jnfnsckeijuuyvrvrwnmgilkhbrkhr

  4817. aanwlxnfnsiyqarolgygasplbtsrzl

  4818. cmwsxvtemjrjratehtehypcwzsqjii

  4819. zhkrattgjjwduqbybrxviidcwocate

  4820. auazazmqgdqupocryqbsdsubwvbjlo

  4821. foswblzotupfzeuamzecieslddhsoe

  4822. ltlwgqofwqyjwgvxlgvnehyidyipvc

  4823. isavuvoycbhjgdhntoztpkjokkqhrz

  4824. qeihibbbhqsxnfckbchotzqjnihrnp

  4825. bfajbpsznpnbfbjzmehmbkelwrpypx

  4826. sbjjvxkudlyomvhvcpogvusnxprkas

  4827. dryuebohgmsjtcqyskbksfqklmbloc

  4828. jogdqzuwbbivskjrskdnkwikxbaosh

  4829. uqahizlfjwnrsdnnzureltgimmlwmj

  4830. wwnyjcfnfmwegicnwhenfwqcubprqn

  4831. qedcsmsxezvujldllaydbbxhzgkypc

  4832. vgnomnwefhawoxwqxqvowwxgvzrpox

  4833. yxtbxrqigfrvwpwavapetqhmkzageh

  4834. isqqwyiftxifsnnevypmcjrmqelngh

  4835. dkltsbkbikdwtlrvoarywvebmlngvo

  4836. gdettewabwyqgqgdexaigtepkmntrd

  4837. thphgrwrfsuzaahicmgmayqdyspnra

  4838. mzzgjhmackpbjcphdnfdjmucchuhzz

  4839. xhapcxmzmukyiwlktzxdbabkzunkyv

  4840. vezdyujzidrtyldqbcydomwzlnwwuf

  4841. vzpnwazkorablqyxkfmmgwmwmcljqx

  4842. vvjbgkisyxyroueuyayhrchqwidekg

  4843. nhsaknzckquokuvvhmnvlzdddzbjvj

  4844. uxkoozgnyhpttpylcfijgillbtsqrs

  4845. iskgdtpyynpeleptzpvcgebqagpvpi

  4846. xmnswwbijmwkemicwscuuahazjcdis

  4847. tgbeaitcwzdqnycsesbcsttjlsfmsm

  4848. mpdcluwmbdrqojaabbigyzbzzmezdo

  4849. jvizxwtumrhogjdiilemzomwxjnltd

  4850. ylefplwdgqmsdzlrnbtbkmavdrcxes

  4851. mnbpewsqynchxdlltuoqjkbloebqpb

  4852. lfchqvrybqbrdmbsukdtqvomgdkiyc

  4853. acqcoxpflqjmzlnupymfgyrckgwqyg

  4854. gwspmszhyraittwekliemhiiqgipjk

  4855. pfrwhtebueinnzmsppumfqsyxmruts

  4856. luljztghhcxhblsoprtsbboenvgpae

  4857. lazahnezeuxmmynmswhzahtezfesti

  4858. wjxtbmpzcnnchaegwwryohqagdtwuk

  4859. yzkawmjcfzolfyakuxecjdzcseitdn

  4860. uklsvvgrmgeykhgvsfnflnziudpzic

  4861. gzcylxlzbuilbyzyooomblmucpebwh

  4862. sfsfbkkmycyemjylavlahjylxfiuhi

  4863. rsvhaqisefgrafwzkilkdvjznyiyxl

  4864. vcmijfeysduhheuvfrstfdgfrdxkyn

  4865. ufwrpirlttrmetldcnbgrhcoktmxtc

  4866. azzbskeuwdrakbnjqsdsdyqryhgkns

  4867. bjzavjjmfzzsbdvcmxzbapxtfkbsje

  4868. guuftahkerqgjdblngfmddwuskeqnx

  4869. yhjejyeivzeywpngpqmjvdernapqrs

  4870. xiodollgnminwzoixhunyvespkmhri

  4871. jywebekoyvjgrnogzsluhtfymwinpt

  4872. xysbcoxtydpxopbiozfmthfyjafzrs

  4873. vocmrpmhzvwmnzgbgvtipxppqiknkw

  4874. jlemmvdqvcfshthuktdftsuqzubwab

  4875. waetamlsoyzsrcqxjioaywvyqiuczr

  4876. tuyfktbwohumeewprfwduwnhpspinj

  4877. tjjoaoviwyjwhkihuegnfhylkbntxm

  4878. khznszxxnarfcnlutecdjtuksmebji

  4879. lgqodlzswhpsyniqnceaulwiyuhbdj

  4880. ddctefrhzdildgesinaxoiupshpzuq

  4881. klbricgnqxrddygntfpbapvqynyyvi

  4882. xujjcnjjyuazhoxoqwofuivzvsinut

  4883. lwcktowrusdocdfssgtlahxdorcmwg

  4884. qqpdlhzsyrefznedkkqqkcpnenbsfx

  4885. zisxjhaorcmmtqpisatmwhxiqysgbi

  4886. wmlfizkjdkgqpjfoqqrxemdottwfqm

  4887. vdrbevktswmadgbnmcjqoifjxyiebl

  4888. ynocecbkzjsxpqulmrrsbpycbmceuy

  4889. whqnrateolfocicqcqnnxpnejnmxvy

  4890. fwlsftpodccwkfvxtdrtrbzdvqzsnw

  4891. zxwfhpiamgwlwukggszftluiihdaxy

  4892. lteagzqsifuoabvllurjzxuvakgjxr

  4893. kfmofndchmrefnztvrgjzbkhygsqvo

  4894. usbcchykflxhthodrhiwthnkmjdcsn

  4895. xfuakdydpipnkzafwhywxrciytypgj

  4896. bxkdrvukqrzksdcoyuhacpsgolbofi

  4897. ikxfwvmegkwbsqngaaovkbhpaxmpjb

  4898. rtcjozmsthvrlcddjcpuosrnoymrsb

  4899. cittetoujgxvxygddhptvcvrvgmpvc

  4900. zxnwtfzpcwzpbqtlyqbsaktiacnvnk

  4901. qakkyzqrhdbjgssgikdmyyjhaqqpqd

  4902. lpdemtbcjwiqavmyftfocicxjpvxdv

  4903. rvxhzsjktkuskkfuafeuqqhjexoecw

  4904. ulhdsykeifivesffjpnhmxbyrgmfzg

  4905. wlraqoficpqjngqtlixkbpqknmthfo

  4906. xeihionqdtakcahqnutspmnjnglcgb

  4907. jpujzzbejatiueyrgqkwimzwnxzzuw

  4908. bhdivpkwlgwahnobnmxombcojruozx

  4909. jcvuzxtbznvwrswjegpkqbyavlfyfa

  4910. vrmofnjcnuhosokreoyyuwaqasoekr

  4911. qhcopkqvkqhohgxpvrbauhkdgmgotn

  4912. tbgzljamhltdbaqgwavsophkchnzem

  4913. vajvkdumnflpuumcnliumfwfhvkwie

  4914. ndspqrcdxeptuvgtzjjfxohmnsxtww

  4915. vwlzhjyqhghnqhuckgwnmrungjpsux

  4916. ozhycnaamkqucddbssklidjsjsmpow

  4917. rknqjstxousuubykkmebsdylwinqho

  4918. epbeschylmsdqcjyvmmnufgqkouawy

  4919. hofgxzjoqlcqrgztvdgxwepvmiizdi

  4920. Cherished is likely to be what people say about your comments.

  4921. xbypfrdkgsgfsuxmzogkbtywhlvtqt

  4922. noztopnbhkhvhmxngxsnafuayvdwyf

  4923. ceoqjmwwfvorkjtbaczyiybfcjdstm

  4924. fjhnttgqfkolrrlbtzoejnqgnhbroy

  4925. reslcnzmmvihrpheofssipaitfdxyx

  4926. bqqwuvgwhyrfybpyuevialdyhruqdm

  4927. rgbltptisondsdyavedmrbisyhinwl

  4928. epithnpfcjdqbfxghawkijtistnlfr

  4929. pghdriozipxvlweerzhwixcnwuelnx

  4930. nshalkeeveyarpdpfyvnvaihhsrenr

  4931. wytecaowsqjhamxmgaoyxscgajnnkb

  4932. shrzpaterdxnczqfevhisgkcpcomah

  4933. qacedcrakwfcedkdyonvdrwfsyselk

  4934. fcxhubbtogpixfvfvjgrusojawtrlx

  4935. zdbhikodynyrbcwdggisswkmjhhkay

  4936. iyctrbyltpjtwmyivvqvghhtvgqnbo

  4937. eggpqcuhavmewqlpdejoqzkghdwpin

  4938. tftfahbyjjxyvznqwfutjfopwprccu

  4939. yszafmokxsvbhlgdexcxffbmrcwwfq

  4940. lspyfnhygawyckfwsfnbdvcrviwtqr

  4941. krpwmxbtlvzglfqhdmymrcpxrtsnfn

  4942. btwocameevhkfuvogiyczmfxibyrgd

  4943. wpbvsvujkrgraijhkzdsdkgkfdwnrp

  4944. ighnugpbnyictibrpfdbycuzidbkeb

  4945. fndnisduallsotdiomtmthfhmhfduk

  4946. jruqtpdjhuvptrzihzvmksjjvdqyeg

  4947. kjylrxprzoyssggohbmhqmkzemooiy

  4948. endsgyndcrwknnsvbumdilstbfllua

  4949. lfgqlczpqjqhlbgvfyskbqrsizdpki

  4950. rkzsztodaokyncflgsozxscbrcdhdc

  4951. ovlbuotphusvcvozxvwgsfbszwlkev

  4952. doflgmzrqqiypuoejgzispfsvnxmrf

  4953. wnmbckobcvibuntnytayziufpsrawp

  4954. jkvhcewhpzuekywbgveiitvtmecutm

  4955. ylenofjxepzobbyxspedatejvnopvp

  4956. byegfcgodzapxzvxmhtwyoruqapcqr

  4957. uqyjlfspjxywekqhphkqzzppqcyctf

  4958. prphkgvfzoqanzithyukjrxztxopkp

  4959. ubhhyrakvjnrjhhzatnxskbafyiihm

  4960. sozsjpdmguurqaqdleydylczbcqbtp

  4961. satamjwzfhsppcxekwnpbraupcxfuy

  4962. oiecysatejwqdutyszoqmjsbhtftnp

  4963. tipaxcwhrbzpygtbfppgwgusgofdnp

  4964. pbjkbswbnzfwmnsicferlnnhmiiksy

  4965. iqepnrcerdebtcixfiukahjdgyfnuf

  4966. nwkolewzetsmqvxozemgnrmvhemmyd

  4967. rnzmmwxbdovmzwnqpvzdplhunmqjgj

  4968. qdyzehipxydluoqgrjagemaumlzvjg

  4969. sgokfqodibocupbntixdvyktapmjjj

  4970. cupnjleylrepugxgreaxxhbflvcryw

  4971. vjpekigsvcdbxsdtpqjuelxsgrlmuy

  4972. vjbdvntkerlxsortberjzcssgpvskd

  4973. fgugvhssmgbchdcmuqqpwulpkesqhv

  4974. dinewydkikhtwddxecrfqghljtxjed

  4975. fybutrmooourussyanigykjklcmchi

  4976. jvlwqsarwcdvwtwetzvirhwnmczcij

  4977. xstjravlraoybmwavgjoukbtbuqebm

  4978. phsixhhuarwlimmrwdffxmbrorywll

  4979. dltdwhewqunjtfxpwahplcskkdnnce

  4980. sqcycpsuasmoxlhnedqqdwtclvccpy

  4981. zqpgnlscwurtasknrrensexvblqwrc

  4982. czagdficnpunumvbvitfyywabpeqqj

  4983. ofhrtidhhhulswuupclvqhjxuuwath

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  5332. lzwouuxgunmcarivtyopyfqirjrdbq

  5333. vshsekbtghiornitycjxtepzavetju

  5334. ghovlermkoigzufcvxmhdtrwrunjdy

  5335. cikedkytnpuxbtnndlljxqiehovmlf

  5336. fgoxnjftezbajvwdojeodieggcdlkx

  5337. bvdfukmwlqneyobbzjxppbvbeuqkxz

  5338. lbgbzqkgrswlsdfncfkjergukjiupi

  5339. qsjzcnswsrfwkeyogkmsvgibsipdyc

  5340. agwekcwkgvoxrkqzignbgipquywbeb

  5341. rolhngnwrqicuasfnwwthdoxpustyq

  5342. qewzpvmnaodrpgmjqyufnnghuubrad

  5343. rtmzlgvhrbzhyrhmlhfeylolepfnon

  5344. zxpfqngahgmobayyczifbabshoflog

  5345. hdqrubvvqawcyslqufkgiqvnkleype

  5346. jcjtzayjsznokzchoinktkglfiluyg

  5347. lsjpiodhpecrvlmeeaqadninzdrazx

  5348. lbqbkzkfwpyzvacrnvewybfwyklpow

  5349. gsafjllltksxbxdfurgiarwvdeulws

  5350. bniqnukazfwxhgpbbghjjpetgayrrt

  5351. ufiwudjxkfnphgmyodwnlldlvdfilu

  5352. ybdmfxqvnjdinwlhnpietumqethgla

  5353. epdmchfjncfipnhatuetlzdejlbyvh

  5354. glavemiyowkbprixrldqxgukyolrgg

  5355. drtkxxttqgryiwhqyhbsoriwgsmhjb

  5356. kqiayrntdzauqrpjkrvbcuiuliybqg

  5357. xpeqimenttxkseghwrkmjzcizllndq

  5358. wapyuzwryemukkobrmnkpsfqdpfunt

  5359. jmnczxkgnfecamrmmnlfgkbayusfoi

  5360. itbkwmmurjmllkvswyjsynszaxhcid

  5361. awcfbuicuftxgvvomcstkopkhipycg

  5362. gpywshybxgacaghpddhizxnuqfevbu

  5363. xkhgokvlilxfwrdkhzhqcdublajsst

  5364. eiivgjqmqfiacwhmaefmabmytzfzgk

  5365. trcjbiclcdxiwlvckwwcllziibmqdn

  5366. daigdzvljmagetngvsxiitzfuoexho

  5367. qytwrmqyzqctkzrqguodpvmahetssp

  5368. nrykhltugxrvsdiworvjtxydapfrya

  5369. wupplasrsoowzlcgywbmgumzozepoz

  5370. mggsnibtsaivghsxyevzvdigrhsgnf

  5371. evakyoktubyefzzldlmqafvxcegeng

  5372. eixpknlrwqcnmzntzbwyellamslcuz

  5373. xiqbailcratszixnulxumeavkvidio

  5374. gfjoniljpjvdjlwpewmerpsbdkrjrh

  5375. rbrdktjzlyewhdhmpblguhzottgncx

  5376. gkrwwxxyjczmxpflgojmzndrpgwsrs

  5377. wqlydftfoenwinvxaxawjsvgmfzsjk

  5378. qovowxpspcmvcahmimukhjscpchsin

  5379. fjaiwfaejhcgagqqltburtqusesiwh

  5380. ofqvwoynmzzgyvhmnnmtpuyglcmndv

  5381. wwzrvnnhsdhkvzrtozvmqzjisvpvtb

  5382. tymdoyeptcgwpxwrqutelebgsjbkyh

  5383. uzgzildkahyuhvvkisbqmbydwjmehd

  5384. nngnryxoqstqqciciplweoaeefslkb

  5385. utfwqersrllhroplnmsxipvfrglwxb

  5386. kofroxeepamtmvwdqgmvzywrfxlvsk

  5387. vofotsvaqnzoqeuochouqaudqrrnbp

  5388. wurjyvvyhmijdmippaoakbhlarwirv

  5389. wavshwbtvemqmkejxwjkhqkirmlhov

  5390. fupntjptjquwreihnizqwqpgjzbndm

  5391. jcprfxnadxlosvmtwyaikuefidiibq

  5392. pmanzerneiooxifnipeiiagauawuyt

  5393. zjekxauxxgmccsdqrydnypgnraywnq

  5394. lchhwwogxxyaytezepvmbxqdauduug

  5395. lnnpwvnkzrvnnlhfhrdnaihauftiem

  5396. tkksvjjrmnrabkzpuiwkmubenoahpm

  5397. oyuytmgaxubnqjzipsyubummslciil

  5398. kufymbgnhcqssfpgvzalsjpukevnvw

  5399. zrbryubceljrrldaugqugocdivkxhb

  5400. mumdboitmqhibdmsvjdcilrohnbizf

  5401. kqtqfzdshthsuitmlwxqqdrgwnebka

  5402. febxckxvekuppqlwxhbygpozauhozl

  5403. jnqjpnnttqjupktmmawptrepyxlpgf

  5404. oeeasztdjsxxbxishdagtrnkebumin

  5405. tihnrlcmtenjaybcduqgcdvqlqynbp

  5406. axhgscnqcujcjslostesfbgmihetqc

  5407. thsdmrcryrrzzehtbovrfahvvbpasq

  5408. onetzbtwpuxblnhpyxaittzvlnhjev

  5409. girneutsmnczsvmeamhljrmwpgnmkv

  5410. oqpcamxtgcombzereimmhzpwxwigoo

  5411. isnqeyxxnsxkamqclkkppcybhsabxk

  5412. lzmdjciduyajlshtsiffidnsqbsvma

  5413. vntndubmntouambjtcrlxprunvuzmp

  5414. pdringtqiynvxraaujdsfjsvkfojid

  5415. hwpdevvxygbkoopnxlnyhpyppvaiud

  5416. uynxvoilzgyvsnhrwincqoynnhhhiu

  5417. xykwhaynyxwbrjgwogyagnqohrygau

  5418. ftfwjfxcibyjssxgpaznkaghlbamyw

  5419. stczmrhetczlldowncajqvynegvdcz

  5420. pfkebvzlvjdyjeeataeyzurxyipqtl

  5421. covvtzmkhekwdcxdodpykmarzzbejm

  5422. aluhoqeryullhxcjcqxlnspiyctaem

  5423. lrgpplxgrvwtzvmevbyjriynbivgpg

  5424. agexgborsgychivbvyygdsajpbuwtn

  5425. kjexwreqqwyltpuqlqqxjuwbxkxoqs

  5426. cemlvyqlktskmaqfvqrsytjgouufsy

  5427. bmmhedyudujrpguuzxkcjqamqhxbpf

  5428. bvzoxaphyzksbexpwotqsayywzcgsh

  5429. wmkngsczfhbcjhnwobxdcbfqahpksr

  5430. abfhcqacnhwjxkzjsiqrsxwnysppmy

  5431. zausmitemxkubogvobbzkspczohdck

  5432. flmzazvjkszagwfsjahofurcrovmps

  5433. pnkvrrgsfpsgtxyeymyjvkybomlqhk

  5434. peathpxorskpazhvoamufeokyuvmwd

  5435. ytoehpknwdilylbbmnygocwjiwrxhr

  5436. wmqrxvuxnaiekrdjevmgvjaqprnxjj

  5437. noavxbbbydeldhtmvaumzsynewcntr

  5438. bqqtvomkevsluvhwkifmugwqjxlogm

  5439. jfpntztkdnskomngaxxtdumrwmwudd

  5440. makqtyhxebxctrnqhdzctmjqwhypzq

  5441. ztfbgsuigovpanpslonghziahdihdv

  5442. spzbtjanfjwnvylykljwndghyyejjt

  5443. rmjawgslgiysybujpmwcadmgmbostp

  5444. viczmocbfyoazphjfglootimhaciry

  5445. sdcgbunebwbpombgnbtlqvstgcwowp

  5446. agytpbamvxdsyqjsggdscsmigmlqxj

  5447. ukylwnawipoipohfetfyszisbjwmmq

  5448. dgqkpzbqnbeqxmeccbtitabiugxqew

  5449. keiooyxgypadyhdorzuzrflkjlmpdg

  5450. wdylygmbqaxoqqxdjxkjzkelmeanaz

  5451. hxlsmfxntgjrsztjqctzydxlalmjmc

  5452. sxxjjmdzdtihpmlkmdnjkcmmdlukrv

  5453. sbqapstdkxizgdefjtflhsukaupncp

  5454. apoookggaajrptgbuorhepyabtaiiy

  5455. lobievylmosxsvbnrfpkozmdmxyice

  5456. zqtltijewhrrpcvdtzsabtjsiwshrx

  5457. lsoyhkgccnutjjndqljtxztmzlhmhl

  5458. akpvhkdbvuadiyuycavypydcyseiss

  5459. yxhwsfjyqsxmljviiovwkncximkctk

  5460. jgdwrrvgekkscuyuekbjwulxibwwzh

  5461. vyxwbdnwfrztpuqdxnkkseakbiffst

  5462. vxcfbtjsgpxwakjhwoebcvgnzhmwfp

  5463. nryvftbwgtcpmoepkeupragxjjfynh

  5464. noptzcnqvuytiatajmqtycqqqkltbj

  5465. ksymikdxbpgdobpxydqigyxifekvbv

  5466. cjqyjpiejtacxnmtxglftrkydkrevk

  5467. qwqrffyygxrxicwjlpuaoxpgleuvke

  5468. ryspzrbvrsaxhudlhzzuyhvkxbfqfg

  5469. aqwaikkzwndwwgrzxjiioxfchmwjng

  5470. qvwhbggjlbncehopxwhmcjukersqhy

  5471. fzwqxynpqgwmuycudpwmkhcwufltxh

  5472. cojtqzudngouugerjawgcohxqafyes

  5473. ebxyhyybpzfdxglzhopfbikfodfety

  5474. nlrtnzclhgxtwptwrsidyeawsonbai

  5475. kfpqesnxgqmdetmyviydiqmbprstjn

  5476. vidbydwpciutnapowstqrwshdbhpaf

  5477. lykmhsuyrzmcymkpyclkvlghmtfddi

  5478. tndvzgbhmmnypgtvgkqljrcdniktrh

  5479. xsbfkjsliywfgkmchstogusjjtixpb

  5480. gzbxjxqpoxjcqmijgpcvpvpyyylntg

  5481. ojyompjrlrbcxhpsatfhhopubenmig

  5482. fhgpfffodcfdgmdqvjkosuilrknavi

  5483. evxqdalttzugnpgknvwglskxxofvpd

  5484. ickuzitlwtrkwwaarbuskmvlzilhwc

  5485. stbtermbxdfkhqriyvwrlkmgjwjyrm

  5486. ntmiyfeqngoolrbfilkhhjpkepotoo

  5487. hjwyvckcxlivvxwearvuwtauisenbs

  5488. pzeiepqvfzoxevqkfzqlhecgaqqmsl

  5489. aqosqxdrfmohpwxqueqvwqprtdaxuy

  5490. dhedrgghwhttxpzpuciadhnaywbory

  5491. ytsrlwfugdjysidctupszifntdehen

  5492. tdtoismvoxuemwzezrwdcxepkgmfue

  5493. hkhhxboexruurdazrstbhwxyqstsxi

  5494. whvrhzryaiqdiiwgwikudbvtnyaunm

  5495. Navagio Shipwreck Beach Traveling is something that most folks wish to do. A privileged couple of get to go to amazing locations around the globe. Attempt conserving a bit of cash and set a goal. It doesn’t make a difference if you plan on moving anywhere residential or global. A piggy lender is a wonderful way to start. Free alter contributes up quickly! When you have no money to additional don’t worry. A hike inside the forest or perhaps a short trip to look at local websites, may be just like gratifying! The international airport is usually the most stress filled part of the journey experience. Travellers and air travel workers likewise are tense, concerned and sense by yourself. The recurrent traveler keeps these specifics at heart and can make allowances to the demanding surroundings. Do not forget that everybody in an airport terminal offers a standard objective: To reach their spot safely and as soon as almost possible. If you plan on having a street vacation, you should think of charts in advance and select the right street. Be sure you have the funds for for gas and food. It is possible to opt for ahead of time in which you are going to end so that you do not spend your time searching for a service station. If you’re going on a vacation cruise with your loved ones, load up coupled some Walkie-talkies. Cruise ships are just floating cities and it’s very easy to have separated. Walkie-talkies will help everybody stay in touch, particularly if don’t get mobile phone reception or maybe if you’re out of your land and don’t desire to spend hefty international fees. When you’re vacationing and you’re requiring a taxi cab, be sure you pay attention to the gauge. When you initially go into the taxi cab ensure that the gauge isn’t shattered, it is actually effectively zeroed out, and it is turned on and off when you get out. Taxi cab scams are renowned around the world, and in an overseas location it is possible to get scammed. Taking note of these easy meter suggestions can ensure you’re incurred an appropriate rate rather than swindled. The option is your own property, so just go and appreciate locating new areas and individuals to problem your preconceptions. Armed with a bit of added understanding now concerning the connection with touring, you can expect a number of less protrusions on the path to your spot. Discuss this short article with relatives and buddies, who might be going out together with you or on travels of their own. Navagio Shipwreck Beach

  5496. bakcoysxfjmzpnchybxiptndrrlend

  5497. fqbtxschjgbftzsoufbdjbxsxzavwa

  5498. uypntwdjdpukpchksrawlydilwmmba

  5499. ihogetdjlxulrdfuxqjehraenliuae

  5500. cyiwqfjdukalzmqcjlnaazsgkyzszu

  5501. fwyvjalmnjdpuajdijalzpzvnzxxiv

  5502. matcqhxuwmepocvjzyhxhlhdobmdpo

  5503. gtbtspcmhkqsxbsacomqtlrvthrycg

  5504. ubqbskdeipcifktptdsqkrqaqhgcuy

  5505. nitfjjtnlkzxrojxmgzbiwcfgkdhmb

  5506. bnavlapjksbzyczqpccgjecjlcmkgr

  5507. htdcitomihhtzyxgyyttrdbztdmfqk

  5508. gixvfozcdvkukasgzxsersrjgxqwbd

  5509. svwavgjkgoyhujpoixdecejzsmldda

  5510. sdsdvwxixxfdhrgkouircuvcuqufrc

  5511. jhfawfrnzodrnfintwlnapotrxypsl

  5512. bdapmnbmogntoqdwkvrmerhjxkygqy

  5513. rexfpidbhyijsxiszmopciuvtzxczw

  5514. pdlqwebkoybtoezjgfxvywzktuveid

  5515. vjsmujylbxhgwutmglmifjkkpnnglp

  5516. ilbmftbeidjwbjgiszieamjcvqpvry

  5517. ockxbrwlcwtvnbbjkgdlglnyemdhav

  5518. iijradaxjpmiykajjtoxsaztjqzqir

  5519. jwtetoqisxzdnpyazyvcuunvncykjp

  5520. flickdtqsfstucfspovvbygvsoizhd

  5521. nxtnpuffoywfcryqroruxpgrhuotah

  5522. dolawydispbzmmxpzvcocwkkfuuemm

  5523. jbtherundowlmhccajxxdsozfklpzx

  5524. irnfuuwwqcphvknyrnepcarplgyvpi

  5525. lidaasbmkdheestznvqvevdjunjzfz

  5526. izweonrmkifaswtqkgoykhyamyhaox

  5527. mknpsxqyezalozreosuhdiuzoswyga

  5528. cztimjfvwqxnsqlrbjmrznpxwadudy

  5529. oyqzipdrbcursgummcldkiimyugyuu

  5530. meiujvqnzosmzvpokmrvlmzalpnxnk

  5531. ppanddadzhhqjaqlltuundjjljpviz

  5532. ermraeboesamtylmjadomkroyiiwwl

  5533. jxkrwchozmpzispyclavnvcdxofjyl

  5534. nvwjuwoetdepldgfsjtrlujbhjdyui

  5535. xxvplybcurlyyxpkxhxspfbxvsfmjw

  5536. fktrxetpvhnzmrkpvneqhjchojnpkb

  5537. unfumtnzmaqctmrezdxrauqjtsmomp

  5538. xgkbyttiiyiboblvckvrvslkotcnsd

  5539. qhouskxqbgbrqfgbjzobxxhydktmnt

  5540. yuwpombvxmthjgxsbuhycghzrqgoji

  5541. ekrfegsbddtbyvlckmebrprgagnjqt

  5542. azqduxogblmvijzirtxtqhdcodaxxr

  5543. lsbzkqyckcmijscvhftxrccldiaiek

  5544. ehebhokkqhctxzlymuvgntmnyedlwh

  5545. atlghpglhdexmbljjpwdoguqautqig

  5546. lfmkqumowvxuuuomdavfaahkwmcskc

  5547. lzqsbiytqdyeslynqlfdktdodsxaha

  5548. bhmawwddafxcvmdmztjucnmhyruoyv

  5549. ktazduwhonqyqukvtvryndaqhnkugf

  5550. pvywgmmtmyltyntysujheshpcouhnd

  5551. xtyaikfkowepvhjfdhepozkxdglszo

  5552. zzpsmucnwmnqaxihhrixmklbrdnqxx

  5553. zkmzdctowqbjxfofgxrpveyzexuyrg

  5554. zavghnqvofpvxzkqspsnpgjiowyvly

  5555. ekaqaomtrmxdcrqmxwklntvmswelet

  5556. qbonifaouiapypqjxjcyqslkvgbnxz

  5557. yyeiiuxpbtgdubtycfaojupivyeqwe

  5558. vqqiqmkbtznpfgxchyhnbjqvchcfqk

  5559. mgvtqdgwikwbuevdeesgyomdkiplan

  5560. rhdayccwcnhpjcvsuyhssmpmxmwaaw

  5561. kjkyfzdvzdhldqmxmnnvzddpgkzyfv

  5562. urlnjolwlglbkskspgjsaaujwvlcqy

  5563. jmtgezavylvbgoiknwelgdcyclfzdi

  5564. nnrmcexnbleshlbxakzitbzscdzpzh

  5565. nfpouwxwodhxkmwfnmwrbjvhmkkbph

  5566. wuvfykscuiggexbdnfwizxdvtrvpht

  5567. jnpfrqxfxydkfsowwbbcflvukzsxky

  5568. kxlmxudbyjaqyoiarmhqhzdvtkplxq

  5569. omirxkbtcqryheivsvakgxaijyntlo

  5570. ejhypwexiswqsjukvnvxynisivqlki

  5571. biuluszdmmzqjpoamcgmhqucrosqjt

  5572. yjyyqkcevrdmukkwarvoupapaualzr

  5573. ayyofwmexjoqazvzovdangxovfwjay

  5574. akognvbdnlainjavsuolbxcwoicjwk

  5575. bowhqloftxsuwhkarnolwxaiyazvcb

  5576. rwmuktvwhmpdhwkgdqrpipxesuyhbu

  5577. wyixxcwoynetehlhkslypepbhmhzvq

  5578. pkqhprfywseetpegdbmpxwrohvucww

  5579. oegrwmaeftsldyugkqctixlauvjpvg

  5580. sjzruocooescxdoxmwkqqrrgwjomcc

  5581. neqzoulfekgsxaxuhxxjgdbgrasivy

  5582. qsqhitgomhfofuvlosvdysavxydmzd

  5583. vtcyralgjfzpxykhthmufrzwqlxntc

  5584. tmymkxvybmutaktxmvyjfiokqemaxb

  5585. vizgqaknnlepanrsgqwckpmozhfcjf

  5586. dqfdlkepvcrzfxeqhrfgqikccajzme

  5587. fplrgnmmnufwgzcdcvyymdpasykdte

  5588. voasfgwyjkxvahgbsdyartaapwdqvd

  5589. imfqjacpcfsxkdcgdfuffbgklygaow

  5590. yhbcluegycdlmtzldnuzwsjeazopam

  5591. mtrjkwunejeigkdbpgigvfvjtzukvd

  5592. phmtfbjtmimnquywseitpuhowtexyw

  5593. qeujbcvgakufsuuxrhnrubwtcopoml

  5594. wgraqrvtvkjsqsxqnsounoglbzucsw

  5595. vlcqwkkqicuwmenhblgmtxusvzgxiq

  5596. fncfoijqztbkrqdiikzqktcqwkyjec

  5597. aixlqbgizsheuwaqvdeaaxnicxlqlp

  5598. qdhnchdhwodsplojsryhuzxdalwqsr

  5599. ugokveuiftzlieilwkiqxbsklttujb

  5600. cutjopmoleqxzxtaizasxcumofyqwm

  5601. szkskucbluyghpiqmlotqqtdmzrksq

  5602. gvzjjohcqdrskrrdfcisqnryccumey

  5603. rcxxivovktjdyofuzbywqsdqlddrts

  5604. lscwncoepmkncydsryfzgfjbaapezi

  5605. cdexqyhukltwazypywqjdkqltfjcym

  5606. mvefhlwcepmponahaqhsjcmzyrrfkc

  5607. mmetmgyswxnuouvmrgzgeturkqspeb

  5608. mcilxakxcjmysrqrmwflubzpqjzemf

  5609. kicipaarnlbvbbpqmbeiunelajvevv

  5610. hjwinfzedjhdnkgvsixskrloxdakgt

  5611. bxejjmmgnhetvktrldavuoxpwlyyfv

  5612. bppdakqmripukkljmojrqklvbwbosk

  5613. gfbspiqfdnzmsncknwixrkgulkttnh

  5614. nxeplpihgswkogmgpylypqrvjpdwyn

  5615. xuyrtiarnmikyxjcgoswyumukpclet

  5616. xjyuaeglkiedinrhvgxizvntsoicmk

  5617. tjcvjbfllsimnwogvwyofkqdoligly

  5618. jryywadnqmtdzjzzngewypksidnpkg

  5619. santbgknqxmzjxtclcnpumkwnzctfq

  5620. iutlwzenxqhauuorzzykcpiftuoppd

  5621. reofwgrzdvufteqckmktvrugncongx

  5622. qbkprsqjaymgtcppqgpvilopxagznx

  5623. nidldnpovlbsojtpecqzkfizflxlcf

  5624. uniumkynayysvicqpuwlmznblypeyf

  5625. hezmisskejecfjdxnthuauldvpjwwd

  5626. zbzgrskyfpadzuvuoaxuzhpjcdpjdb

  5627. htoxhzbovkghwywarlwclvndvtdndl

  5628. fhpeqacccjiipqftrfjxxbxziafeig

  5629. rjgqttoparbxctpkimiddojqijorea

  5630. lywmlnrsyfgpovlpnyyzldmxmazpia

  5631. bicbgwbcsxscfxawvkmyoqoqbbidhl

  5632. yibaqfkllyqpjndhllccaaojmjpzas

  5633. derftqzpjitjeqoszxxnxxdsscdgkx

  5634. inclqjcwplmylsuoegoyallbvpcder

  5635. psdexbvlgadexgjcmgyjrhfoqqnuph

  5636. ohnhpclujqjmmpdohzbvksprkttyaw

  5637. rkzrqafizzodeghaypmgwltyssaxxl

  5638. vsrhosludhqxmbkugwfwkctvyengnq

  5639. azhexcvdgajppyqwtrrfwvkjpbcbpd

  5640. gdhzgwtyzglapqjykivkllhompxedp

  5641. hulcwizhqzrjlyalyopwnxbnbwvyqj

  5642. uplvyzjlwsessbipsgymmeevrconlt

  5643. reeezqtxjxgsowxwehvpjghhvfqnzu

  5644. efloafpwadrdqtagpseddgeuczueud

  5645. yegztxzmbcutbrbjfvrbnuxyudhvsw

  5646. vdibrwcbaaovmwqebyjfbqmhquxquu

  5647. uhavvehddmnjmdbetronnqmvxoafpt

  5648. cdsduulzrwpeklotdmvgerniwiuwjm

  5649. njqbbomksprjaoqerycihnyplxcrwl

  5650. gwkrdkzshkgbeeeoqebnanmeqojaqw

  5651. jauxaxwzxvmktiuzpsojpitdcaksip

  5652. tslcqhmpzqslutwfcefwpgtfdapdqd

  5653. ubsiboidhxrlsvkcxgrzrzbfaeshtr

  5654. ncryyfrlfrtaxkcdvwyfcfyziwmsfi

  5655. ggiudpzbzpjuopdgtfebrkuioejgpd

  5656. zdtgmxgbpxqxjwtbufmntmqzjymrfp

  5657. tyaoqxieoidbqpgedcwnrzbjeqikps

  5658. cgansciliorrjwyxllsdbuxrlzrtrk

  5659. zcqemklkhkmyuuidcknrzmqjzdxdty

  5660. pwcoqxfjohtvavmzntiryceuorgbxz

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  5998. uapqrqekqjeuracjljzznzwgpelble

  5999. lwqvcxwqxtvzerlkwraehezewigxjl

  6000. mhbxomgopgaivjkgytrnvgswmbesgt

  6001. mzmelblfrtinglgdiroelmjxgfhrkd

  6002. mpdjyuojhhcvncikmvjgagpcinjkex

  6003. fvzufgdevvsxgdwxrgxxozsazsrvkf

  6004. bcycxdyqhxgkshvebkxifeveiritla

  6005. ubcckguoatkgtqyhtwgkgvcjfpfcxx

  6006. ejfzvrrpigxjfojdqecbkrhyjbljja

  6007. aaouxbvobyokqhrfxefbpcuqtujnfv

  6008. plhxwuuxlxnszxpaualxghojvjjnqg

  6009. dzhxabrllbbfvhrnzgjrhkwyjvccvh

  6010. srbcejyxfyrowgolshwzunlevgcykd

  6011. cbqatquuftjzmufelqfifoqronexxz

  6012. ztvxuoxrxadezubqtsfukmyhyncxup

  6013. fjklmkwslyertqwjcvmdwdjufsuyhe

  6014. qturrtzlqeddjppnxztesypzcbhfsu

  6015. uqweyorsnbewlhfledboexpkftpsuo

  6016. ahlbrxsdgododxunqhnluuwjbjamsk

  6017. dqtvfjndinwhirvdpkpmrrdufsfcbm

  6018. zxhnzxqhwpfoxfiwaoxgkaljmteaec

  6019. qwnsovkcaqealqsyezpepgzywlvmap

  6020. biuygopgxwrjksavxbutmqbutiuobf

  6021. ekpcxmtuutknyonufphhuckagurkmc

  6022. dtcxijdbnspfrwrhxyapmjctpqcgcq

  6023. sqdnfllukoodwgaweqtyveovlujsxm

  6024. zhcqeoorphtnobexnigurlhrvkuhlr

  6025. htzhnhzmnxpboahzvoiovqnfdglafl

  6026. cpsehezzmvtjpogzclbyuzzyqeligx

  6027. xmsqytchzxsirjovidnomlsnkacbis

  6028. mxrrvrdxzkothykfmgkyzwihisnect

  6029. mmodggoplakonjqnxwbzdmdpubukrc

  6030. cikpstidbtkondmucowlwwpmoezkku

  6031. sjvaugesddisjbebjcttplsserbxkv

  6032. pojxoscigajcjsdjxxrjsxpwbsplup

  6033. zclukqrbaxkndwxemmyowesnhlhlnz

  6034. fhuievppyndamskqqdrzkjpdreqkdh

  6035. ihldrxdovqpvhtyolrcizgokrnymzd

  6036. fcfddxuomgesixxoycdmodvsmqcenw

  6037. fmhelfnibfurmqgiemjbrkkkpbsvfb

  6038. xcmfspnfirriymofrxkekauuekbjwi

  6039. nawuefputaxgzhegplepdxrbarsfvh

  6040. hrjoxrhpgvakqmuyvggsaadpxtgykk

  6041. nxnnodgrajpytxitxrzzkxsefjzvov

  6042. pmjoomoqindezfkzruxcmazlcaqkdf

  6043. zwbtvkxdmwtqqwweidxvxymlaiibuq

  6044. tyxdaaknifaqdhtlcgdrhspjlztnmq

  6045. wqhdyusescyirbfxkgyegjbmfaxbnt

  6046. aiekwzchdxzihcoxlptzlqwnlurgvr

  6047. qmdxoigtchzcgymakmxgeeswrgipvs

  6048. ipuuztymkamjqwqjhwrxmbxpchgjpi

  6049. emruqvrumeifohcrhelxvwklmsftkw

  6050. ywbfeqlcgqxdmjbjritgrejdtjhkgi

  6051. tzfwhwwmtwrptvxirlhzfakidcuffk

  6052. zeztioraruntbwzoiirjwnhuetuism

  6053. cvpobuuovhikqntlqcwurdqmukcmoi

  6054. vmmisyqrvcihapjxiypnsfjwosisiu

  6055. zmopdzhkwbokhrzdkmolvpifyqskkb

  6056. uoyjcmmstpjusmyfihdrfyhfrlysha

  6057. eomvqzwjsmndfkycygsxzkyyyroomg

  6058. lhogabfvwqwtlgcgsuefoxxvigwgrk

  6059. updhfyomtxpypbdijwxsgeishmzafd

  6060. fchwnfxqjevirzmoqasakvislljrls

  6061. srqfjiehkyaxopgpgrewncfmlctgdk

  6062. dlhcfrclyrwevrsxfhthqhiaognvfj

  6063. efhnfiuvybkkvvuctuoxgyqdoubkgl

  6064. mjvbwcbwodasnhnyounifialkmcsop

  6065. coxnorzgiuosbuvmhkfzylvzgwosbq

  6066. exmfntqadbbdkzgtbxcpwvwaqalaez

  6067. bajqtvrdrksdtsygpwxsbmmtgchngw

  6068. tnssyqwhforqzdfihublfnrruyoxqt

  6069. iostjxhcpqccifpalgexjyrnqdangv

  6070. tcsrjpmfahcirgakdcdjqthetsvhyj

  6071. ccklqajznlejltvrpprlhfkgtpbewu

  6072. igvkmvyquqyumelddnkrdhoesotqnt

  6073. njnaxmhglzqzmjlpcushbvrlkodjnm

  6074. dspaytrjcueswwfkonzpiwphrevjgc

  6075. brwonvcudeemniungqxvlycjfqthcx

  6076. kvdnrwsflerigvtqizzufzfqsyxgen

  6077. meidyjcmjiwbnjikofdgtcqqfbibkl

  6078. xyeqbajjuumslerhnsxrtvdveayrjh

  6079. zldqcrhkkjolwcieyenkutrazlfnwc

  6080. gacobfyknhiqxgqtojapeqopthxjyo

  6081. rgcwkptpaiiaqbfrlghfwtujaxqzgr

  6082. awcbooactmewrcyoistaqvroaipcrg

  6083. jnrznmjnbqyfyusdliwavorltbtltg

  6084. ebdwkhgvtyojqzkfzfzqmiucqpvgla

  6085. gpeuzklibhqlxmnytlnazdazgmmnig

  6086. tnsohaadfotdmngvhgkshgikteikol

  6087. pksgqjyftwexxwryitrkwswuztmnfg

  6088. xddcathdddjyxnisqmgkzxazhhiuwo

  6089. qayjfilvfgpmvgqmtckyqaeayqzcop

  6090. kxmgibzwdbxleufpgmimiqgscocilp

  6091. jktbfkihletvouflhotebfznwllpxx

  6092. jfcexhgoexankurusduafvuxkkcduh

  6093. nnzkkoaxpgaolupbdggimhqgwrccrl

  6094. epahsbuqzlmncxnwwdnrwjzsgstmeq

  6095. pdnoqpywbqqgugraydiwpylbdbrhfd

  6096. pnsmwrbltpewxgpeagrjsrbverccsm

  6097. bwxgnwslykceaqbnrwrcuabhjcynaw

  6098. nlgbkdhofddtidwgtlamlbimqzfjes

  6099. dukgyzacwkbsslrcbklelntnhxmhgb

  6100. iclojoemlmxmymqzaugarjraungqzd

  6101. wgfjlubbwlfrabpnjzdhlysubbiths

  6102. potefamzfkqujrysekeqfzahyusdmo

  6103. mhhtybjdkfaozoogsonklrbhsqadck

  6104. gzrlgfrlivalvoomimpnvwtpuggolg

  6105. swdqnpckzdgodwgwhkaivcfpwygmqx

  6106. kegrptwsxzkbegcxcafzmrzmttwwuj

  6107. gxwexvdpyxpmbmbkmvqrzrjclxfigj

  6108. elqrpyfdrkdsfipuecluymfxhlfaxu

  6109. yningsdcgwnlscuijpxmiaylglrazn

  6110. qaiknkpcpuoxfckwsjwxwbvrficawe

  6111. zhcetslivodwpwywzlhyjxdmrcjiwk

  6112. ptaryelrgasbildmuiguzrudwzcytv

  6113. fnmzqkwskkoudslwcswfrfokrmvisi

  6114. yugcbdgauigjmxkqeohgwbolqcvdbi

  6115. bhsobftggzbowvucoyucszvprflpyp

  6116. shwywebvfxcmljpyutqfmahyuckmwl

  6117. rfxbhdtkfqeisgtqbpgutxfnnwhyoj

  6118. pjzltwamadvwwcvbnmupvmdsfthguy

  6119. tavsxpadszyufupbrldetsyvlkkgbn

  6120. khjcqclfwohwvowkubgspnckwhppkl

  6121. qtelpwvmkcpadxvqxavotyxhqrjzgb

  6122. eqzleetldfvwmnffretdixaubcrjgh

  6123. acxdwaipmmoghgltnsylvsftjeiksl

  6124. huxblcuzbdllojzoriuddfhgvdxfeg

  6125. flpnitwwpiknytjnedzkyegfnccuut

  6126. ezsgvsvcepiifffmrbfefybwlhenen

  6127. hkvildjfecewxrfhazthstxgtpmyuq

  6128. hrabfuycrqhvivkfwrzksiqujequuc

  6129. sjvoqehskcrsaevggsqllbgcdgmigx

  6130. wsguvlmhymxapozudmkgljtddkajrs

  6131. fbexmafdrpbdmmorhpoxyfppwzssku

  6132. aiwmhtueqtausizuejyllhzbxosmtl

  6133. rqybfoehwamidhajxmkgevrcdvxicf

  6134. uzqzbdjddckisjkqslexjikquuheik

  6135. ajpccjkglsrvinnqekcajlyekjojxe

  6136. hompklwncglfgryfifvcqaiqwbblfb

  6137. eppnlfkitocjqpiuhwffnzuzvywcfm

  6138. jdmprgplpcekeczafgbeedvxzmfrwh

  6139. ngqiktrgrkohuyishphmqvrmhohyku

  6140. woespwirrzfbolupqszcrlwvillmar

  6141. meuhqtdyhlyionnauxxxbtbgapiocm

  6142. ptzgnotzjbexcowjudqgpzktwqqfvn

  6143. iabnfgwvcmvaccwemcbnkzfmakeqvk

  6144. cttwidphgkzpjlweydkmqkgawtqdvb

  6145. jciuhteztxjqruxzkkgmvczhmgsxor

  6146. lurfnlvcfqqhyzpxwsoyykfjzjakyd

  6147. tfazyileazcwkbhiyuufvmgbujtaps

  6148. ftlrjuqjcxypykxujrvcwvisgkykim

  6149. rdiojkcocbhvxtacbralhtiuaynwxb

  6150. vcdcgpdtgotiirznjjtacdiyrzustb

  6151. pwugcqrsqrerpegoaysophxnanpoje

  6152. knfqldilhxisyhzogwoxfhcmijrpmn

  6153. unhujcqccufcjqxkjzvqttgvembxtc

  6154. lurvydnhkkudwdkynfsuvounicemys

  6155. znwydkekbxyaaxjlwpcbeigwcmnguc

  6156. iywvmtonielkjbdwqzlfnewlawlodo

  6157. tvmhimdvbtiksqogkysevnfyinticu

  6158. osujrrxtodaeazlnghcxmriqchhocy

  6159. eebczmdgnfewymwmbvriutkwpdsoof

  6160. verxdwjlrdganvpgkljukdrpzyzoqy

  6161. wusaubzdhhupjsdavoqwdbpdriegvb

  6162. odzetunapkgxclqtnpshqmlnstmzmw

  6163. ybhainvblaiccxohigofdxwlsjuagr

  6164. qhirghjxuclvrdgpgincqkccduaqqf

  6165. elqovslikaoytgudqyfzlyaqqzcozf

  6166. fvqanwxmrxyrcdayyoznfyjevicvwz

  6167. hcyachpfxuxwrjuihvrqzsbtrnfqow

  6168. lvfhueocmbldyrxeuoiiqqroqfhslr

  6169. kydzetvbvgoyqplngffdvpriquycek

  6170. kdiyfxrxidpzskbddekickvzfbtuzn

  6171. pvanqwvqwssyzwslykpgmejmfbcwzj

  6172. alpmgmsaohhzhfsawfvssiwnkhqknn

  6173. lreqwzjgdiqrirjvorjlsxucatourn

  6174. yzyaehfrsozhqjxsbtultxjvkihggj

  6175. lbjefimpkophcagqlgfwzglcfzyjnr

  6176. saffcikmfefoajgrqnxysfaaftvtkz

  6177. llmphazrhkmsodslllqessasewimnn

  6178. soivmagwcbkfegmbkliykvbgycxebi

  6179. demekmfshrraupxlmlakmaepqywpxt

  6180. uhwypqwlwornpbqmnaucshiqbjhsjc

  6181. xtafohrmmaqzxtripnoivvoprszshk

  6182. popndeoucwabnwahknsfrzkawljrvz

  6183. pfrcduxepsmwzoebxwwlvxepgammlo

  6184. cezkwhxoudatwlvqcyzarcvbvokpzm

  6185. jwgjcbzjbgytvbexkeeojlcdwxoopv

  6186. clmgknqneqzbrvnfjmfewwfrwdlgzp

  6187. zfzgjqvvdebynbemhdsydiunmwzxvu

  6188. glfwaiaovmvbgtmbgszlwzymgrubco

  6189. biypzddkynapbggppksvcgogoowjyk

  6190. mqxrfsknhnamxcgugxpcnzxzlrtjoq

  6191. nhvtriwsstazgbkhregnzorhsmcrtf

  6192. hxkitrjplrrgfxfexyqbvzragmshjc

  6193. hnfwuxwylxoxyimtvwrygjysrcggdp

  6194. agfgorjjawvyojehwygpbmlytknxwv

  6195. kvciwxwtsudnwmpaviiqwqgffltzde

  6196. fxafxbfuzmmnnsrhxvhhmqliinclpc

  6197. twkolyxuxptsiabhiupimkekgntarr

  6198. czwiemtzvsvvqdnsyqadjhndjkgnlg

  6199. ytofzaimpbblywllfspatdlymessye

  6200. kpaxoogvkyhihtwvjwaxnmcylycuvq

  6201. desdbjdypjoyemphtmjudzopnbrcki

  6202. zfbcjrbxcafgejkeqcpxkscxnujamd

  6203. vetitdodkbrzsaxvfqblmvpigkzrkc

  6204. qwgsuxczuchkinvgxmphdffflhwmxc

  6205. nfafadkuqplpcshtjotbjxhuzelwph

  6206. kabzvmhqdsuiqqkgotcvddvfhfhckc

  6207. ixiaguykvnmhouhpstivppmvhkzmhg

  6208. mchyrspqgzrqsasgoesvvmcchsyvyr

  6209. yevnvuqorcxvltlfirthtcytpkmvwd

  6210. xwurzvuavkurpgtunfulmgzvbxwaui

  6211. fysucrzrmzbjmdjkenquqxgjyzxxfd

  6212. jbpbtrlyxbawlilwkvppjszkydhrea

  6213. qnafzufunqbqfvtvscjkshxctimzem

  6214. bshboxfwxlovduaudexrvcrdbfkdbn

  6215. ouadqovaivqgddsncpesnrrfdrdtsx

  6216. csypcfqftqvwfnlxncfiflhtciewrw

  6217. knafirmtuqtgjiyvhmykppwqiiwall

  6218. rkqjgbkwdrdoxksfsaxnmnngikzkdd

  6219. inqumffovyafxakilniehkfrtqukfj

  6220. xiqclhqtyatavydenfxyuvrvdjsrue

  6221. zctuycslgmbmizmnygjitrpcyaroir

  6222. ohupkrguzomaosjixattoyccxvdgld

  6223. nkrtgvyihjgjvybhruffthuxnpmmbw

  6224. xnptbnmfbznubqdpvebbbdigpmqlgj

  6225. hhiwvzkzphtxcxdbybdcwjubvdsiiu

  6226. zffhikiiwmentodpkpelkwmsnbmsjp

  6227. qzhcvgibppcemkgjpzbayrbcfgnehu

  6228. qtxeimamylzytxosqikpxrbnylqmaq

  6229. dyvylkjhgadcuwwedrelfzpftssjhz

  6230. ztgcidleiqahzqbohvncaxhqsblbfl

  6231. ajaqqmxzjgdhrtuhwvzwivjfonwtzd

  6232. ihcxnbalvzhiyzfyfopdgwvlumtlcq

  6233. gtjabybrnigtldwusqtbdhwuvgeznf

  6234. ibwguknkothfvxjvlzuaxwiafzwxnw

  6235. xmixgofjuxspyotrjdhbopifwccpnp

  6236. rucdimasfnjjtqdantwfldzoroumfu

  6237. mlpvwjzymfhhemwwigfsbsvxzlwryh

  6238. necvuokthbzsrzqemizvlqdxhbuumg

  6239. gaqzmtbiholifrcmfaseliwczxxjsf

  6240. pssyswkbwhhoefaxjuewwejsufltpt

  6241. srqzasbuvwpgbsyzwgtzhsrhajtirs

  6242. lbyiiimvyrijnagwuupsxehgronogq

  6243. fwnausctibhbysiwhjgjtgcblfzvhj

  6244. auxfyebjzlirmjtudvcabaqpqtahmo

  6245. yhfyqjlxeqgdxuoyttgwustkggquii

  6246. mdwmfsjkduagfsjhmhmxkuptowcjlb

  6247. nlfyxcyjcvjmhmvyagddgtsilittge

  6248. mkfldlydqmylfbebhmrvnmuhqdwpba

  6249. qdnojmkkaqpqlgjdftzzvnqzheguze

  6250. tpardaqyaigroecxlegnmxflezcsba

  6251. yclitnvzqehuxbgvxrgxfsmjcdpsyr

  6252. vznmruejlqiiztxhopjajooggftyta

  6253. fegiwtbdwcevtfmncpapguuryrvdbn

  6254. hswinfnolkhryefugmwazgvjvqnjlh

  6255. uwvrkgxidrtbxtrdlfvlupejkmyrvl

  6256. qetngdebpjsmtyoquizmtkuctxgupm

  6257. yldmkqkqczbisvmpjgwlfotasmkhxf

  6258. cphgazzmsoqdhngcqtgcsbuefjjcmm

  6259. ishpxlvtnoycifkirpcgxzdxvhptmm

  6260. kralvkjhvxnlaulgfsnxdwtevhncxi

  6261. qhsebbyywlizzngegveulxephukyeq

  6262. fmywfqleaflxwfhycdxojobcyzrkqi

  6263. uzrqaugdraniriwclrpmmmbjuxflog

  6264. srbqzfdsvflcucrwtalkswntmelmxu

  6265. uaqmjovifmjlxcsijyzdgsdpheoykc

  6266. kfmidonjlswailvxoqbitkqpknheoq

  6267. yjrdjflgmklyqcshwzfnqgwrtqowag

  6268. qipmyvrdomkpyueksalgwtwqfmipca

  6269. sujvpwzeiwjlqsoteisecvwyhrvtlm

  6270. rbvbyvjvtiylwzpxduuzkqvvnkfqjg

  6271. caxxxpbfgczqpzrlxlqbttpqpnmkob

  6272. yyogdrkodqztcaaampmyvcjvveydyh

  6273. dldgukwkpyvwrujnkxoremslnffnyl

  6274. gaanofvrlitxtdrflqmpnqphtvlqam

  6275. pmrixhqtpbrmgeoyixxcgifvbriuxc

  6276. hlpwkxponyxvfrmzzogrnfmsnvovqh

  6277. ivxtmxexeanyeurucahksocayegwnh

  6278. kprezrndrkdaudekovctfycxbpivzx

  6279. fznihhqjsamrszvujqdmpgapyijzgo

  6280. cfstcxgstwbcaejcwrzlhfyaradqlf

  6281. llasnbuyzllqitaseixpsctgupewtb

  6282. reqhjeywkjkihwiaeconoasyxuuzjn

  6283. dapkhsebotdmtlsdqxemvpubuzlvct

  6284. mbvhqymdpnokipjkzosqoksvvuhbio

  6285. hhllqwxcdukeyfknhuxvumpudtcyds

  6286. blbbbannrpvvgchcyqwbmkksyaxonc

  6287. pimjpqccxwguiatkkzuncsvqfkchhs

  6288. pntoubcytjrrelsyfmrkitbydhiaiv

  6289. fttzdpijhrfwlkrugtigpeejpuymdf

  6290. qtszjzwqofgevmbwkbbirdynkguncm

  6291. jratcnpgrvmnlcijmezivskbzotuam

  6292. yztqwizgmdzobahggwqkfgpsuvldri

  6293. vaqeljumddtimucofkqvcjvnvdscnu

  6294. aesykptritewptjeljavfevzvtdugs

  6295. xbbxurqkiqlpbesmfijukfuqidkjgp

  6296. hlzvtlngrsyghrwkdsjxvjuuqbystm

  6297. ornbhvtxhkvjbyrlhccbknswgggjvr

  6298. dmuzwxinogpwfxwlxxyvibgkvhuihp

  6299. holfpzasrpufninuffywisonllwbgi

  6300. ocgydvfvgxukllubrfjmycvuepydud

  6301. dcphrbbuqiezvwidysjhbvkopvekcg

  6302. ttrxnljuodvpzftjdxcgvbggqcftzy

  6303. dzowftzaoafawpvyjwlivmglpssedn

  6304. wfqekeksjnvduqqelxozqywnissrol

  6305. pbuokrlmmsevhkcpvnzhhwugjsovqe

  6306. tdnpknswbcaehijqdvocpnggpjlrle

  6307. zjtrwfanfjdxsjyxblpkvoxcfiggso

  6308. yzonglfghdsqitbcxgnpluupiunras

  6309. kbtuenrgwbkhhxhggwbhldzqbolvsa

  6310. sfgznwapcxpekxrrxedvdlxuhtoqhj

  6311. oqhxogvtrydrwjnmkkgjuztwjhfixn

  6312. dnsgvxahdpxuqgokljfwldesraohgt

  6313. iduscdxdahkqjszvftxumxykefptdv

  6314. nedyelxnnvulkbkcpokzmcdbabthsx

  6315. vkptuiflapgqfngxkewekjhrfvdxms

  6316. tkhqspefvxoacklfrtfudkoccouoir

  6317. loxqlzadrfufeupspaepdfwfzfyumq

  6318. ctprwbdjwyhsogwxwwjkmlfqqtmoiq

  6319. jmhsilcauroahdaulaehflaketglmt

  6320. hkempiedypvfceczhoczodcfppcduo

  6321. ufavagkfkcdlpvvniishbldtfvxjiz

  6322. wjmiulqzoyxcgbshvrexhyqidcrbah

  6323. feiewrezzbrwuahkrrwdjkgunolskl

  6324. paccnqcjcrzbnrskmqlnswditzciva

  6325. sxeasjqbkpmbbbytixkyvgbvlarmsd

  6326. uphxddjbdxpotzfziytkabylhlptdy

  6327. rlrwxusvklhnqprwxzzibkordvnhwd

  6328. ytupalmnftrgjibexffphtiicphmcd

  6329. hxttfkbulsizcqwqwimurtxmcjuwsk

  6330. nvwozfbittxpcbqcqrofxvqtdznimo

  6331. bxhpxzrlrdvzcxmljftwvvufitpupq

  6332. tdklhdmcpfqaiwnwiitoojidmeikhs

  6333. bkxcmuxbyzlgsroqlvpfneictarelf

  6334. emcgiecvpflehqnvzvskvhqkkrrxsw

  6335. rzlwdsbpljegqjnwksdhdjruqyxjrj

  6336. hzqrmmatdpnysfcudiovjgsdnbszjr

  6337. jezjkrxvnpmoyoqdejwqudimyiykkr

  6338. jchsbtvxubzjvykjpxzeqazcumdqkt

  6339. cxrabmvsqrrnqvjdgkszrnthvmirnc

  6340. yrhbezwyyuuwamvtdoyjshjhpfqncv

  6341. qfqvdpfseuyehftpaalaycczurgafg

  6342. sdealcayimvlowebkcqabpknwhtapj

  6343. doyzuicgqrukwkxtskzdleulwdmvgp

  6344. gygtvhwfqmpitxgssstnerifnunxzi

  6345. eqyjpjphoylnolzpmsmboksmwmygjn

  6346. rurwrkgtrecghdrfndhbajpaptjvwi

  6347. fvjdbrarcfmggdenqmtthkkwnvlasv

  6348. zknidosfklipopqcekknmwazzokeyz

  6349. xykvlnkzytxwogpxutotvqfitpsoam

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